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1、Lesson42 Not very musical,Enjoy the story,What can the snake do? Where is the snake? What do you think of this snake?,lion (s),dangerous,monkey (s),What do you think of monkeys?,clever,elephant (s),strong,deer,beautiful,giraffe (s),tall,A hippo,ugly,fish(dolphin),smart,bird,cute,horse,helpful,zebras

2、,friendly,What animal do you like best?,Do you like snakes? Are you afraid of them? Why or why not?,musical adj. 精通音乐的 market n. 市场,集市 snake charmer 玩蛇者(通常借音乐控制) pipe n. (吹奏的)管乐器 tune n. 曲调 glimpse n. 一瞥 snake n. 蛇 movement n. 动作 continue v. 继续 dance v. 跳舞 obviously adv. 显然 difference n. 差别 Indian a

3、dj. 印度的,Review the questions,Where had the writer had a long walk? Why did he stop at a square? Who did he notice after a time? How many baskets did a snake charmer have? What was his pipe covered with? When did the writer have the first glimpse of the snake? Did the snake rise out of the basket? Wh

4、at movement did the snake begin to follow? What kind of music did the snake charmer play? How did the writer feel?,Key structure,have a long walk 复习有关have词组(L18) through, across notice /see/watch/ hear sb. do / doing sth. at the other side of , another, other, the other, others, the others be covere

5、d with play jazz, play a tune have / catch / get the first glimpse of rise out of , raise ones hand = hands up continue = go on to do sth. tell the difference between and ,Discuss:,What kind of music do you like? When you want to relax? when you are dancing? at a concert? Give reasons for your choic

6、e.,Classical music is the one that happened in European country such as Germany, France, Poland before the world war second. It includes serenade ,symphony, piano music, concerto, violin music, quartet etc. After the second world war, most of the music is PoP, including Jazz, Hip-hop, Rock and Roll,

7、 R&B, Nature music, Rap, light music, etc. Folk music is created by one people through many years .Polka, Mazurka are foreign countrys folk music. Chinese zither music, Chinese flute music, erhu fiddle musicare our countrys folk music. 古典音乐是发生在二战以前欧洲所流行的音乐,流行于德国,法国,波兰等国家。它包括小夜曲,交响乐,钢琴曲,协奏曲,小提琴曲,四重奏等

8、。 二战过后大部分的音乐是流行歌曲,包括爵士乐,嘻哈音乐,摇滚乐,蓝调音乐,自然派音乐,绕舌音乐,轻音乐等。 民族音乐是一个民族经过若干年创造的音乐,波尔卡,玛祖卡等是外国的民族音乐,古筝曲,古笛曲,二胡曲等是我国的民族音乐。,Lesson 43 Over the South Pole,F,Four oceans in the world,Pacific ocean,Indian ocean,Arctic ocean,A,Atlantic ocean,earth,太平洋,大西洋,印度洋,北冰洋,The map of the world,Latin/South/North America,Wha

9、t do you know about the South Pole,penguins,单词学习,pole flight explorer lie (lay, lain ) serious point seem crash sack clear aircraft endless plain,n.(地球的)极 n. 飞行 n. 探险家 v. 处于 adj. 严重的 n. 地点 v. 似乎 v. 坠毁 n. 袋子 v. 越过 n. 飞机 adj. 无尽的 n. 平原,pole n.(地球的)极 the South Pole 南极 the North Pole 北极 Pole Star 北极星 ex

10、plorer n. 探险家, 探测者, 探测器 explore v.探险, 探测, 探究 exploration n.(科研相关)探险,探求,开发 adventure n.冒险(追求刺激) venture n. 冒险(为了财富),lie v. 处于 vi. 处于,位于(+地点) 现在这条山脉正位于我们的下面。 The mountains lie below us now. 小镇位于伦敦的东部 The town lies to the east of London. vi. 躺,(平)卧 躺在床上 stay in bed = lie in bed 当我坐在篝火旁的时候,我的狗躺在我的旁边。 Wh

11、ile I sat by the fire, my dog lay beside me. vt. 撒谎 tell a lie 撒谎 You lied. = You lied to me.你骗人! 你撒谎! You,liar! 你, 骗子! n.谎言,seem v. 似乎,看起来 seem + as if 看起来似乎 他看起来似乎以前从来没有在英国居住过。 He seemed as if he had never lived in England before. seem + adj. 他看起来很有钱。 He seems rich. seem to be He seems to be rich.

12、 seem that 看起来似乎 It seems that he is rich.,clear v. 越过 (凌空、不接触地)越过, 跳过,没有接触面的飞跃 飞跃山峰 clear the mountain 那匹马越过了栅栏 The horse cleared the fence. over adv. 越过(距离) go over飞跃 plain n. 平原 plain girl 平凡的女孩,Enjoy the story,How was the plane able to clear the mountains?,The American explorer ordered his men t

13、o throw out two heavy food sacks so the plane rose to 10,000 feet.,In 1929, three years after his flight over the North Pole, the American explorer, R.E. Byrd, successfully flew over the South Pole for the first time. Though, at first, Byrd and his men were able to take a great many photographs of t

14、he mountains that lay below, they soon ran into serious trouble. At one point, it seemed certain that their plane would crash. It could only get over the mountains if it rose to 10,000 feet. Byrd at once ordered his men to throw out two heavy food sacks.,The plane was then able to rise and it cleare

15、d the mountains by 400 feet. Byrd now knew that he would be able to reach the South Pole which was 300 miles away, for there were no more mountains in sight. The aircraft was able to fly over the endless white plains without difficulty.,课文讲解,1、In 1929, three years after his flight over the North Pol

16、e, the American explorer, R.E. Byrd, successfully flew over the South Pole for the first time. for the first time 第一次 time表示“次,回”,还可以说 this time,last time,next time,another time,each time,for the last time 我最后一次提醒你,如果你不快点,你就会赶不上火车的。 I remind you for the last time that if you dont hurry, youll miss t

17、he train. 下次你见到他的时候,把这些照片给他。 Give him these photos next time you see him.,2、Though, at first, Byrd and his men were able to take a great many photographs of the mountains that lay below, they soon ran into serious trouble. 连词though引导让步状语从句,其含义是“虽然,尽管”。它永远不与but连用。 can.可能性(只用于现在式和过去式) be able to.可能性,成

18、功地做(可用于各种时态) take a photograph of 拍的照片 在他离开家之前,他给他的房子照了张照片。 He took a photograph of his house before he left home. run into trouble = get into trouble 遇到麻烦,陷入困境 每次他遇到困难了,他都向父母寻求帮助。 Each time he ran into trouble, he asked his parents for help.,3、At one point, it seemed certain that their plane would

19、crash. at one point 在某一地方,在某一时刻(point也指时间上的某一点) 他曾一度下决心要当个画家。 At one point, he made up his mind to become a painter. it为先行主语,真正的主语为that引导的从句。it作先行主语时经常与seem,appear,look等连用: 现在似乎可以肯定会议将被推迟。 It now looks certain that the meeting is going to be put off.,4、It could only get over the mountains if it rose

20、 to 10,000 feet. rise to 上升至 5、The plane was then able to rise and it cleared the mountains by 400 feet. by表示“相差,以之差”的意思 我晚了10分钟,没赶上火车。 I missed the train by ten minutes. 他比我小两岁。 He is younger than me by two years.,Key structures,over, on, above can, could, be able to 区别 explorer, explosion at first

21、 at/in/on 词组 a great many lie, lay, lain / lay, laid, laid / lie, lied, lied run into seem to do sth. / seem to be + adj. / seem + adj. / It seems that rise, raise by in sight / out of sight without difficulty,Grammar,Can 和be able to 1.can和could 我们已经讲过can和could都可以表示“请求允许做某事”,can比较生硬,用于和自己同等的人或是熟悉的朋友

22、。而could相对比较客气,显得更加礼貌,同时也反映出请求者的犹豫不决。 Can I use your telephone? 我能用一下你的电话吗? Could I use your telephone? 我能用一下您的电话吗? 2.can和be able to can和be able to都可以解释为“能够、可以”。可以表示“有能力来做某事、有时间来做某事,有办法来完成某事”等等。我们在区别他们时,需要注意的,Grammar,a.在表示现在或过去的智力、体力、技能等方面的“能力”时,can、could常可与 be able to互换。 I can swim now.=I am able to

23、 swim. 我会游泳。 b. can表示“能够做某事”,不一定就真的做了。而be able to表示“有能力做某事”。说明是真的尝试过了,做过了这件事情。所以赶拍胸脯说自己有这个能力。比如: I can swim 300 meters now and last year I was able to swim 100 meters. 我现在能够游300米,去年我可以游100米的。 这句话中,第一部分“I can swim 300 meters now”,表示“我现在能够游300米”只是说说而已,并不说明已经游过了。而后面部分“last year I was able to swim 100 m

24、eters”,表示我去年的确是游过了,可以游100米的。,Grammar,c. be able to 有比 can 更多的形式。从时态上来说:can做为情态动词,只有现在时和过去时。而be able to则有比can更多的形式,除了现在时和过去时,还有将来时和完成时。 He will come if he can.=He will come if he is able to. I can see you tomorrow.Ill be able to see you tomorrow. (将来时使用will be able to结构) I couldnt understand him.=I wasnt able t


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