1、第7讲 把关人与传播控制 Regulation of the Mass Media,传媒内部控制研究 Internal Controls,新闻选择的把关人(geetkeeper)理论 一、卢因的把关概念 1、1947年,卢因去丗前不久,在群体生活的渠道一文中首次提到“把关”(gatekeeping) 2、把关:指传播者对信息进行筛选与过滤的行为 3、把关人:对信息进行筛选和过滤的人即把关人,施拉姆:在信息网络中到处都设有把关人,例如: 记者决定报道哪些事实; 编辑决定发布哪些新闻; 作家决定反映哪些典型人物、事件、人生观; 图书管理员决定买什么书籍; 教师决定采用什么样的教科书; 餐桌旁的丈夫
2、决定当天办公室发生的新闻,哪些应该告诉妻子; 负责汇报的官员决定哪些情况向上级汇报,怀特的把关研究,1、怀特通过输入信息与输出信息的对比,考察在一个具体的把关环节上,信息是怎样被过滤被筛选的。 输入信息输出信息=把关过滤信息 输入信息 门区 输出信息 2、怀特记录一位编辑一周收到的全部稿件及用稿情况: 收到来稿11910条,用稿件1297条,大约90%被把关,只有10%左右被选用,N,N,N1,N2,N3,N4,N1,N4,N2,N3,M,门,受 众,怀特把关模式,怀特把关模式的缺陷,该模式只是对新闻信息取舍过程的一种简单概括,它指出了经过大众传媒这道关口,某些信息得到入选,某些新闻遭到舍弃这
3、一事实,但并没说明哪些新闻会得到入选,哪些新闻会遭到舍弃,而这个问题才涉及把关过程的实质。 将把关人当作一个孤立的因素来考察,过分强调把关人的独立权限,忽略了社会因素对把关人的制约。,E,R,S1,S2,S3,S4,S5,S6,C1,C2,C3,C4,C5,C6,各种 事件,新闻 受众,C:把关人 S:新闻,麦克内利(McNelly)的把关链模式,麦克内利的把关链模式评述,该模式显示了各项国际新闻在由新闻源传向受众的过程中是如何通过多个个体“把关人”的。 优点: 1、整个信息流通过程中存在着一条有许多关口组成的把关链; 2、表现了新闻是如何进入下一关口的,它既可能代替已经存在的新闻项,也可能与
4、它们并为一体。 缺点:把每个把关人及其作用都等同了,不分主次,新闻 事件,新闻采集者,新闻 稿件,新闻加工者,新闻 成品,第一阶段,第二阶段,比如: 作者 记者 当地编辑,比如: 编辑 改稿人员 翻译,巴斯(Bass)的“双重行动模式”,对巴斯把关模式的评述,巴斯虽然着眼于个体“把关人”,但他认为,只有在新闻组织机构内的个体活动才有意义。 他提出新闻“把关人”的“把关”功能不尽相同。 巴斯将个体“把关人”的研究从怀特对单个新闻加工者的研究拓宽为对明显分为两类的多重“把关人”的研究。,影响传播者把关的因素,政治法律因素:社会政治制度决定传播制度 经济因素:经济控制远比政府的控制影响大 社会文化因
5、素:社会价值体系和文化开放程度。J.鲁尔中国打开了电视 信息自身的因素:信息价值 组织自身的因素:要求、规范、传统 受众因素:社会需要、受众结构 技术因素:条件 传播者个人因素:世界观、个性、水平,“把关”过程的实质,大众传媒的新闻或信息生产与传播并不具有纯粹的“客观中立性”,而是依据传媒的一定立场、方针和价值标准所进行的一种有目的的取舍选择加工活动; 新闻和信息的选择受到媒介经营目标、受众需求以及社会文化等多种因素的制约,但与媒介方针和利益一致的内容更容易优先入选; 传媒的把关是一个多环节、有组织的过程,其中虽也有编辑、记者个人的活动,但在媒介内部控制机制的作用下,个人因素所起的作用是有限的
6、。“把关”过程及其结果,在总体上是传媒组织的立场和方针的体现。,FCC:Regulating Broadcasting,Because we the public own the airwaves, our government acts on our behalf to decide who gets a license to broadcast over certain frequencies, and whether or not, after a time, they can renew that license. The governing body, the FCC, doesnt
7、 make laws but rather interprets them, and one of its biggest jobs is to continually interpret the concept of “operating within the public interest” in both the technical and overall programming areas. In 1960 the FCC introduced the idea of localism, which said programs with local talent, aimed at l
8、ocal self-expression, are necessary elements in serving the public interest.,FCC Regulatory Powers,If a radio or TV station violates FCC regulations, the agency has several ways to help enforce the rules: fine a station up to $250,000 put a license renewal on probation, usually a year revoke or fail
9、 to renew a license,Regulating Cable TV,Cable TV has had a history of on-again, off-again regulations, but the latest regulations arose due to widespread consumer complaints against rising fees and poor service; in response, Congress passed the Cable TV Act of 1992, which re-instated the FCCs power
10、to regulate cable fees and services, of which there were two important consequences: Most consumers saw their monthly cable rates go down. The Supreme Court held Congress could pass laws which guaranteed a free flow of information couldnt be restricted by a private firm that controlled the means of
11、transmission,1996 TELECOMMUNICATIONS ACT,First major overhaul of communication laws in 60 years, and it affected every industry regulated by the FCC. Key provisions: no limit on the number of stations that can be owned by one company, except that they couldnt own more than eight stations within one
12、market no limit on number of TV stations that can be owned as long as they dont reach more than 35% of nations TV homes extended the term of broadcast licenses to eight years,1996 TELECOMMUNICATIONS ACT,allowed phone companies to enter cable field, vice versa deregulated the rates of many cable syst
13、ems mandated new TV sets be able to block programs with strong sexual or violent content (the so-called V-Chip) ordered TV industry to come up with a voluntary system to rate programs with violent, sexual, or indecent content,Theories of the Press,Authoritarian Theory The ruling elite should guide t
14、he masses. Truth (read “power”) flows from the top down; it was a system founded on the principles of Divine Right and fostered a paternalistic attitude toward the masses. Libertarian Theory Directly opposite authoritarian beliefs, this system assumes people are intelligent creatures who are perfect
15、ly capable of making up their own minds about their affairs given accurate and complete accounts of the news. Government exists to serve the individual, and it serves best when it serves least.,Theories of the Press,Social Responsibility Theory contends the press has a right to criticize government,
16、 but also has a responsibility to preserve democracy by properly informing the public and by responding to societys needs and interests. The Communist Theory says the media are owned by the people and operated through the state, the purpose being to support the Marxist system and the Communist party
17、. The Developmental Theory holds government can mobilize the media to serve national goals in times of economic and social development needs, such as raising literacy levels, political integration, economic self-sufficiency, and the eradication of disease.,Media Control and Ownership,Type A Type B P
18、UBLIC Radio/TV in Western| Communist countries European countries | Radio/TV in many | developing countries Ownership_ Type C| Type D | Western Europe press| Press in several Latin PRIVATE media in U.S.A.| American countries private European radio/TV DECENTRALIZED CENTRALIZED Control,Examples Of Foreign Media Systems,The media systems in the next three example countries show the varying influences that economics, culture,
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