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1、汉译英词语的选择、搭配和引申,一、词语的选择,分析句子各成分之间的内在关系,在上下文语境中正确理解汉语词语的内涵,同时根据词语在句中的上下文来确定词义,选择用词。,发展是硬道理。 Development is the primary principle. 假日外出旅游成为了沪上最风行的节目。 Traveling on holidays has become an activity popular with people in Shanghai. Traveling on holidays is most popular with people in Shanghai.,瑞金医院拥有雄厚的医疗技

2、术、科研教学和管理方面的力量。 Ruijin Hospital boasts sophisticated medical technology, well-qualified administration and research and teaching faculties.,中国正孕育着一个巨大的钻石消费市场。 An enormous diamond market has formed in China. 上海市场去年销售创下历史新高。 The sales in Shanghai market was an all-time high last year.,一个国家一定要有稳定的形势,才能

3、把经济建设搞上去。 The stability is essential for the promotion of economic growth in a country. The economic growth can only be promoted with the stability of a country. Any country needs a stable environment for its economic growth.,国企和外企的差距正在缩小。 The gap between the state-owned enterprises and the foreign-

4、funded enterprises is narrowing. 低价电脑大潮在将近五个月的时间里刮遍了整个中国。 The trend of low-price computers (selling computers at low prices) swept across China in about five month.,步入新世纪,我国农业出现一派新气象。 With out entry into the new century, the agriculture in China is taking on a new look. 假日经济在我国已经呈现出广阔的发展前景。 The holi

5、day economy has promised remarkable growth. The holiday economy has remarkable potential for growth. The holiday economy has the prospect of remarkable growth.,二、词语的搭配,以“上”字为例 上班上报上膘上场 上当上灯上吊上访 上坟上告上钩上轨道 上火上课上路上马 上门上年纪上任上台 上膛上照上刑上演 上瘾上阵,上班to go to work; to be on duty 上当to be taken in 上坟to visit a gr

6、ave to honor the memory of the dead 上火to get angry 上门to visit; to shut the door 上膛(of a gun) to be loaded 上瘾to be addicted (to sth.),上报to appear in the newspaper 上灯to light the lamp 上告to complain to the higher authorities or appeal to a higher court 上课to attend class 上年纪 to be getting on in years 上照

7、to come out well in a photo; to be photogenic 上阵to go into battle,上膘(of animals) to become fat 上吊to hang oneself 上钩to rise to the bait 上路to set out on a journey 上任to take up an official post 上刑to put sb. to torture,上场to appear on the stage (court) 上访to apply for an audience with the higher authoriti

8、es to appeal for help 上轨道 to get on the right track 上马to mount a horse 上台to come to power 上演to perform,干部要能上能下。 A cadre should be ready to take a lower as well as a higher post. 这盘棋你上。 You play this game. 一连上了好几道菜。 Several courses were served in succession. 这事已经上电视了。 It has been publicized on TV.,以“

9、创造”为例 invent: create by thought create: in invent sth. new in art, literature, fashion etc. by using your imagination bring about: to cause a situation to exist, esp. by working hard for a long time foster: help the growth or development of sth. produce: make, manufacture,我们的民族将以勇敢勤劳的姿态工作,创造着自己的文明与幸

10、福。 From now on, our nation will working courageously and industriously to bring about/foster its own civilization and well-being. 他再没有创造出超过他处女作的作品。 He had never improved on his first book.,人类自创造音乐的那一刻起,即开始了音乐的传播。 The spread of music began the moment that mankind created it. 电脑的普及为网络走进千家万户创造了条件。 The

11、popularization of computer has paved the way for networks entry into average families. The popularization of computer has made it possible for network to enter into average families.,以“加强”为例 我们要加强优生优育工作,提高人口素质。 Greater importance should be attached to prenatal and postnatal care to improve physical

12、quality among population. 必须加强物质文明与精神文明建设。 We should speed up/quicken/accelerate both material progress and cultural and ethical progress.,我们必须加强对农业、对耕地、水、树木、草原、矿产、海鲜、生物等资源的管理和保护。 We must tighten our control over and protection of arable land, water, forests, grasslands, mineral, seafood and other b

13、iological resources.,总而言之,我们应拿出更多的财力加强基础设施建设,加强高新技术建设,加强现有企业技术改造。 In a word, we should pool more money to strengthen construction in infrastructure, speed up the development of high and new technologies, quicken the technological renovation in the enterprises.,三、词语的引申,我当时真的是哭笑不得。 At that moment I di

14、dnt know whether I should cry or laugh. (*) At that moment I felt at (a) loss at what to do next. 不要公开与上司唱反调。 Dont openly sing a different tune with your superiors. (*) Dont openly contradict your superiors.,互联网的出现令媒体感到措手不及。 The appearance of the Internet took the media by surprise. 中国经济取得巨大的发展,中国人民

15、终于扬眉吐气了。 Chinese people feel proud and elated for the great economic development in China.,哑巴吃黄连,有苦说不出。 He was like the dumb man eating the bitter herb: he had to suffer the bitterness of it in silence. 他心里像有十五个吊桶打水,七上八下。 It was like the sword of Damocles above his head.,参加上海全球财富论坛的代表一直看好中国市场。 Parti

16、cipants in the Shanghai Fortune Global Forum agreed that Chinas economy has great potential. Participants in the Shanghai Fortune Global Forum agreed that Chinas market promises to be thriving.,外资企业日前已经成为浦东新区出口增长的拉动力。 The foreign enterprises have promoted the increase in export in the Pudong New Are

17、a. 中国是世界经济最活跃的地方之一,浦东是国际资本投资的热土。 China plays an active role in the world economy and Pudong runs hot with the international investment.,日益崛起的超市产业已经成为上海城乡居民生活的好帮手。 The rising supermarkets have conveniently served both the urban and rural residents in Shanghai in their daily life. 硅谷的难题是人才短缺。 The Silicon Valley suffers from the shortage of ta


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