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1、Unit 1 The world of our senses Reading (),1. To arouse their interest in learning this unit through activities. 2. Revise the important words. 3. Master some new words and language usages .,Revision,Retell the story Fog in your own words, with the help of the following chart.,Outside Pollys work pla

2、ce,At the bus stop in the street,In the underground train,At Green Park station,In Park Street,At the corner of the street,In the street near King Street,At 86 King Street,Retelling,1. confuse vt. observer n. 观察者 observe与see,hear,watch,feel,notice一样属于感官动词,常见的用法是observe sb. do/doing sth. 被动结构是:be obs

3、erved to do/doing sth. 【辨析】 observe sb. do sth. 看到某人做了某事 observe sb. doing sth. 看到某人正在做某事,【即学即练】,1.The policeman observed the young fellow _ into the bank with a shotgun and he followed in. Ato walk Bwalking Cwalks Dhave walked 2 .He _ the plant he grew and takes down the information of its growth e

4、very day. Anotices Bwatches Cobserves Dglances,B,C,4. glance v. 一旦”。 Once (it is ) printed, this dictionary will be very popular. Once you have taken the examination, youll be able to relax.一考完试,你就可以轻松一下了。 once可用作副词,意思是 :一次 ;曾经。 Just for once he arrived on time. This book was once famous, but nobody

5、 reads it today.,【真题在线】 (2013福建高考) Anyone, once _ positive for H7N9 flu virus, will receive free medical treatment from our government. A. to be tested B. being tested C. testedD. to test 【解析】选C。考查省略。句意为:一旦被检测到携带阳 性H7N9流感病毒,任何一个人将会收到来自政府的免费 治疗。本题考查的是状语从句中的省略,若主从句主语一 致,从句中又含有系动词be,则可省略从句的主语和系动 词,本句中o

6、nce后省略了anyone is。,2. . “the truth is that it is too foggy for the bus to run that far. ” “实际情况是雾太大了,公交车跑不了那么远。” 句中第一个that引导的是表语从句。第二个that (或this) 在此处等于so,在口语中用得较多,意思是“那么”或“这么”,至这种程度=to this degree, 修饰形容词或副词; tooadj./adv.to do 表示“太而不能”。 The problem is that we have run out of money. 问题是我们已经用完了钱。,【拓展】

7、(1) can never/not +动词+ tooadj./adv.to do表示 “再也不为过”。 (2) too glad/pleased/surprised/happy/willing to do.表示肯定意义,这里的too相当于very的意思。 The problem is too difficult for me to work out. 这个问题太难,我做不出来。 You can never be too careful when you cross the road. 当你过马路的时候越小心越好。,3. The tall man was nowhere to be seen.

8、哪儿都看不到那个高个子男人。 “nowhere” 为否定副词,“to be seen” 为主语补足语, 补充说明主语的情况。当nowhere置于句首时,句子需 要用倒装语序。 1)He found nowhere else could he find such a quiet place.他发现他到哪儿都找不到像这样一个安静的地方。 2) We could find him nowhere. =Nowhere _ find him.,could we,4. Now she wanted to run, but fear held her still. 她想跑,但是恐惧让她静止不动。 still

9、是形容词,意思是“静止不动的”。 The young man stood still, with his lips moving. 这个年轻人站着没动, 嘴唇却在动。 An old saying goes that “Still waters run deep”. 俗话说“静水深流”。,【辨析】 still/calm/quiet/silent “still”意为“静止的,不动的”,指没有运动或者动作的状态。 “calm”意为“平静的,沉着的”,指无风浪或人的心情不激动。 “quiet”意为“宁静的,安静的”,指没有声音,不吵闹,心里不烦恼。 “silent”意为“沉默的”,指没有声音或不讲话。

10、,根据语境选用calm, quiet, still, 或 silent填空。 1. Parents ask their children to keep _. 2. She kept _ about what she had seen in the traffic accident. 3. Fear held her _. 4. When running into danger, keeping _ is of great importance.,quiet,silent,still,calm,【即学即练】,4. Polly found herself staring up at the fa

11、ce of an old man with a beard.波莉抬头看去,发现是一位长着络腮胡子的老人。 find oneself “发现自己(做某事或处于某种状态)” 这句话中的现在分词短语staring up作感官动词find的宾语补足语。感官动词find, see, watch, hear, observe, feel等后面常接复合宾语,其中宾语补足语常是现在分词、过去分词、不带to的动词不定式、形容词、介词或副词短语等。, They were happy to see the grandmother taken good care of in the hospital. 他们很高兴看到

12、祖母在医院受到了良好的照顾。 When she got home, she found the door open. 当她回到家,发现门是开着的。,【真题在线】 (2010湖南高考) Listen! Do you hear someone_ for help? A. calling B. call C. to call D. called 【解析】选A。由Listen!可知,此处该用现在分词 作宾语补足语,表示正在进行的动作。句意:听!你 听见有人在呼救吗?,Discussion 1.What kinds of weather do you prefer? 2.Please forecast

13、the weather of tomorrow.,The managers discussed the plan that they would like to see_ the next year. carried out B. carrying out C. carry out D. to carry out 2. In the reading room, we found her _ at a desk and her attention _ on a magazine. A. sit; to fix B. seating; being fixed C. seated; fixing D

14、. sitting; fixed,A,D,3. I feel _ when some people say geography is _ and difficult to learn. confused; confused B. confusing; confusing C. confused; confusing D. confusing; confused Professor Li has _ the behavior of bees for many years, and they have been observed _ to communicate information. A. n

15、oticed; dance B. observed; to dance C. seen; dancing D. watched; dance,C,B,5. As soon as I stepped into his office, Auster _ to shake hands with me. reached out B. carried out C. took out D. gave out 6. What problems should I _ when buying an old house? A. come up with B. make up for C. watch out fo

16、r D. make use of,C,A,7.This coat doesnt _ me. Do you have a larger size? Yes, but the colour is different. Does it _ you? A. suit; suit B. suit; fit C. fit; fit D. fit; suit 8. The 2010 World Expo held in Shanghai helps to _ the whole worlds attention on the big city of China again. A. affect B. attack C. attract D. focus,D,D,9. It is reported that the United States uses _ energy as the whole of Europe. A. as twice B. twice much C. twice much as D. twice as much 10. Because of the heavy traffic, it was a


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