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1、Halloween October 31 Valentines Day February 14,February 14,Valentines Day,L-O-V-E,L - is for the way you look - at me O - is for the only one - I see V - is very, ve-ry - extra-ordinary E - is even more than an-y-one that you adore can,L-O-V-E,Love - is all that I can give - to you Love - is more t

2、han just a game - for two Two - in love can make it Take my heart and please dont break it Love - was made for me and you,Past Knowledge,What do you know about Valentines Day? (thoughts, symbols, or ideas) Discuss in groups of 3 or 4 what you think about Valentines! Do you celebrate in China?,Histor

3、y As Legend Has It,Why celebrate Valentines Day? there are many different stories 200 AD, Rome Emperor Claudius II thought the single men would make the best soldiers Law Ordered all young men in society NOT to get married St. Valentine Disagrees a priest, Valentine disagreed with this law and marri

4、ed young men in secret anyway Valentines Death Eventually he is found out, put into prison and executed,History As Legend Has It,St. Valentines love While in prison, he fell in love with the jailors daughter Love letters would send her love letters while he was imprisoned “From your Valentine” He wo

5、uld always sign the letter like this Today - A day to remember St. Valentine for what he did; maybe that is why people sign cards “from your Valentine”,Traditions,A day for romance - important for boyfriends and husbands to give cards and gifts to their girlfriends and wives; they may also take them

6、 out to dinner; sing them a song or write a poem,Gifts - People give flowers, chocolate, jewelry and candy,Other Traditions,Valentines - School children exchange “Valentines” cards during class and decorate their rooms Messages - Be Mine;U R the 1; Cool Dude;I Like You Eat sweet food Pink cookies, c

7、andies or cakes,Symbols,Cupid,Heart,Love Songs and Poems,Valentines Day,Create your own Valentines Card Message or Poem Share with a partner and take home to your friend or loved one!,Valentines Day,Examples the loving messages/versus Roses are Red, Violets are Blue, Sugar is sweet and so are you! I

8、 love you more than Love is Will you be mine?,Valentines Day,Examples Acrostic Poem PRESTON Patient and kind Rather musically inclined Easily my best friend So handsome Totally sweet and awesome On my side Nothing but happiness together,Questions ?,Halloween,October 31,Past Knowledge,What do YOU kno

9、w about Halloween? (thoughts, symbols, ideas) Discuss in groups of 3 or 4 what you think about Halloween or have read!,History,All Hallows Eve Halloween comes from this Celtic-European festival(2000 years ago) Was a festival to honor the dead Thought the dead or ghosts went around the streets on Oct

10、ober 31(last day of Celtic calendar year) People would leave out food to make the dead happy and also for a good harvest,Halloween Symbols,Mask,Jack O Lantern,Vampire,Skeleton,Witch,Bat,Spider,Black Cat,Ghost,Traditions,Costumes - People dress upin costumes Trick-or-treating - Children in costumes g

11、o around to different houses, or the local shopping mall and say “Trick-or-treat!,” and they get candy. Carved pumpkins “Jack-o-lanterns” have lighted candle inside and displayed on front porch of house all night,Fall festivals - church and community groups have an indoor party for kids; they dress

12、up, play games, get candy and win prizes for best costume Haunted Houses People walk through places made to scare them Horror Movies or Scary Stories blood, knives, scary screams,Traditions,Costumes and Masks,Trick or Treating,Candy apples,Trick o treaters,Common candy container,Candy,Haunted Houses

13、 a place to get scared,Monsters, ghosts and darkness,Decorations,Some Americans decorate the outside of their houses with spiders, webs, ghosts, skeletons and lights,Work Traditions,Some people dress up in costumes, Compete for the best costume and win prizes Eat cookies, candy and cupcakes. Offices

14、 are decorated,Office Decoration,Halloween Mad-Lib (Story),On a piece of paper write: 1. Proper Noun 7. Noun 2. Noun 8. Adjective 3. Verb 9. Verb 4. Adjective 10. Verb 5. Noun 11. Adjective 6. Noun,Halloween Mad-Lib,Now add the words to the correct blank in the following slide. Find a partner or two

15、 then read your own scary Halloween story and listen to theirs too!,Halloween Craziness,It was a dark and stormy night when (1)_ and I went out for trick-or-treating. My friends and I were just knocking on doors, when all of a suddenI heard a long (2)_ from behind me. (3)_! It was a big (4)_, black cat. My friends and (5)_ ran down the street trying to escape the (6)_. But the (7)_ was not (8)_, just hungry and cold. So I (9)_ the cat up and (10)_ her home. After that, Halloween was just not (11)_.,Other Activities,Create: your own Scary story using


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