1、李清照声声慢翻译赏析,寻寻觅觅,冷冷清清,凄凄惨惨戚戚。乍暖还寒时候,最难将息。三杯两盏淡酒,怎敌他,晚来风急?雁过也,正伤心,却是旧时相识。 满地黄花堆积,憔悴损,如今有谁堪摘。守着窗儿,独自怎生得黑?梧桐更兼细雨,到黄昏,点点滴滴。这次第,怎一个愁字了得?,李清照的名作“声声慢”是翻译界的歌德巴赫猜想。它开篇连下七对叠字“寻寻觅觅, 冷冷清清, 凄凄惨惨戚戚”, 音律考究, 字数整齐, 意境深邃。要摘取这颗明珠, 第一, 要求翻译者从浩瀚的英语词汇中找到言简意赅的单音节词, 排列起来要易于重叠, 念起来要像My luve is like a red red rose一样琅琅上口; 第二,
2、词语意境还要带有悲伤哀愁失落的意味, 因为“意境的翻译方法, 专在用字传神”。第三, 词语还要有一定的难度, 不能只是大白话, 口水话, 才能同原文中的文言文的雅趣相匹配, 第四, 它几乎不能直译, 只能意译, 第五, 原文只有117 字, 若译文的字数超过原文的两倍, 大概就只能算是创作, 而不是翻译了。它难译之至,以至于很多人都反对翻译这首词。因为即使翻译得好, 也只是首诗, 无论如何也译不出词的味道, 还有的人认为, “诗歌中交织着两种不同层面的艺术,一种是一般的非语言艺术, 可以转移到另一种语言媒介中而不受损失, 另一种是特有的语言艺术, 不能转移” , 还有人说, 诗就是翻译中失去的
3、东西。正因为其难译, 具有无与伦比的挑战性, 所以才吸引得众多译者为其折腰, 而且, 很多翻译名家都曾经在这首词上一试身手。下面重点讨论那七对叠字的翻译。,李德兰先生将它翻译为: Seeking , seeking , fumbling , fumbling , Cold cold pale pale Chilly chilly cheerless cheerless Choking choking After a sudden warming up , The weather has turned cold again I can find no rest. Clara Candlin 女士
4、将其翻译为: Seek , seek , search , search ; Cold , cold , bare , bare ; Grief , grief , cruel , cruel grief , Now warm , then like the autumn Cold again How hard to calm the heart. 这两种翻译纯粹是字面意思的直译和单词的堆砌。外国人对汉字的内涵, 托物起兴的手法, 对境生于象的不理解, 才产生了这种码字式的译文。这七对叠字描述的动作和烘托的气氛只是一种物化的场景, 而它真正要传达的是一种 愁绪, 一种无法用语言直接勾勒, 只能
5、通过物象间接地勾起读者想象才能意会的意境。所以, 直接堆砌得到的只是诗词的躯壳, 丧失的是诗词意境和灵魂。,而已故的耶稣会唐石安神父(Rev. John Turner ,S. J . ) 却用双声叠韵法译出了神韵: I pine and peak And questless seek Groping and moping to linger and languish Anon to wander and wonder , glare , stare and start Flesh chilled,Ghost thrilled,With grim dart And keen canker of
6、rankling anguish. 思果先生评论道, “不会写英文老派诗的人无论怎样也创作不出来的。 而中国的翻译家们对这首词的意境几乎都有着良好的把握, 他们通常采用的方式是以关键字切入, 以诗译诗。 关键字既能保持原味, 诗歌化的翻译又基本可以达到无痕有味的境界。他们之间的差别只是表达方式和着重点的不同而已。 冰心曾将七对叠字意译为: Forlorn and sad , grieving with hurt ; The season grows warm , despite its chill ; Yet hard it is to find any rest. 许渊冲先生将其翻译为: I
7、 look for what I miss I know not what it is I feel so sad , so dreary So lonely , without cheer , How hard is it To keep me fit,徐忠杰老先生把词诗歌化, 颇有韵味, 惜乎字数太多。 Ive a sense of something missing I must seek. Everything about me looks dismal and bleak Nothing that gives me pleasure , I can find Even the wea
8、ther has proved most unkind 林语堂先生将七对叠字同样只用了十四个音节进行意译。 他自己说,“我译李易安的声声慢, 那”寻寻觅觅, 冷冷清清, 凄凄惨惨戚戚”十四字, 真费思量。须知全阕意思, 就在梧桐更兼细雨“, 那种独自怎生得黑”的意境。所以我用双声方法,译成: so dim , so dark , so dense , so dull , so damp , so dank , so dead 十四字译出, 确是黄昏细雨无可奈何孤单的境地, 而最后dead 一字最重, 这是译诗的人苦处及乐处, 煞费苦心, 才可译出”。林译全部用单音节字, 押头韵, 层层递进,
9、而且全部是d 字母开头的单音节词, 表现出了林译对词汇的色彩及其程度的把握, 堪称绝译。但美中不足的是, 十四个绝妙好词中就重复了七个so , 可以用so叠罗汉了。尽管如此绝译, 也有人认为Clara Candlin , 许渊冲和林语堂的译文“无论哪一种都没能完全体现出汉语重叠的修辞美与音韵美”。 从认知意义的高度来说, 诗歌可以意译(paraphrase) , 用不同的词语来表达诗歌的意义或认知内容( sense or cognitive content) 是一种普遍通行的课堂行为。由于语体意义的模糊性, 对于同一个文本的理解就会仁者见仁,智者见智; 因此, 诗歌翻译也鲜有不被人商榷的。尽管
10、对于“诗词是否具有可译性”的争议由来已久, 我们还是试图翻译这首千古绝唱, 从不同的角度来理解诗歌。,作者尽量用与原文差不多的音节和字数来翻译, 尤其是第一阕前十四个字, 作者用了一个前置定语, 五个押尾韵的后置定语来修饰“孤独”一词, 其意译为“莫名其妙的感觉, 令我无精打采, 烦躁不安, 它令人不得安宁, 不招自来, 绵绵无尽”, 同时, 译者尽量用闭口音来传达词人那种独守深闺, 寂寞无主,丧失精神家园的彷徨感。,Nameless feelings , Restless and listless , peaceless , baseless and ceaseless. Alternati
11、ng weather , proves the hardest to bear. How can thin wine check the chill of rising eve wind ! wild swans , my old acquaintance migrate in echelon , leaving me more forlorn,Mum petals sere , Lying crumpled there Which one is still good enough for a gather ? waiting at the window , how can I drag th
12、rough to dusk alone , all , all alone ! evening rain drizzles upon the tung , and di , di , di , di , down this feeling this time how can Sorrow , merely a word , describe the sorrow ?,杨宪益夫妇译本:Seeking, seeking, Chilly and quiet, Desolate, painful and miserable. Even when its warmer there is still a
13、chill, It is most difficult to keep well.Three or two cups of light wine, How can they ward off the strong morning wind?Wild geese fly past, while Im broken-hearted; But I recognize they are my old friends.Fallen chrysanthemums piled up on the ground, So withered, Who would pluck them?Leaning on the
14、 window, How can I pass the time till night alone? The drizzle falls on the wutong trees, Rain-drops drip down at dusk. At a time like this, What immense sorrow I must bear!,任治稷、余正 译本:Restless and lost, Cold and lonely, Wretched, miserable and anxious.Early warmth laced with chill, Hardest time for
15、convalescing. Two or three cups of light wine, No antidote against the gusty evening wind. Wild geese just flying by,Heart-wrenching, Turned out to be old acquaintances.The yard piled up all over with yellow blossoms, Withered and ruined, Now none worth picking. Vigil by the window alone, What heavy
16、 time before dark!Wutong trees on top of fine drizzling, Until dark, Dripping and trickling,Things in this order, How gloomy can the gloom be?,林语堂译本:So dim, so dark, So dense, so dull, So damp, so dank, So dead!The weather, now warm, now cold, Makes it harder .Than ever to forget!How can a few cups
17、of thin wine/Bring warmth against .The chilly winds of sunset?I recognize the geese flying overhead: My old friends, Bring not the old memories back!Let fallen flowers lie where they fall. To what purpose .And for whom should 1 decorate?By the window shut, Guarding it alone, To see the sky has turne
18、d so black!And the drizzle on the kola nut. Keeps on droning: Pit-a-pat, pit-a-pat!Is this the kind of mood and moment. To be expressed By one word sad?,许渊冲译本:I look for what I miss; I know not what it is. I feel so sad, so drear, So lonely, without cheer. How hard is it To keep me fit In this lingering cold! By cup on cup Of wine so dry Oh, how could I Endure at dusk the drift Of wind so swift?It breaks my heart, alas, To see the wild geese pass, For they are my acquaintances of old. The ground is co
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