七年级英语下册《7B Unit4 Amazing things》Grammar(2课时)学案 牛津版_第1页
七年级英语下册《7B Unit4 Amazing things》Grammar(2课时)学案 牛津版_第2页
七年级英语下册《7B Unit4 Amazing things》Grammar(2课时)学案 牛津版_第3页




1、安徽省马鞍山市第十一中学七年级英语下册7B Unit4 Amazing thingsGrammar(2课时)学案(无答案) 牛津版一、学习目标:1. 了解一般过去时的构成及用法。2. 根据情境正确使用一般过去时讨论过去的事情。二、自学:1.看书查字典,在课本上划出下列单词,词组,句型,并给出中文,根据音标读一读。 词汇: frog die excited ago however weigh grass baby词组:a long time ago as much as lay eggs as small as so many amazing animals live on land fact

2、sheet take off 句型:What a pity !There were so many amazing animals in the museum .The last ones died more than 60 million years ago.She also gave us a fact sheet about the amazing things in the world.However, scientists believe they were not the first animals on Earth.2. 语言点导学 1) be动词的一般过去时态, 用于描述过去存

3、在的某种状态。 be动词的过去式变化 :am / is _ was , are _ were 句式变化: 陈述句: 主语+ was / were + 其它 .否定句: 主语 + wasnt /werent + 其它 .一般疑问句:Was /Were + 主语 + 其它 . 常用时间状语 :yesterday, last night , a moment ago ,last week,just now . 动词一般过去式的变化规则:大多数动词直接加edwalk / walked以e 结尾的动词直接加dsave / saved以 y结尾的动词去y加iedcarry / carried以一个元音字母

4、+一个辅音字母结尾的简短的动词双写这个辅音字母加edstop / stopped 不规则变化:(见书后表格)put/put write/wrote come /came go/went 2) pity n. 遗憾,可惜 Its a pity that 遗憾的是 可惜的是 What a pity ! 多么遗憾呀!3) die v. 死 过去式 died 记一记: dead a. 死的, dying a. 垂死的 , death n. 死亡a . The lonely old man died three days ago .那个孤独的老人三天前死了。b. Im surprised at his

5、death. 我对他的死亡很惊讶。c. Carry the dead cat to the tree .把这个死猫抬到树那边去 。d. He has been in bed for half a month .He is dying .他已经生病在床半个月了,快死了。e poison n. 毒药 , 毒物 poisonous a . 有毒的eg. There is some poison in the cake. Dont eat it .这快蛋糕里有些毒药。不要吃它。4) live on Earth 生活在地球上 live on land 生活在陆地上 live in water 生活在水中

6、 eg. Fish live in water. 鱼生活在水中。 Elephants live on land 大象生活在陆地上。5)Dinosaurs laid eggs .恐龙下蛋。 Lay v. 下蛋, 产卵, 过去式laid eg. The hen is laying an egg . 母鸡正在下蛋。 Mother laid the baby gently on the bed. 母亲把婴儿轻轻放在床上。6) I was very excited to see many amazing things.看到这么多令人惊奇的事物,我感到很兴奋。 be excited to do 很兴奋做某

7、事物 be happy to do 很愉快做某事 be glad to do 很高兴做某事 be sorry to do 很抱歉做某事 be sad to do 很伤心做某事7) One of the smallest dinosaurs were about one metre long and weighed about three kilograms. 最小的一只恐龙长约1米,重约3千克。 One of + the + 形容词最高级 + 可数名词的复数:最.之一 Beijing is one of the biggest cities in the world. 北京是世界上最大的城市之

8、一。 Sth. weigh(s)= The weigh of sth. is 某物的重量是三、教学流程:1) 带领学生打开课本P.66/68 一般过去时一般疑问句及其肯定与否定回答的表格。2) 让学生完成P.66 A 1部分,P.67 A2部分,A3部分和P.68B部分的练习。两人一组对话。3) 让几组学生在班级面前表演对话P67A3/ P68B1。4) 学生完成P69B2部分练习。四、随堂测验:1.写出下列动词的第三人称单数形式,现在分词和过去式。动词原形 动词第三人称 现在分词 动词过去式comeeat join动词原形 动词第三人称 现在分词 动词过去式beginbuygo sendliveplay dopaywaitswimrunhave2.按要求改写下列句子。.1.My father went to Shanghai by train. (改为否定句)_2.She was here an hour ago. ( 改为否定句 )_3.He got to the police station at 8.30 this morning. ( 就划线部分提问)_4.The cats were on the chair a moment ago. ( 就划线部分提问 )_5.My cousin always helps his classmates with the h


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