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1、,第11组,组员:周朝宝 苏英芳 朱金奎 杨辅成 胡江贵,Yunnan agriculture,Agriculture comprehensive development 综 合 开 发 山 地 农 业 mountain, is to make full use of cultivated 是 充 分 利 用 耕 land resources, development of 地 资 源 agricultural management, improve 发 展 农 业 多 种 经 营 agricultural benefits a important way size. 提高农业效益的一条重要途

2、 径,In the current urban construction land, 在目前城市建设用地、 industrial land use and agricultural land 工业用地与农业用地 矛盾日益突出, increasingly prominent contradiction between, cultivated 耕地面积逐年减少的情况下 land area of the decrease of the year by year, such as 如 何科学合理开发利用山地资源, any scientific and reasonable exploitation a

3、nd utilization 拓展农业发展空 间, of mountainous resources, expand the agricultural development 已成为农村经济 empty rooms, the rural economy has become an important task. 工作的一项重要任务,This paper mountain agricultural 本文 就云南省山地农业开发现状、 development in yunnan province present 存在问题进行分析, status and existing problems are a

4、nalyzed, 并提出综合开发利用措施, and puts forward comprehensive exploitation and utilization measures to promote yunnan 以促进云南农业经济 agriculture economy,一:Yunnan province agriculture development present situation mountain,Yunnan is a mountainous provinces, the 云南是一个多山的省份, provinces land area, according to the top

5、ography look, 全省土地面积,按 地形看, mountain 84%, plateau, hills about 10%, dam son (basin, the valley) 山地占,高原、丘陵约占, accounted for only 6%. The 127 county (city, area) and dongchuan 坝 子(盆地、河谷)仅占。全省个县(市、 区) city altogether 128 administrative region of domain, in addition to kunming 及东川市共个行政区域中,除昆明市的 More tha

6、n 60% of the economic crops is distributed in a mountainous area经济作物的以上都分布在山区,Waste the per capita 全省人均荒 Mountain desert area of o. 32 hm2, forest area of 0.24 hm2, grass mountain area of 0.15 Hm2. 山荒地面积达 ,森林面积达 ,草 山面积达 。 Since the establishment of the new China, especially since the reform and 新中国成

7、立以来,特别是改革开放以来, opening up, the provincial party committee, the government at all levels and the 全 省各级党委、政府和广大人民群众在开发山区中作了大量的工作。 broad masses of the development in the mountainous area in a lot of work. In pay special 在抓好水利、交通、能源等基 attention to the water conservancy, communications, energy, etc 础设施建设

8、的同时,因地制宜, Development of the construction of facilities at the same time, adjust measures to local conditions, according to 按市场需要,开发当地优势资源,the needs of the market, the development of local resources, from a single catch food production, and to pay 从单一抓粮食生产,向重视生 态保护、 attention to life state protectio

9、n, and a variety of business pay equal attention to the direction of development 多种经营并重的方向发展,Yunnan province mountain problems existed in the development of agriculture,Resources are rich. Development and utilization of unreasonable, 资源丰富。开发利用不合理, Agricultural development and utilization of existing

10、 in the following problems: one is the overcutting, 农业开发利用中存在如下问题:一是乱砍滥伐 Vegetation destroyed, serious soil and water loss. Some places in the 植被遭到破坏,水土流失严重。 industrial structure adjustment of sloping fields planting sugar cane as the short-term economic 一些地方在产业 结构调整中把山坡地作为种植甘蔗等短期经济作 The key thing,

11、some place in order to development of tobacco, a timber as for 物的重点,有的地方为了发展烤烟, tobacco fuel, badly damaged vegetation, make the surface long time 乱伐森林作 为烤烟的燃料,严重破坏了植被,使地表长时间 Bare, causes soil erosion. 裸露,造成水土流失,Because of the destruction of the vegetation, and water conservation 由于植被的破坏,水源涵养 The na

12、me of the mountainous area, specially, advantage products, such as tea, coffee, kidney bean, walnut, eucalyptus leaves, bay leaf, oil rosin, also, flowers, 山区的名、特、优势产品,如茶叶、咖啡、芸豆、 核桃、桉树叶、香叶油、松香、松茸、花卉、中 Medicine has become the major foreign products. Change the yunnan mountains 药材等也成为创汇的大宗产品。改变了云南山区 A

13、bility to drop, many mountain rivers dry, in artificial economic forest 能力下降,很多山间河流干涸,在人工经济林中 Seldom can see streams. Thanks to ecological destruction, in yunnan province, in all kinds of natural disasters number increase, cycle shortens, nearly 30 years of great evil in the past 10 years or so happ

14、ened once into 3-1 in 4 years 很少可以见到溪流。由于生态遭到破坏,云南省 的各种自然灾害次数增多,周期缩短,近年来 大灾由过去的年左右发生次变为年 The simple cropping structure, the situation of economic efficiency is not high 种植业结构单一,经济效益不高的局面,Yunnan agriculture comprehensive development in the hill country of the measures,一: Vigorously promote mountain a

15、gricultural science and technology progress. Strengthen mountain agricultural science and technology research, the influence of the agricultural development of the mountains around heavy big scientific and technological problems, concentrate the power, joint tackling. The mountain agricultural produ

16、ction need and in the short term and hard break key technologies, to actively organize introduction. To combine the mountain agricultural construction project implementation, strengthening technical training, and organize many different forms and levels Training class, to strengthen the hill farmers

17、 science and technology training work, cooperate actively promote NongGuangJiao green certificate, through training and lattice of certificates after the farmers, in order to improve the NongMinXue science, with the enthusiasm of science,大力推进山地农业科技进步。加强山地 农业科学技术研究,围绕影响山地农业发展的重 大科学技术问题,集中力量,联合攻关。对山地

18、农业生产急需而在短期内又难以突破的关键技术, 要积极组织引进。要结合山地农业建设项目的实施,加强技术培训工作,举办多形式、多层次的 培训班,加强对山区农民的科学技术培训工作, 配合农广校积极推广“绿色证书”,对经过培训合 格后的农民发给合格证书,以提高农民学科学、用科学的积极性。,二: The scientific development mountain agriculture. One is the natural forest region to stop all the face of natural forest vigorous cutting, rising commodity timber production; Implement forest management area, enhance forest management measures; The public welfare forest construction tasks into comprehensive, to play the natural forest protection of the ecological environment function. 2 it is


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