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1、Unit 6 Movies and Theatre,Lesson 31 A movie or a Play,临平初级中学 何滢,Think about it!,Have you ever been in a theatre? What did you watch? What do you know about making movies?,1. To listen and understand the dialogue about making movies 2. To learn how to make a movie,Objectives,Words,involve script dire

2、ctor direct costume background task,v. (使)参加;包含 n. 剧本 v. 导演;院长;校长; 主任;负责人 v. 导演;指导;指示 n. 服装;戏装 n. 背景;背景资料 n. 任务;工作,Guess: Is it a movie or a play?,Play,Movie,Movie,Play,Movie,Play,Play,Movie making,script,actors,director,camera operator,camera,costume designer,make-up artist,lights,What do you know

3、about making movies? What do you need to make a movie?,Brainstorm,Theatre is a form of art and that presents a story to live a audience in a specific place. The performers may communicate with the audience through gesture, speech, song or dance.,Learning Tip,Watch and learn,备注:见视频Unit 6 Lesson 31,Ms

4、. Cox always tries to find interesting information and projects for her class to work on. She believes that students learn best when they are interested in a topic. Ms. Cox: Today lets talk about movies and plays. Have you ever seen a movie or a play in a theatre?,Read the conversation,(Most student

5、s raise their hands.) Ms. Cox: Most of you have seen movies or plays in a theatre, but have you ever been involved in making a movie or a play? (A few students raise their hands.) Ms. Cox: Some of you have. Great! Do you want to make one in class? Students: (They are all excited.) Yes! Ms. Cox: Exce

6、llent! What do you think is needed to make a movie or a play?,Jenny: A good script needs to be written. Danny: Good actors Steven: A good director to direct the movie Ms. Cox: Yes, those are all important. What else is needed? Brian: We need someone to take care of costumes, sound and music. Ms. Cox

7、: Very good! Maybe we can do some research first. To do good research, you need to ask good questions.,Here are a few: What are some different kinds of movies and plays? Have movies always been made in the same way? Danny: HmmmI have no background in movie making! I dont know the answer to any of th

8、ose questions. Mrs. Cox: Dont worry, Danny. Thats what group work is for! OK, class. Lets get to work in groups. Do some research, decide what you will make, then divide up the tasks.,Role-play,1. Role play the conversation in groups; 2. Role play the conversation in front of the class,Lets see whic

9、h group does the best.,Lets Do It!,1,Most of the students in Ms. Coxs class have been to a theatre before. ( ) Ms. Cox thinks making a short movie or a play will interest the students. ( ) We have to take care of lots of things when making a movie or a play. ( ) Actors are the people who direct movi

10、es. ( ) Some background research is necessary before making a movie. ( ),Read the lesson and write true (T) or false (F).,Language points,Most of you have seen movies or plays in a theatre, but have you ever been involved in making a movie or a play? 你们大多数人曾在剧院看过电影或戏剧,但你们曾经参加过拍摄电影或是演戏剧吗?,involve 在本句

11、中的意思是“使参与;使卷入;牵扯”,常搭配介词with或in。,That man likes to get involved in everything. 那个人事事都爱管。 He became involved with the accident. 他牵扯进了那次事故。,2. What do you think is needed to make a movie or a play? 你认为拍电影或演戏需 要什么呢?,do you think 在本句中可看做是插入语,因此回答这样的问题时,要针对特殊疑问句回答。,-Where do you think we will have the mee

12、ting? 你认为我们将在哪里开会? - Perhaps (we will have it) in the classroom. 或许在我们教室里吧。,3. Lets get to work in groups. 我们分组干 起来吧。,在本句中work用作名词,to是介词,get to 的意思是“开始;着手处理”。,get to 还有“到达;把.送到;达到;被.理解”的意思。,My mother got to worrying about my health. 我母亲开始担忧起我的健康状况。,The bus can get you to the hotel. 那趟公共汽车可以把你送到旅馆。,4

13、. Do some research, decide what you will make, then divide up the tasks. 研究一 下,决定要排演什么,然后分配任务。,divide up 在本句中的意思是“分担;分配;分享”。,Tom divided up those apples. 汤姆把那些苹果分了一下。,Grammar,Object Complements 宾语补足语,Look at the following sentences. Underline the object complement and write the direct object on the

14、line before the sentences. If the sentence does not have an object complement, write None on the line.,For example:,_ Our class elected Peter president. _ She gave us a long talk.,Peter,None,_ On Tuesday, the soccer team voted Tom captain. _ We saw a funny movie. _ They named the baby Heather. _ Hen

15、ry put on his boots. _ She colored her hair red. _ He painted the room yellow. _ I asked her to leave the room, _ The actors found the director sleeping on the stage.,Tom,baby,her hair,the room,her hair,the director,None,None,宾语补足语,在英语中有些句子里只有宾语并不能表达完整的意思,还必须在宾语后加上宾语补足语,简称宾补。宾语补足语通常紧跟在宾语之后,对宾语进行补充说明

16、。 其句子结构为:主+ 谓+ 宾+ 宾补。 可以充当宾语补足语的有名词、形容词、副词、介词短语、分词和不定式。,1.名词:,某些动词如 call, name, make, think, consider 等后可接名词或代词作宾语, 再接名词作宾语补足语,补充说明宾语 的身份。 如: If you let me go, I will make you king.,名词作宾补,2.形容词:,某些动词如 make, paint, keep, find, like 等后接名词或代词作宾语,再接形 容词作宾语补足语,补充说明宾语的状 态、特征等。如: Please leave the windows o

17、pen.,形容词作宾补,3.介词短语及副词:,Make yourself at home. Get me home at once.,当宾语补足语的动作由作宾语的名词或代词发出时,宾语补足语用现在分词形式。如: Lily kept us waiting for her for a long time. 当宾语是宾语补足语发出的动作对象 时,宾语补足语用过去分词形式。如: Youd better have the desk painted,paint 的动作对象,4.现在分词或过去分词:,要求带to的不定式作宾语补足语的动词有 tell, ask, invite, force, allow, w

18、ish, want, like, prefer, expect, encourage, advise, permit, order, warn 等。如: I would prefer you not to change your plan. 某些动词如make, have, let, see, hear, watch, notice, feel等后作宾语补足语的不定式不带to。如: I saw a stranger enter the room just now. He let us stay for tea,5.动词不定式:,宾补的两种结构,1. 主表型 1) make our countr

19、y beautiful (形容词) 2) call him Lao Li (名词) 3) find sb. out (副词) 4) find sb. at home (介词短语),2. 主谓型 1) ask sb. to do sth (有to不定式) 2) have sb. do sth. (无to不定式) 3) see sb. doing sth. (现在分词) 4) have sth. done (过去分词),Practice,Use the words below to write a sentence with an object complement. Example: Verb:

20、 call Direct object: Fred Object complement: leader We call Fred the leader of our team.,1. Verb: named Direct object: dog Object complement: Luke _ 2. Verb: made Direct object: Wendy Object complement: angry _ 3. Verb: considers Direct object: Justin Object complement: a good friend _,We named the

21、dog Luke.,We made Windy angry.,The girl considers Justin a good friend.,Do you know that _? She sang many songs in the past. (sing/ singer) Our English _ also teaches us Chinese in our school. (teach/ teacher) _ should be careful when they drive in the dark . (drive/ driver) James Cameron, a famous

22、_, directed Avatar. (direct/ director) The director tells the _ what to do and how to act in the movie. (act/ actor),Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the given words.,2,singer,teacher,Drivers,director,actors,Divide your class into big groups. Throughout this unit, you will work with the

23、same group to make a movie or a play for this special film and theatre festival. As a group, choose a topic and brainstorm the main plot. Decide what each student in the group will do. You will need:,have a film and theatre festival,Project,One or two students to write the script. One student to be

24、the director. One student to be the camera person (only if youre making a movie). One student for costumes. One or two to take care of sound and music. Three or more actors and actresses. Make the movie or play and have fun! Present your movie or play and have a classroom awards show like the Oscars.,Time for reflection,Phrases: involve in/with do you think get to work divide up 2. The usage of the Object Complements,Exercise,. 根据汉语提示完成句子。 The_(导演)expresses his sorrow in his film. 2. I think my _ (背景) meets the requirement of this position. 3. He is


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