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1、Amatciems is 80 km from Riga, the capital of Latvia, and 12 km of islands that have about 20,000 inhabitants. If you want to buy a house in this little-known place, it will cost you 200,000 euros. For that amount you can buy a house in a spectacular natural landscape of indescribable beauty,Amatciem

2、s是離拉特維亞首都-里加80公里的島嶼,方圓12公里,有2万左右居民。如果你想在這個鮮为人知的地方買棟房子,大約花費20万歐元。用這筆錢你可以在無比美麗的自然風景區擁有一所房子了。,There are no paved roads in Amatciems, the place to build a house is carefully selected to fit with the existing landscape.,這裡没有舖砌的道路,建房的位置必須小心地選定, 以便與現有的風景相配。,You must meet two main criteria - a new home shou

3、ld not obscure the beautiful natural landscapes and must allow the owners of each plot to enjoy their own smallholdings of natural forest and the reservoir of freshwater.,這裡必須滿足兩個標準 - 新房子不能妨礙自然風景; 必須允許每個房主擁有小塊自然樹林和新鮮水庫。,Three types of structures are used - wooden frames, timber and masonry that are

4、complemented by facades of natural stone, sheeting of wood, decorative plaster or painted glass of the exterior walls.,這裡採用三種形式的建築: 木結構;外觀用自然石塊砌成的木石結構; 還有一種是用木頭支撑和間隔,用灰泥或塗色玻璃裝飾外牆。,The concept of each household is allowed four types of styles - roofs, logs carved, ceramic tiles or cement. This does n

5、ot mean that are limited in their choice. The new ideas are always welcome.,每棟房屋有四種形式可供構思 - 屋頂,雕刻的圓木柱,陶瓷瓦片或水泥瓦片。但這並不意味限制他們的選擇,新構思總是受歡迎的。,Each plot is connected to the network of public services, i.e. - water supply, sewerage, electricity and fiber optic cable.,每棟建築都與公共服務的網絡相連, 如供水、排水、電力和光纖電纜等。,Amatc

6、iems has only natural reserves in freshwater - ponds, lakes and streams. All are interconnected to feed some and others in the air currents and avoid the floods in periods of rain. .,這裡只有自然儲備的活水 - 池塘、湖泊和溪流。 所有這些都互相連通和補給,並防止雨季時泛濫。,The inhabitants can admire deer, vixens, birds and other animal in mov

7、ement without ties through the zone, or take time to walk by the forest, perhaps in search of berries and fungi in the way.,Wonderful hill views, Lagos, fields and forests that produce feelings of peace and tranquility.,The town already has attracted people who value the simple and natural life. The

8、 Amatciems community is totally international.,居民能够無拘無束地愛護小鹿、小鳥和其他路過的動物,到林中漫步,或者在漫步途中採摘草莓和蘑菇。 美妙的山丘景色、湖泊、原野和森林,讓人頓覺安祥和 寧静。 這個村鎮早已吸引了崇尚自然簡樸生活的人們。Amatciems 完全是國際化的社區。,Homes that are arranged to share life with the nature, to coexist in harmony that will allow them to update its being with the energies

9、 of the natural aromas and the sounds.,A home where they like to watch the birds, the sunrise, dawns and images that will be duplicated in virgin waters of the environment.,A home in which they can enjoy the natural beauty of every day in the four seasons of the year,A natural form of the life, a un

10、ique project, a masterpiece of an ecological genius, Mr. Aivars Zvirbulis, who thinks that the urban life is a loss of time.,Aivars Zvirbulis,這裡房屋的安排,使人們得以與自然共享生活,和諧地共存,這將使他們的生命得到自然芬香和聲音的活力不斷地充實和更新。,Aivars Zvirbulis,這裡的家庭,人們喜歡觀望飛鳥、日出、晚霞和清澈的水中映照出来的自然環境的景像。 這裡的家庭,人們一年四季每一天都能够享受自然的美麗。 這是生命的自然形態,這是一個獨特的項目,這是生態學大師Aivars Zvirbulis的傑作,他認為都市生活是時光的流失。,Many famous architects already have recognized Amattsiems a cultural monum


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