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1、通用少儿英语口语 四星级,快听快答(三) Peter,1你与杰克相遇,想问他最近学习如何。 - How is your study? 2你现在要介绍杰克和玛丽认识。 - This is Jack. This is Marry. 3杰克把你介绍给他的朋友玛丽认识,你会说。 - Nice to meet you. 4如果你想知道你新朋友的名字,你会问。 - May I have your name? 5有人送给你一件很可爱的礼物,你要表达谢意。 - Thank you for your lovely present. 6别人对你的帮忙表达谢意,你的应答是。 - Its my pleasure. /

2、 No at all. / Thats all right. 7约会迟到了,你要说。 - Im sorry Im late. 8别人以为刚才发生的不愉快事情向你道歉时,你的应答是。 - I apologize for what happened. 9在商场里,你想问别人时间。 - Excuse me, what time is it now. 10 你想知道今天的天气预报,你会问。 - Whats todays weather forecast? 11 你告诉对方明天最高温度是摄氏6度,最低温度是摄氏零下3度。 - The high will be 6 C and the low will b

3、e -3 C. 12 你告诉对方明天天气是晴转多云。 - It will be fair to cloudy tomorrow. 13 你告诉对方天气预报说明天会放晴。 - The weather forecast says itll clear up tomorrow. 14 你要祝贺对方获得第一名。 - Congratulations on your first prize. 15 别人夸奖你今天穿得漂亮。 - Thank you.,16 你是老板,要夸员工工作得很好。 - Good job. 17 你想请人帮你和你的同学拍一张照片。 - Would you take a picture

4、for us? 18 你看到同学们都在忙,你很想帮助他们,你会说。 - Can I help you? 19 对方要来帮你拿行李,你觉得自己可以,谢绝了对方。 - No, thank you. I can manage. 20 你想借对方的电脑用,你会怎么说? - Can I use your compute? 21 你想把椅子移到一边去,征求对方的同意,怎么问? - Would you mind my moving the chair aside? 22 你提议今晚出去吃饭。 - Lets dine out this evening, shall we? 23 你正在做作业,希望对方把收音机

5、音量调低一些。 - Please turn down the radio. 24 你问对方对这部电影有何看法。 - What do you think of this film? 25 你想知道对方会不会开车,你会问。 - Can you drive? 26 你想知道对方能够说多少种语言,你会问。 - How many languages can you speak? 27 你与对方约会,想知道明晚9点是不是合适,你会问。 - Would nine be all right for you? 28 你要见对方,想知道对方什么时候比较方便。 - What time will be suitabl

6、e for you? 29 你要请对方本周六来参加你的生日会。 - Id like to invite you to my birthday party this Saturday. 30 你迷路了,想知道去人民广场怎么走? - Excuse me, could you tell me the way to the Peoples Square?,31 有人迷路了,你要给他指路。 - Go straight ahead to the traffic lights and then turn right. You cant miss it. 32 告诉对方,跟流行音乐相比,你更喜欢古典音乐。 -

7、 I prefer classical music to pop music. 33 表达比较同意对方的计划。 - I quite agree with you. 34 对方告诉你,他们班输了篮球比赛,你的应答是。 - What a pity! 35 暑假快到了,你要知道对方暑假有什么打算。 - Whats your plan for the summer vacation? 36 你抱怨周围的声音非常吵。 - How annoying! 37 你打电话想找玛丽。 - May I speak to Marry? 38 你对总机的小姐说,你想接通主任办公室的电话。 - Could you put

8、 me through to the Directors Office? 39 你打电话时要找的人不在,你想留个口信,怎么说? - May I leave a message? 40 你想知道对方晚上通常做些什么,你可以问? - What do you usually do in the evening? 41 你要告诉对方,你的兴趣是集邮。 - My hobby is collecting stamps. 42 玛丽从北京旅游回来,你想知道她的旅游经历。 - How was your trip to Beijing? 43 你要告诉对方你在旅途中参观了很多的名胜古迹。 - I visited

9、 many places of interest. 44 告诉对方,你们通常会在圣诞节互换礼物,寄贺卡。 - We give each other presents and send cards at Christmas. 45 告诉外宾在春节我们除了吃丰盛的晚餐,还会放鞭炮庆贺。 - We have a big dinner on New Years Eve. We also set off firecrackers to celebrate it.,46 你告诉外宾在端午节我们赛龙舟、吃粽子。 - We hold dragon boat races and eat Zongzi on Dr

10、agon Boat Festival. 47 你告诉外宾阴历五月初五是中国的端午节。 - May 5th of the Chinese lunar calendar is the Dragon Boat Festival. 48 你告诉外宾我们庆祝端午节是为了纪念伟大的诗人屈原。 - We celebrate Dragon Boat Festival to honor the great poet Qu Yuan. 49 你告诉外宾在中秋节我们边吃月饼边欣赏月亮。 - We eat moon cakes while enjoying the bright, full moon at night

11、. 50 你告诉外宾中秋节是在阴历八月十五。 - Mid-autumn Festival is on August 15th of the Chinese lunar calendar.,51 有同学来你家做客,你希望让他就在自己家一样,你会说。 - Make yourself at home. 52 在饭桌上,你想让客人尝一尝鱼。 - Help yourself to some fish. 53 有外宾来学校,你想带他们参观一下你的学校,你会说。 - Shall I show you around my school? 54 向外宾介绍外滩。 - The bund is called the

12、 world expo of architecture. 55 向外宾介绍东方明珠。 - The Oriental Pearl Tower is a landmark of Shanghai. Its 468 meters high. Its the highest in Asia, and the third highest in the world. 56 向外宾介绍金茂大厦。 - Jinmao Tower is near the bund. Its 88 stories high. 57 向外宾介绍豫园以购物和小吃出名。 - The Yu Garden is famous for its

13、 shopping and snacks. 58 向外宾介绍上海大剧院里上演过许多精彩的节目。 - Many good shows have been put on in Shanghai Grand Theater. 59 向外宾介绍上海东方艺术中心象只蝴蝶。 - The Shanghai Oriental Art Center looks like a butterfly from above. 60 你是医生,现在想询问病人的情况。 - Whats the matter with you?,61 告诉病人吃药一日三次,每次一片,饭后服用。 - Take one pill three ti

14、mes a day after meals. 62 你在旅行社想预订一张明天去北京的机票。 - I want to reserve a ticket to Beijing tomorrow. 63 你告诉顾客你已经为他订妥了中国东方航空251航班的机票。 - Ive booked you on China Eastern Airlines, flight No. 251. 64 你叮嘱旅客务必提前两天确认回程的机票。 - Please be sure to confirm your return flight two days in advance. 65 如果你是营业员,遇到顾客来购物时,你

15、会先说。 - Can I help you?/ What can I do for you? 66 你是营业员,向顾客介绍这种款式是今年流行的。 - This style is in fashion this year. 67 你向顾客承诺商品保修一年。 - We guarantee it for a year. 68 你是顾客,你想问可以打折吗? - Can you give me a discount? 69 你是服务员,要告诉顾客你们这里提供的是粤菜。 - We serve Cantonese Food. 70 你是服务员,想问顾客能否点菜了? - May I take your ord

16、er now?,71 你是顾客,要听听服务员的推荐,你会问? - What do you recommend? 72 你是服务员,要告诉顾客蛋黄蟹是你们的特色菜。 - Crab with egg yolk is our specialty. 73 饭桌上,你想撤走盘子,你会问? - May I take this plate away? 74 你的朋友要去欧洲旅行,你在机场送行时,会说? - Have a nice trip. 75 在机场你刚下飞机,告诉你的朋友飞机有些颠簸。 - The flight was a little bumpy. 76 你是宾馆服务员,想让顾客填下登记表。你会说? - Could you fill out this registration form, please? 77 你向顾客宣传“


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