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1、定语从句 用作定语的从句叫定语从句。定语从句所修饰的 名(代)词叫作先行词。定语从句一般紧跟在先 行词的后面。 1. The students (who dont study hard) will not pass 先行词 定语从句 the exam. 主句:,The students will not pass the exam.,2. The woman (whom you saw in the park) is our 先行词 定语从句 English teacher. 主句:,The woman is our English teacher.,从句的主语:,you,从句的宾语:,who

2、m,3. A shoe shop is a shop (which sells shoes). 主句:,A shoe shop is a shop.,从句的主语:,which,4. The book (that you want) is on the desk. 主句 从句的主语: 从句的宾语:,The book is on the desk.,you,that,引导定语从句的关系代词常见的有that, which,who whom等。关系代词放在先行词和定语从句之间, 起连接作用,同时又作定语从句的一个成份。 The man (that/who told us a funny story)

3、is in the next room.,主语,I lost the book( that/which ) you gave me).,宾语,归纳:that,即指人又指物,作主语或宾语。 which,指物,作主语或宾语。 who, whom指人,who作主语,whom作宾语。 that,which,whom在定语从句中作宾语时,可省去。,1) A plane is a machine _ can fly. 2) The car _ my uncle bought last week was stolen. 3) The students _ dont study hard will not p

4、ass the exam. 4) The woman _ you saw in the park is our English teacher. 5) He talked happily about the men and books_ _ interested him greatly in the school.,which/that,which/that/ / /,who/that,whom/that/ / /,that,1. That book that you want it is on the desk.,2. Is this factory that we visited last

5、 week?,the one,This factory is the one that we visited last week?,3. He is the person for whom you are looking.,for,4. The persn to whom you talked is Lily.,The person whom you talked to is Lily. 归纳:1定语从句要避免成分重复 2定语从句要避免漏用先行词 3含有介词的短语动词一般不拆开,Join two sentences into one: The boy is my brother. He hel

6、ped me.,1. The boy who helped me is my brother.,The film is interesting. They saw it last night.,2. The film they saw last night is interesting.,The students will not pass the exam. They dont work hard.,3.The students who dont work hard will not pass the exam.,Fill in the blanks. 1. I still remember

7、 the day _ we spent in the forest. 2. I still remember the day _ I first came to Beijing. 3. The factory _ we will visit is large. 4. The factory _ his father works is large. 5. Ill never forget the time _ we work on the farm. 6. This is the house _ we lived last year.,that/which,when/on which,that/

8、which,where,when/at which,where/in which,归纳:关系副词when指时间,关系副词where指地点, 在定语从句中作状语。即使先行词是时间地点,若 作从句中的宾语,只能用关系代词that, which.,Fill in the gaps: 1.The terrible typhoon killed the people and cattle _ were in the fields. 2.The wind blew down the tallest tree _ is in front of our school gate. 3.This is the v

9、ery thing _ I was looking for. 4.This is the second novel _ I have ever read. 5.There is nothing in the world _ can frighten me. 6.Who is the man _ is reading under the tree? 7.My hometown is not the same one _ it used to be twenty years ago.,that,that,that/,that/,that,that,that,以下情况只能用that 1 先行词既有指

10、人又有指物 2 当先行词前有序数词或形容词最高级时,有the only,the very 等修饰时 3 先行词是all, much, anything, something, nothing 等不定代词 4 主句是以who/which开头的特殊疑问句时 5当先行词在定语从句中作表语时,Corrections: 1. The man just said hello to me is my chemistry teacher.,who,2. Who is the comrade you just shook hands with him.,3. Egypt is a country where i

11、s famous for its pyramids.,( where which),4. This is the best dictionary which I have ever used.,( which that),5. The house where we live in is not very large.,( where which/that),6. The house that it was built in 1970 stayed up in the earthquake.,“介词关系代词”即“介词whom/which”引 导定语从句应注意: 1介词的选用至少要考虑以下的两个因

12、素 A.与先行词的搭配关系 1)I will never forget the day _ I joined the army. 2) I will never forget the days _ I worked in the school. 3) I will never forget the year _ my son went to college. 4) I got home at 7:00 p.m. yesterday, _ most people had had supper.,on which,during which,in which,by which,B. 与谓语动词的搭配

13、习惯 1)Have you found the book _ I paid 29 US dollars? 2) Have you found the book _ I spent 29 US dollars? 3) Have you found the book _ we learnt a lot? 4) Have you found the book _ she often talks?,for which,on which,from which,about which,2. “介词whom/which”与 “whom/which/that/ 介词”的转换。 1)The chair on w

14、hich she is sitting is made of wood. The chair (which/that) she is sitting on is made of wood. 2) Is this the book which you are looking for? 介词for不能与 look分开。 3. way作先行词 1) The way (in which/that) he looks at the problems is wrong.,4. 表所有关系及整体中的一部分或全部时,用介 词of, 有时可用whose转换。 1) There are 100 teachers

15、in our school, _ 60 are women teachers. 2) He has three children, two _ work as teachers. 3) That table has four legs, all _ are very short. 4) Im painting a house, the roof _ is round.,Im painting a house whose roof is.,5) They live in a house ,_ windows face south.,They live in a house, the window

16、s_ _ face south.,of whom,of whom,of which,of which,whose,of which,用介词关系代词填空 1 The boy was staying in the room _ window he could climb down. 2. Hes the man _ I learnt the news. 3. Whos the comrade _ you just shook hands. 4. There are 52 students in our class, _ nearly 40 are League members. 5. I know

17、 a lady the husband _ is a Nobel Prize winner. 6. Do you know the driver who caused the traffic accident _ a man was killed. 7. This is the way _ she studies English.,through whose,from whom,with whom,of whom,of whom,in which,in which,8. The 5 yuan_ he bought the book was given by his friend. 9. The

18、 story about Shakespeare, _ this is one example , is well written. 10. The old man always wears his glasses _ _ he cant see anything. 11.The key_ she was opening the door broke. 12. The library _ we often go on Sundays is not far from our school. 13. No one know the reason _ she is leaving so early.

19、 14. At last they came to a river _ a new bridge is being built.,for which,of which,without,which,with which,to which,for which,over which,关系代词引导的定语从句: Complete the following sentences: 1. Is this the school _ you visited last year? Is this school _ _ you visited last year? 2. He is one of the stude

20、nts who _ good at maths. He is the only one of the students who _ good at maths. 3. The girl _ I think was honest lied to me. The girl _ I think to be honest lied to me. 4. China is no longer _ she was 10 years ago. China is no longer the country _ she was 10 years ago.,(that/which),the one,are,is,who,whom,what,that,5. The radio I bought yesterday is quite different from _ _ you bought last month. The radio I bought yesterday is quite different from _ you bought last month. 6. Do you still remember the hotel _


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