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1、Unit 5 A Lets learn (learning plan),编写人:彭艳华 审核人:马千里,Learning aims:,1、Can listen、say 、read and write the words: singer,writer,actress,actor,artist,TV reporter. 2、Can understand and read the sentences: What does your father / mother do? Hes / Shes a 3、Can finish testing. 二、Important points:Aim 1、Aim2

2、三、Difficult points: Can use “an” and “a”.,四、Learning outlines:,1、Preview checking: (1) 歌唱家 ,歌手 (2)作家 (3)男演员 (4)女演员 (5)画家 (6)电视台记者 (7)你爸爸是干什么的?他是个教师。,2、Practice the dialogue in different ways.,3、Discuss:观察以下例词,说说名词和动词之间的联系以及a、an的用法。,readreader sing-singer write-writer visit-visitor act-actor,五、Exerci

3、ses,1、I teach lessons. I am a _. 2、I clean streets. I am _ _. 3、I sing songs. I am _ _. 4、I dance . I am _ _. 5、I drive cars. I am _ _. 6、I write stories. I am _ _. 7、He can act. He is _ _.,teacher,a,cleaner,a,singer,a,dancer,a,driver,a,writer,an,actor,六、Testing,(一)、理解句意,填写正确职业名词。(必做) 1. He is a_.He

4、 writes many interesting books. 2.He can draw many beautiful drawings.He is an _. 3.She often sings songs for people.She is _ _. 4.His job is quite (十分) fun.He is Sun Wukong now. He is _ _. 5.You can see him reporting on TV. He is _ _,(二) 、单项选择。(必做),( )1._ does your mother do? She _ a teacher. A. Ho

5、w ; is B. What ; is C. Where ; does ( ) 2.What are you going to be? Im going to be _ actress. A. a B. / C. an ( ) 3. What does he do? -_. A.He does his homework B. He is a writer C. He plays basketball,( ) 4.-What does your uncle do?-_ is an_. A.He ; actor B .She ; actress C . he ; actor ( ) 5.She _

6、 TV shows. She is_ writer. A.write ; a B. writer ; an C. writes ; a,(三)、看图片,写句子。(选做),答案(必做),(一)1.writer 2. artist 3.singer 4.an , actor 5.a ,TV reporter (二)1.B 2.C 3.B 4.A 5.C,答案(选做),1.My grandma is an actress. 2.My grandpa is an engineer. 3.My mother is an accountant. 4.My father is a writer. 5. 4.


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