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1、Unit 6 An old man tries to move the mountains. Section B 2a-3b reading,Sleeping Beauty,Cinderella,Little Red Riding Hood,Snow White,格林童话带有浓厚的地域特色、民族特色,富于趣味性和娱乐性,对培养儿童养成真、善、美的良好品质有积极意义。 格林兄弟出生于莱茵河畔的哈瑙(Hanau),具有很高创造力,将当时民间的文学资料搜集起来,并合而为一,哥哥雅各布格林是严谨的史家,弟弟威廉格林文笔优美,其中以灰姑娘、玫瑰小姐、受骗的青蛙、雪白和玫瑰红、猫和老鼠交朋友、聪明的农家女

2、、三兄弟、月亮、熊皮人、石竹、白雪公主、小红帽、睡美人、糖果屋、青蛙王子、渔夫和他的妻子、野狼和七只小羊、大拇指、勇敢的小裁缝、不莱梅的城市乐手、穿靴子的猫最为著名。,教学目标 To understand the text. To learn some knowledge about fairy tale. To remember new phrases and words. 教学内容 New words and expressions: stepmother, wife, husband, whole, scene, stone, shine, as soon as, ground, lea

3、d, voice, inside, brave Phrases: live near a forest, the whole family, make a plan, hear sb. do/doing sth. , in the middle night, come with sb. , wake up,重点难点 New words and expressions. To improve the students reading skills. 情感态度价值观目标 多阅读中外传统文学名著,让学生们明白中国传统文化的博大、精深,并吸取中国传统文化中的精华。了解外国的文化,开阔自己眼界。,Han

4、sel & Gretel,Fast Reading,What is the text type? What did Hansel do to save himself and his sister?,。,Detail reading,Why does the wife tell her husband to leave the children in the forest?,Task 1,The weather was so dry that no food would grow. If they didnt left the children to die in the forest the

5、 whole family would die.,Scene one,What does Hansel go out to get?,SOMETHING,STONES,Task 2,SCENE 2,Where do they go & what do they do?,Task 3,Scene 3,How do Hansel and Gretel find their way home?,Task 4,Hansel is dropping white stones along the way. When the moon is shining bright, theyll be able to

6、 see the stones and find their way home.,Scene 4,Did Hansel and his sister find their house? Could Hansel go out?,Task 5,Scene 5,what can Hansel do without stones?,Task 6,Scene 6,Why do Hansel and Gretel get lost the second time?,Because they cant see any bread on the ground. Maybe the birds ate the

7、m.,Task 7,Scene 7,What do they see?,Task 8,listening,Match each description below with the correct scene.,A. The children get lost. B. The children wake up. C. The children cannot find the pieces of bread. D. Gretel learns about Hansels plan.,SCENE ONE _ SCENE TWO _ SCENE THREE _ SCENE FOUR _ SCENE

8、FIVE _ SCENE SIX _ SCENE SEVEN _,E. The children surprise the parents. F. Hansel has to change his plan. G. The children learn that something bad is going to happen.,G,E,B,F,D,A,C,整体感知。,Acting,教师领读,学生模仿。表演。,Try to act out the play. One is Gretel, one is Hansel, one is Husband, one is Wife.,Gretel he

9、ard that their _ planned to _ her and her brother. But Hansel had a plan to _ himself and his sister. He went to get some white _ before he went to bed that night. The next day, the wife sent the children to the _. Hansel _ the stones as they walked.,Complete the summary of the play.,kill,stepmother

10、,save,dropped,forest,stones,Later that night, they could see the stones because of the shining _. The stones showed them the way home. Hansel wanted to get more stones, but his stepmother did not let him go out. The next morning, the wife sent the children to the forest again. Hansel had no stones, so he dropped _ of _. But the _ ate them, so Hansel and Gretel were _ in the forest.,moon,pieces,bread,birds,lost,They walked until they saw a _ made of food. Hansel wanted to _ the house, but then they heard the voice of an old _ coming from the house.,woman,house,eat,Homework,1.


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