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1、Section B 2a - 2d,Unit 10 Ive had this bike for three years.,Almost heaven就像是天堂West Virginia西维吉尼亚州Blue ridge mountain shenandoah river有蓝色山脊的群山和雪纳杜河life is old there在那儿生命是古老的older than the trees比森林更古老younger than the mountains但比山脉年轻growing like a breeze像风一样自在的成长country road take me home乡村小路,带我回家to th

2、e place i belong回到我属於的地方west virginia就是西维吉尼亚州mountain mama山脉之母take me home country roads带我回家,乡村小路,Take Me Home Country Roads - John Denver,all my memories我所有的回忆gather round her都围绕著她miners lady矿工的淑女、stranger to blue water蓝色河流的陌生人dark and dusty涂满了黑与灰painted on the sky的天空misty taste of moonshine Teardr

3、ops in my eyes和朦胧的月光泪水在我眼眶中打转country roads take me home乡村小路,带我回家to the place i belong回到我属於的地方west virginia就是西维吉尼亚州mountain mama山脉之母take me home country roads带我回家,乡村小路,I hear her voice in the morning hours She calls me清晨时分,我听到她呼唤我的声音The radio reminds me of my home far away广播节目提醒我家还很远And driving down

4、the road I get a feeling在开车的路上,我有一种感觉That I should have been home我早该回到家的怀抱Yesterday yesterday昨天昨天Country roads take me home乡村小路,带我回家To the place I belong回到我属於的地方West Virginia Mountain Mama就是西维吉尼亚州山脉之母Take me home country roads带我回家,乡村小路Country roads take me home乡村小路,带我回家To the place I belong回到我属於的地方W

5、est Virginia Mountain Mama就是西维吉尼亚州山脉之母Take me home country roads带我回家,乡村小路Take me home country roads带我回家,乡村小路Take me home country roads带我回家,乡村小路,Enjoy the country music,2、How do you feel about the song?,Warmimg up,3、Whats the main idea of this song?,A decoy expresses his strong feelings to his hometo

6、wn.,1、Whats the name of this song?,Country road, take me home.,Its relaxing and comfortable.,Review,Words and expressions,nowadays search among crayon shame regard count century,adv. 现今;现在;目前 v.按照 prep. 与相对;在对面 adj.对面的;另一边的 adv. 尤其;特别,格外 n.童年,幼年 v.注视;仔细考虑 几乎;接近 v. (held,held)拥有;抓住,Words & expression

7、s,Answer the questions before you read. Then read the passage to find out if your answers are the same as in the passage.,2a Careful reading,2a,Answer the questions before you read.Then read the passage to find out if your answers are the same as in the passage.,1.Why do millions of Chinese leave th

8、e countryside every year?幻灯片 8 幻灯片 9 2.How often do you think these people visit their hometowns? 3.What new buildings does the government usually build in towns and villages.,They may only visit their hometown once or twice a year. Some people even have no time to return home.,Large hospital, new r

9、oads, new school, parks and so on.,work,Many adults are leaving their hometown to earn more money in the cities.,back,study,Leaving home for educational purpose has become very familiar with students, especially who come from the countryside.,back,No matter how far away from your hometown, there mus

10、t have a connection between you and your hometown.,delicious food,good/terrible weather,beautiful scenery,sweet memories,high/a lot of hills,heavy traffic,busy/clean street,tall/old/new buildings,friendly people,Hometown is a real great place for us. No matter where we have moved and how far away we

11、 are. we cant get away from homesickness (乡愁). We get homesick (想家的) because there are things that we love.,2a,Now, Lets learn the passage together.HomeTown Feeling.,Paragraph 1,2a,Language points of Paragraph 1.,1.search(vi.)搜索,搜查,搜寻 search for sth.搜寻,搜查(后接搜寻的目标物) = look for. search(vt.) search sb.

12、/sp. for sth.搜索某人/某处为搜寻/索某物。 eg:He is searching for/ looking for his books. The policemen searched the place for a thief. 2.among(prep.)在其中,.之一,在.之间(三者或三者以上的之间). eg: Mary is the tallest girl among these girls. between(prep.)在.之间(两者/两部分之间). eg:We can have a break between classes. 3.a 46-year-old husb

13、and and father.一个46岁的丈夫和父亲 基数词-year-old:合成adj. 作定语,修饰n. 基数词 year/years old(n.) 表示“多少岁、多大年龄” eg:He is an 8-year-old boy. So he is 8 years old now.,2a,Language points of Paragraph 1.,3.知识扩展:2-month (adj.) 2个月的= 2 monthes 5-week/day/year(adj.)5周的/天的/年的=5 weeks/days/years. eg:It takes about 10-minute/10

14、 minutes walk to school. 4.return(vi.)返回,回到 return to sp.=go back to sp.(back不可与back连用) eg:He returned to work last week. 归还,还给 return sth. to sb.=give back sth. to sb. eg:Please return the books to the library in time. 5.shame(un.)遗憾,羞愧 但可与a连用,表示遗憾/可惜/可耻的事/人。 eg: Its a shame to tell lies. feel sham

15、e at.对.感到羞愧 to ones shame让某人感到羞愧的是 have no shame无羞耻/愧的. in shame羞愧地in surprise惊讶地 eg:He has no shame to tell lies.,2a,Now, Lets learn the passage together.HomeTown Feeling.,Paragraph 2&3,2a,Language points of Paragraph 2&3.,1.regard(v.)将.视为,把.看作 regard.as.把.视为,把.当作(后接n/代词) eg:I regard you a my best

16、friend. 2.appear(v.)出现,显露 disappear消失,消逝 (n.)appearance 面貌,外貌 3.send(v.)派,送,寄 send sb. to sp.把某人派到某地 send for sb.派人去请 eg:send for a doctor. send-sent-sent,2a,Language points of Paragraph 2&3.,4.century(cn.)世纪,百年= pl. centuries 多少世纪多少年代的表达法: eg:In the 1920s/1920s(在20世纪20年代) 多少世纪的英文读法及写法:(用序数词来表达) 18世

17、纪:eighteenth century= 18th century. 19世纪的作家:nineteenth-century writers.= 19th-century. 在21世纪中期:in the mid-21th century. eg:He was born in the 1980s/1980s.,2a,Now, Lets learn the passage together.HomeTown Feeling.,Paragrapy 4,2a,Language points of Paragraph 4.,1.according to(prep.)根据,依据,按照 to为介词,后接V-

18、ing/n./代词/代词。 eg:According to his words,he is a doctor. 2.opposite(prep.)在.对面=across from在.对面(表方位) eg:We live opposite/across from the hospital. (adj.)另一边的,对面的,相反的,对立的 the opposite side of. eg:We live on the opposite side of the road. (adv.)在对面 eg:There is a man living opposite. (n.)对立面,相反的人/物,反义词 t

19、he opposite of sth. eg:Tall is the opposite of short. 3.a/the symbol of. .的象征,2a,Language points of Paragraph 4.,4.in ones time在某人的那个时代/时期 eg:In my grandparents time,there is no ceilphone. 5.especially(adv.)尤其,特别,格外(指出事物的特殊性) special(adj.)特别的,特殊的 be special to sb.对某人是特别的 have special meaning to sb.对

20、某人来讲有特殊的意义 specially(adv.)特意地,专门地 eg:He is a special man. The ring has special meaning to my mom./is special to my mom. The book is specially for disabled people. Flowers are welcomed especially in winter.,2a,Language points of Paragraph 4.,6.during 在.期间(+时间段)eg:during summer holiday in+时间段:在多久后(用于一

21、般将来时) eg:in 50 years after+时间段:在多久后(用于一般过去时) eg:after 3 years after+时间点:在多久后(用于一般将来时)eg:after 7 oclock 时间段/时间点+ago:多久之前(用于一般过去时) eg: 3 years ago/ 7 oclock ago. 时间段+later:多久之后(用于一般过去时) eg:3 years later,请翻译:1.在我的寒假期间,我做了许多有趣的事。 2.三年后,他赚了很多钱。 3.五分钟后妈妈会回来。 4.十点以后Mary才会回来。 5.十年前他还是个穷人。但是三年后他成了一个富人。,1.Dur

22、ing my winter holiday,I did may interesting things.,2.He made much money after 3 years.,3.Mom will be back in 5 minutes.,4.Mary will come back after 10 oclock.,5.Ten years ago,he was a poor man,but 3 years later,he became a rich man.,1. look for _ 5. go back _ 2. consider _ 6. changes _ 3. across fr

23、om _ 7. area _ 4. in ones opinion _,search,regard,opposite,according to (someone),return,developments,place,2b,Find expressions in the passage that have the same meanings as these words and phrases.,consider(v.)考虑,认为(后接n./代词/V-ing/宾语从句)= think about,Complete the summary with words from the passage.

24、You may need to change the forms of the words.,Many Chinese people these days leave their _ to work in _. They usually _ to their hometown one or two times a _. Zhong Wei hasnt been back in close to three years. He has been working in a _ factory in Wenzhou for the past 13 years.,2c,hometown,cities,

25、return,year,crayon,Exercise,People like him are _ in how their hometowns are changing. New buildings are often built by the _. Zhong Wei thinks these changes are _ because things need to change in order to become better. But he also thinks some things _ change, and his hometown is still the place th

26、at holds all his childhood _.,interested,government,good,will never,memories,hold(v.)拥有,抓住,举行,主持 hold-held-held hold on等一下,不挂断电话,抓住,紧握 eg:The bus is turning,please hold on. Beijing held the 29th Olympic Games in 2008. He is holding a book in his hand.,单项选择 1. I dont believe that this _ boy can paint such a nice picture. A. five years old B. five-years-old C. five-year-old 2. According _ Mr. Wang, well go on a trip th


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