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1、Sentence Writing 1 College of English DingJing,Whether you like a love story that reads like a thriller or prefer poetry to prose, these books will have a little something for everyone.,以下内容为简写本: 傲慢与偏见 Pride and Prejudice 简爱 Jane Eyre 呼啸山庄The Wuthering Heights 百万英镑One Million Pound 天方夜谭Tales from th

2、e Arabian Nights 查尔斯达尔文Charles Darwin 约翰肯尼迪John F. Kennedy 国家地理National Geography 经济学人The Economist 金融时报The Financial Times,Sentence Writing,Function 陈述句 Declarative Sentence 疑问句 Interrogative Sentence 祈使句 Imperative Sentence 感叹句 Exclamatory Sentence Structure 简单句 Simple Sentence 并列句 Compound Senten

3、ce 复合句 Complex Sentence,英语句子的主要构成成分 Subject - 主语 Verb - 谓语 Object - 宾语 Direct/Indirect Complement - 补语 Adverbial - 状语,SV : Time flies./ The sun is rising. SVO : What we did hurt him. SVC : She is busy/gorgeous./ The dish tastes good. SVA : Time flies fast/back to the past. SVOiOd : Becoming a father

4、 brings me a sense of responsibility. SVOC : We voted him President of the States. SVOA : Bruce speaks Mandarin fluently. There be : There will be a grand opening there.,Basic Sentence Patterns,谓语动词( Verbal Phrase): 每一个句型只有一个谓语动词 eg: It took him several months to tame the wild horse. (不定式) CET4 -199

5、5 People appreciate working with him for his good sense of humor.(动名词) CET4-1998 Stepping carelessly off the pavement, he was knocked down by a bus.(现在分词) I couldnt make myself understood by the students. (过去分词),谓语动词可以作为检查句子是否正确的标准 eg: Nowadays there are many people like discussing about house price

6、s. Nowadays many people like discussing about house prices. Nowadays there are many people who like discussing about house prices. 谓语动词决定了基本句型的类型 Exercise P7,Sentence Unity,句子的统一是句子结构的第一要素,是指一个句子结构完整,时态、语态、语气和句式等的一致,句中各部分共同表达一个独立而完整的意思。,结构完整,一个完整的句子结构至少应该是: SV, SVO, SVC, SVA的结构 Thailand people eat r

7、ice, and we eat, too. Thailand people eat rice, and we eat it/rice, too. (省略宾语) Many people prefer riding a bike to work. Because it is cheaper and environmental. Many people prefer riding a bike to work because it is cheaper and environmental. (从句独立成句),时态、语态、语气和句式一致,并列谓语时态一致 The soldier looked at h

8、im, exchanged glances with his comrade and took out the gun. 主从句时态一致 Lots of people think that money is the root of all evils. 时态一致:大时态一致,但从句若是客观真理,则沿用一般现在时 The teacher told us that the earth goes around the sun.,并列句谓语语态一致 The author stayed up all night writing his novel and finally his novel was fi

9、nished. The author stayed up all night writing his novel and finally finished it. 并列句语气一致 Come and you can take a look at my new office. Come and take a look at my new office. Come and youll be able to take a look at my new office. 表条件关系时,and前用祈使语气,后面可用陈述语气。,句式一致,常见句式不一致的情况: 融合句的不一致 However, too man

10、y examinations probably make us very tired and waste our time and useless at all. However, too many examinations probably make us very tired and waste our time. Even though, some of them are of no use at all. 把无直接关系的意思分开,另组成句或者进行删减,防止句子统一性被破坏。,粘连句的不一致 粘连句: 用逗号连接数个独立的分句 eg: I ran to the door, a littl

11、e boy came in, and suddenly he burst into tears. 老栓正在专心走路,忽地吃了一惊,远远地看着一条丁字街,明明白白地横着。-药 把各分句改成独立的句子,或用分号、句号隔开,或在独立分句中间加上适当的连词把原句变为并列句或复合句 I ran to the door. A little boy came in; suddenly he burst into tears. As I ran to the door, a little boy came in. Suddenly he burst into tears.,句子的连贯是指整个句子中各语言成分之

12、间的关系明白清楚,连接贯通,条理分明,衔接自然;在结构安排上符合语法习惯,富有逻辑。,Sentence Coherence,平行结构,在一个句子中重复使用相同的语法结构形式,并用连词连接表达同样意思的词、词组或从句。这种结构能使句子流畅、对称并富有节奏感。 eg: He is intelligent, witty and energetic. (词的平行) The article is short, informative, and reading it was easy. The article is short, informative, and easy to read.,These problems are of great concern to the school systems, to teachers and to many parents. (短语的平行) A teacher who spends time with his students and who patiently answers his students questions will be respected and loved. (从句的平行) The Jews are not only clever but also d


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