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1、1 1 1 1 让有理想的人更加卓越!让有理想的人更加卓越! SectionSectionSectionSection UseUseUseUse ofofofof EnglishEnglishEnglishEnglish Directions: Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on ANSWER SHEET 1. (10 points) In our society, we must communicate with other peop

2、le.Agreat deal of communicating is performed on a person-to-person1by the simple means of speech. If we travel in buses, stand in football match2, we are likely to have conversations3we give information or opinions, and sometimes have our views 4by other members of society. Face-to-face contact is5t

3、he only form of communication, and during the last two hundred years, the 6of mass communication has become one of the dominating factors of contemporary society.Two things, 7others, have caused the enormous growth of the communication industry. Firstly, inventiveness has8 advances in printing, phot

4、ography and so on. Secondly, speed has revolutionized the9and reception of communications so that local news often10a back seat to national news. No longer is the possession of information11to a privileged minority. Forty years ago people used to12to the cinema, but now far more people sit at home a

5、nd turn on the TV to watch a program that 13into millions of houses. Communication is no longer merely concerned14the transmission of information. The modern communications industry influences the way people live in society and broadens their horizons by allowing 15to information, education and ente

6、rtainment. The printing, broadcasting and advertising industries are all 16with informing, educating and entertaining.17a great deal of the material communicated by the mass media is very valuable to the individual and to the society18 which he is a part, the vast modern network of communications is

7、19to abuse. However, the mass media are with us for better, for worse, and there is no turning20. 1. A basisB baseC levelD ground 2. A linesB queuesC rowsD files 3. A whereasB whichC thatD where 4. A expressedB challengedC agreedD voiced 5. A by some means B by any meansC by no meansD by all means 6

8、. A artB deviceC wayD method 7. A belowB aboveC overD beyond 8. A resulted fromB translated intoC led toD converted into 9. A circulationB diffusionC transportationD transmission 10. A offersB choosesC takesD leaves 11. A prohibitedB providedC allowedD confined 12. A strollB pourC flockD rush 13. A

9、is being channeledB is broadcasting C is being dischargedD is transmitting 14. A aboutB withC toD for 15. A accessB availabilityC entranceD entry 16. A engagedB involvedC occupiedD dealt 17. AAlthoughB SinceC IfD Even if 18. A withB forC byD of 19. A possibleB likelyCsubjectD close 20. A awayB overC

10、 downD back 2 2 2 2 让有理想的人更加卓越!让有理想的人更加卓越! 精勤求学精勤求学 自强不息自强不息 SectionSectionSectionSection ReadingReadingReadingReading ComprehensionComprehensionComprehensionComprehension PartPartPartPartA A A A Directions: Read the following four texts .Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D

11、. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1. (40 points) T T T Textextextext OneOneOneOne Ascientist who does research in economic psychology and who wants to predict the way in which consumers will spend their money must study consumer behavior. He must obtain data both on the resources of consumers and

12、on the motives that tend to encourage or discourage money spending. If an economist was asked which of three groups borrow most people with rising incomes, stable incomes, or declining incomes he would probably answer: those with declining incomes. Actually, in the year 19471950, the answer was: peo

13、ple with rising incomes. People with declining incomes were next and people with stable incomes borrowed the least. This shows us the traditional assumptions about earning and spending is not always reliable. Another traditional assumption is that if people who have money expect prices to go up, the

14、y will hasten to buy. If they expect prices to go down, they will postpone buying. But research surveys have shown that this is not always true. The expectations of price increases may not stimulate buying. One typical attitude was expressed by the wife of a mechanic in an interview at a time of ris

15、ing prices. “In a few months,” she said, “well have to pay more for meat and milk; well have less to spend on other things.” Her family had been planning to buy a new car but they postponed this purchase. Furthermore, the rise in prices that has already taken place may be resented and buyers resista

16、nce may be evoked. This is shown by the following typical comment: “I just dont pay these prices; they are too high.” Traditional assumptions should be investigated carefully, and factors of time and place should be considered. The investigations mentioned above were carried out in America. Investig

17、ations concluded at the same time in Great Britain, however, yielded results that were more in agreement with traditional assumptions about saving and spending patterns. The conditions most conductive to spending appear to be price stability. If prices have been stable and people have become accusto

18、med to consider them “right” and expect them to remain stable, they are likely to buy. Thus, it appears that the common business policy of maintaining stable prices with occasional sales or discounts is based on a correct understanding of consumer psychology. 21. The best title of the passage is. A

19、Consumers purchasing power. B Relationship between income and purchasing power. C Traditional assumptions. D Studies in consumer behavior. 22. The example of the mechanics wife is intended to show that in times of rising prices. A people with declining income tend to buy less. B people with stable i

20、ncome tend to borrow less. C people with increasing income tend to buy more. D people with money also tend to buy less. 23. Findings in investigations in Britain are mentioned to show. A maintaining stable prices is based on a correct understanding of consumer psychology. B people in Britain behave

21、in the same way as those in America. C factors of time and place should be taken into consideration. D occasional discount and sales are necessary. 24.According to the passage, people tend to buy more when. A prices are expected to go up.B prices are expected to go down. 3 3 3 3 让有理想的人更加卓越!让有理想的人更加卓

22、越! C prices dont fluctuate.D the business policy remains unchanged. 25. Which of the following statements is not true? A The traditional assumptions dont always hold water. B When prices rise, people have to buy even though they dont want to. C It is still not well known that the traditional assumpt

23、ions are wrong. D In the old days, businesses always fail because of lack of knowledge of consumer psychology. T T T Textextextext TwoTwoTwoTwo Whatever else went wrong in the world this year, no one can complain about a shortage of celebrity breakups. From Jennifer Anistons split with Brad Pitt in

24、January to Jessica Simpsons divorce from Nick Lachey in December, 2005 was awash with ruined romance. But hold the tearsat last for the ex-wives, bad marriages might have been making them sick, Researchers say that long-term anger and hostility between partners is much more dangerous for women than

25、men and can impair our immune system and put us at risk for depression, high blood pressure and even heart disease. In a study, Dr. Janice Kiecolt-Glaser and her colleagues at Ohio State University recruited 42 healthy couples who had been married an average of 12 years to spend two 24-hour stretche

26、s in a hospital research unit. On the first visit, the couples were encouraged to be loving and supportive of each other. On the second visit, they talked about their areas of conflict. On each visit, a special vacuum tube created blister wounds on their arms that were monitored for healing. The mos

27、t antagonistic couple took an average of a day longer to heal. “Hostile marital interactions really enhance production of stress hormones, especially for women,” Kiecolt-Glaser says. “And immune change is great for women than for men.” What makes women so vulnerable to a husbands hostility? Kiecolt-

28、Glaser says women remember both positive and negative interactions more than men because theyre generally more aware of the emotional content of a relationship.Women have larger and broader social networks than men, she says, and theyre more sensitive to “adverse events” in their networksa friend, a

29、 child, or a sister in trouble. That sensitivity is especially acute when it comes to their most intimate relationship, with their husband.Acommon laboratory strategy for studying marriage, Kiecolt-Glaser says, is to watch couples talk about a disagreement and then have each partner rate their own a

30、nd their spousesbehavior. “Womens ratings of the behavior are much closer to the outside observers codings of hostility than mens,” she says. “Men simply dont see it. Long-term unhappy marriages have serious health consequences. In another study, researchers from the University of Pittsburgh and San

31、 Diego State University looked at data from more than 400 healthy women who were followed for 13 years before and after menopause. They found that marital dissatisfaction tripled a womans chances of having metabolic syndrome, a group of heart-risk factors. Only widows were more likely to have metabo

32、lic syndrome than the unhappy wives; even divorced and single women had better health-risk profiles. What should you take away from all this? Kiecolt-Glaser says couples should learn to keep hostility in check. “When relationships are stressed,” she says. “you see a tit for tatkind of behavior where

33、 things really escalate. The most important thing is to cut that off early.” 26. The marital status of the celebrities is mentioned in the beginning to show_. A how popular divorce is among famous people B how hostility between partners might end up in divorce C that hostility has become less popula

34、r even among celebrities D that divorce may be a better option than bad marriages 27. The objective of Dr. Kiecolt-Glasers research is to find out_. A whether had marriages damage womens immune system B how hostile marital relationship can best be handled C what has caused tension between husbands a

35、nd wives 4 4 4 4 让有理想的人更加卓越!让有理想的人更加卓越! 精勤求学精勤求学 自强不息自强不息 D why long-term anger hurts women without hurting their husbands 28. What Dr. Kiecolt-Glaser says at the end of the third paragraph means that_. A men are as rational as outsiders when dealing with marital problems B an outside observer knows

36、 better when hostility arises C women are more sensitive to hostile feelings than men are D women are particularly sensitive to their husbands extramarital relationship 29. Which of the following groups of women are most vulnerable to metabolic syndrome? A Divorced women. B Widows. C Unhappy wives D

37、 Single women 30. What advice does Dr. Kiecolt-Glaser give to unhappy wives? A Obtain a divorce. B Take no notice of any hostility. C Express bad feelings directly. DAvoid straightforward confrontation. TextTextTextTextThreeThreeThreeThree Some countries are more populous; some have more crime. But

38、in no other country are crime fighters quite so knowledgeable about citizens as in Britain. On January 4th a boastful Home Office detailed the triumphs of the worlds biggest forensic DNA database, which holds samples from more than 5% of the entire population of England and Wales. Recent changes to

39、the rules governing the database mean that it may eventually hold profiles from more than a fifth of all adults. Once a country starts storing DNA samples from criminals it is hard to resist the urge to expand the collection. When the National DNA Database (NDNAD) was set up, in 1995, samples could

40、only be taken from those charged with “recordable” offences (those that may lead to jail terms). If a suspect was not tried, or was acquitted, the sample had to be destroyed and the profile removed from the database. That law was ditched in 2001, after two men who had been convicted of murder and ra

41、pe had their cases overturned on appeal -the DNAevidence against them related to crimes they had not been convicted of, and so ought to have been removed from the database. The change has led to the retention of around 200,000 samples that would previously have been destroyed. Some 7,591 of these we

42、re subsequently matched with samples from crime scenes, including those from 88 murders and 116 rapes. And since April 2004, police have been able to take and keep samples from anyone arrested for a recordable offence, even if charges do not ensue. The main reason the NDNAD is larger than databases

43、in other countries is that Britain was first to start using DNA as an investigative tool. So not only has it had time to collect more DNA samples, but it has also had longer to appreciate the sheer power of a large database. Every other country that does databasing will get to where Britain is now,

44、says Chris Asplen, a consultant to law enforcement agencies and governments on DNA technology. The increased use of DNA evidence has given rise to intriguing new courtroom defenses. DNA tests are now so sensitive that they can detect if a person has sneezed or sweated near an object. Jon Swain, a ba

45、rrister with a background in biochemistry, recently defended a man charged with armed robbery. The defendants DNA was on the gun that was used, but the defense argued that he might just have been near it after he had been to the gym, and that an errant bead of sweat could account for the presence of

46、 his DNAon a weapon he had never handled. He was not guilty. 31. The text mainly talks about. 5 5 5 5 让有理想的人更加卓越!让有理想的人更加卓越! A more populous countries have more crime. B British citizens are quite knowledgeable about DNA. C Britains forensic DNADatabase is the worlds biggest, and growing fast. D the

47、 development of DNADatabases. 32.As the NDNAD was established in 1995, which is right according to the passage? A it was difficult for it to expand the collection. B it held samples from more than 5of the entire population. C many people from England and Wales offended it. D it collected samples onl

48、y from those offences that may lead to jail terms. 33. The case of two men who had been convicted of murder and rape in paragraph 3. A proved that the former rule of NDNAD should be abolished. B led to the destroy of 200,000 samples in NDNAD. C resulted in the two men being confined in prison. D sho

49、wed the importance of the DNAevidence. 34. The NDNAD has more DNAsamples than other countries in that. A it is holding profiles from more than 20of all adults. B police are able to take samples from anyone arrested for a recordable offence. C Britain is the earliest to take DNAas an investigative to

50、ol. D other countries are not eager to do data basing. 35. What can we infer from the last paragraph? A DNAevidence should be used more widely. B John Swain defended the man successfully by DNAtechnology. C DNAtests are too sensitive to be reliable. D The defendant left his fingerprint on the weapon

51、 of the robbery. T T T Textextextext FourFourFourFour The mythology of a culture can provide some vital insights into the beliefs and values of that culture. By using fantastic and sometimes incredible stories to create an oral tradition by which to explain the wonders of the natural world and teach

52、 lessons to younger generations, a society exposes those ideas and concepts held most important. Just as important as the final lesson to be gathered from the stories, however, are the characters and the roles they play in conveying that message. Perhaps the epitome of mythology and its use as a too

53、l to pass on cultural values can be found in Aesops Fables, told and retold during the era of the Greek Empire. Aesop, a slave who won the favor of the court through his imaginative and descriptive tales, almost exclusively used animals to fill the roles in his short stories. Humans, when at all pre

54、sent, almost always played the part of bumbling fools struggling to learn the lesson being presented. This choice of characterization allows us to see that the Greeks placed wisdom on a level slightly beyond humans, implying that deep wisdom and understanding is a universal quality soughtby,rather t

55、han stemming from, human beings. Aesopfables illustrated the central themes of humility and self-reliance, reflecting the importance of those traits in early Greek society. The folly of humans was used to contrast against the ultimate goal of attaining a higher level of understanding and awareness o

56、f truths about nature and humanity. For example, one notable fable features a fox repeatedly trying to reach a bunch of grapes on a very high vine. After failing at several attempts, the fox gives up, making up its mind that the grapes were probably sour anyway. The fables lesson, that we often play

57、 down that which we cant achieve so as to make ourselves feel better, teaches the reader or listener in an entertaining way about one of the weaknesses of the human psyche. 6 6 6 6 让有理想的人更加卓越!让有理想的人更加卓越! 精勤求学精勤求学 自强不息自强不息 The mythology of other cultures and societies reveal the underlying traits of

58、their respective cultures just as Aesops fables did. The stories of Roman gods, Aztec ghosts and European elves all served to train ancient generations those lessons considered most important to their community, and today they offer a powerful looking glass by which to evaluate and consider the cont

59、extual environment in which those culture existed. 36. The author appears to view fables as. A the most interesting and valuable form of mythology. B an entertaining form with serious subjects. C a tool of past civilizations, but not often used in the modern age. D an essential method by which ancient values were transmitted between generations. 37. The way that fables were used in the past is most similar to todays. A fairy tales that entertain children at home. B stories in childrens school textbooks that reinforce the lesson. C science documentaries that explain h


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