unit5 Why do you like pandas公开课精美 ppt课件_第1页
unit5 Why do you like pandas公开课精美 ppt课件_第2页
unit5 Why do you like pandas公开课精美 ppt课件_第3页
unit5 Why do you like pandas公开课精美 ppt课件_第4页
unit5 Why do you like pandas公开课精美 ppt课件_第5页
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1、,Lets talk about these lovely animals today,What animal can you see? What is his name? What do you think of him?,I think he is brave(勇敢),strong (坚强) and smart, He is the king of the lions,Why do you like pandas,Unit 5,revision,挑战第一关!Challenge One,1.This animal lives only in China .It black and white

2、 .It is a_,2. This animal is very tall. It has a very long neck(脖子). Its a_,3. This animal is the biggest animal on land .It has a long nose. It s an_,panda,giraffe,elephant,4. This animal is good at catching mice(老鼠). It likes eating fish a lot .It is small. it is a_,cat,Guess what animal it is.,5.

3、 This animal looks like a cat. it it s the king(王) of the forest(森林). It is a_,5. It is from Australia. It sleeps in the day and gets up at night. It is a_,6.He is from Africa .he eats meat .he is very lazy and ugly. He is a_,tiger,koala,lion,leopard,Lets know other animals,snake,frog,goat,rabbit,ze

4、bra,dolphin,pig,horse,shark,monkey,bear,mouse,penguin,Read in your groups first,挑战第二关!Challenge Two,形容词知多少?,scary rude(粗鲁的) ,friendly clever Strong gentle (温和的),Small cute interesting ,fat beautiful shy ,ugly aggressive(侵略性的) ,friendly smart fun clean,beautiful quiet smart tall,lazy ugly lovely cool

5、,Say a sentence like this :The tiger is ,Different people have different ideas.,Pair work :,A: What animals do you like ? B: I like pandas. A: Why do you like pandas ? B: Because theyre very/kind of cute A: Where are they from? B: They are from china.,Smart Africa,Friendly Thailand,Beautiful Africa,

6、Cute Australia,Smart Northeast china,Shy China,挑战第三关!Challenge Three,North America cool,South America quiet,China beautiful,Africa smart,Australia cute,A: Why does he like? B: Because they are A: Where are they from? B: They are from ,Tailand friendly,A: What animals does she /he like?,B: He likes .

7、,Pay attention to “does he or “does she”,Work in groups,Make a survey in your group like this :,A: What animals do you like ? B: I like pandas. A: Why do you like pandas ? B: Because theyre very/kind of cute A: Where are they from? B: They are from china. A: What do pandas eat? B: They eat bamboo.,R

8、eport: A likes pandas .because they are kind of cute. They are from china. they like eating bambooI like.,work in groups,Free Talk,Each group talks about an animal. A leader takes notes and read.,挑战第四关!Challenge Four,A description of an animal,name,Nationality 国籍(He is from),Hobby (He likes ) 业余爱好,A

9、ge,what to eat (He eats),Ability (He can),Appearance 外貌(He is He has ),others,Personality 性格(He is ),You can talk about like this :,People killed elephants for ivory,How do you feel when you see these pictures? What happened?(发生),What did people kill elephants for?,Elephants are losing their homes.,

10、Where do elephants live?,They live a happy life in the forest.,So elephants now!,are in great danger,Listen to Part One and answer the questions.,Thailands first flag had,its a symbol of,it is one of Thailands,Symbols.,good luck.,1.Where are the students from?,2.What do they want to do?,3. Why are e

11、lephants important in Thailand?,Because,They are from Thailand.,They want to save the elephants.,on it.,a white elephant,挑战第五关!Challenge Five,Listen to Part Two and answer the questions.,can or,can also very well.,can for a long time and never,can also places with food and water.,draw,1.Are elephant

12、s smart animals?,Yes, they are.,2.What can they do?,They,get lost.,remember,play soccer,music.,walk,1) Are elephants in great danger? And why? Elephants are,People many trees so elephants are losing,2) How can they save elephants? (and) Dont cut down so many Dont things made of ivory Remember that M

13、arch 13th is,Because,People kill elephants for,Today there are only about elephants. ( over before),Listen to Part Three and answer the questions,in great danger.,cut down,their homes.,their ivory.,3,000,100,000,Trees.,buy,Thai Elephant Day.,Listen to the article then answer the questions below.,Whe

14、re are the students from?_ 2. Are elephants smart animals? _,Theyre from Thailand.,Yes, they are.,3. Why are elephants in great danger? _ _ 4. When is Thai Elephant Day? _,Because people cut down many trees and they kill elephants for their ivory.,Its on March 13th.,挑战第五关!Challenge Five,Fill in the

15、blanks .,Hello . We are students _ Thailand, and we want to save the _.The elephant is _ _ the Thailands symbols. Our first _ had a white elephant on it . This is a symbol of _ _.Elephants are _ _. They can play soccer or music. They can _ draw well. People say that “ _ elephant never forgets.” elep

16、hants can walk for a _ time and never _ _. They can also _places _ food and water. This helps them _ _. But elephants are _ great _. People_ _ many trees so elephants are losing their _. People also_ elephants for their ivory.Today there are only about3.000 elephants (over 100,000 before). We must s

17、ave the _and not buy things _ _ ivory. _that March 13th is Thai elephant Day.,from,elephants,one of,flag,good luck,smart,also,an,long,get lost,remember,with,animals,to live,in,cut down,homes,kill,trees,made,Remember,danger,of,Retell the story according to the mind map in your group.,ELEPHANTS,Import

18、ance in Thailand first flag had _ symbol of _,Facts and figures people_ many trees people kill them for _ today there are _ (over_ before),Abilities can play_ can also _well can _places with food and water,How to save them dont cut down so many_ dont _things made of ivory _is Thai Elephants Day,a wh

19、ite elephant on it,good luck,soccer or music,draw,remember,cut down,ivory,about 3,000 in Thailand,100,000,trees,buy,March 13th,1. Importance in Thailand:,The elephant is one of Thailands symbols. The first flag has a white elephant on it.,This is a symbol of good luck.,Ability:,Elephants can play so

20、ccer. They can also draw very well. An elephant never forgets. They can walk for a long time and never get lost. They can also remember places with food and water.,Facts:,Elephants are in great danger. People cut down many trees so elephants are losing their home. People also kill elephants for thei

21、r ivory.,March 13th is Thai Elephant Day.,保护动物,人人有责。,Kill two birds with one stone. 一箭双雕;一举两得。 Love me, love my dog. 爱屋及乌。 Never offer to teach fish to swim. 不要班门弄斧。 Every dog has his day. 人人皆有得意时。,Learn more,1. 让我们先去看老虎吧。 _ 2. 那些大象来自哪里? _,Lets see the tigers first.,Where are the elephants from?,将下列

22、句子译成英语。,Exercise,3. 你为什么不喜欢牛奶? _ 那只懒猫整天睡觉 。 _ 因为狮子有点吓人。 _,Why dont you like milk?,The lazy cat sleeps all day.,Because lions are kind of scary.,1. The cats are from Australia. (对划线部分提问) _ 2. I like pandas because theyre cute. (对划线部分提问) _ 3. My dog can walk on two legs. (对划线部分提问) _,句型转换。,Where are th

23、e cats from?,Why do you like pandas?,What can your dog do?,Exercise,4. Linda likes giraffes because theyre fun. (对划线部分提问) _ 5. Eric doesnt like cats because theyre lazy. (对划线部分提问) _,Why does Linda like giraffes?,Why doesnt Eric like cats?,用所给的词组或单词造句。,Exercise,be from _ kind of _ like because _,Lion

24、s are from Africa.,Pandas are kind of shy.,My sister likes cats because theyre cute.,4. dont like because _ _ 5. get lost _ 6. in danger _ 7. cut down _,We sometimes get lost in a big city.,They dont like elephants because theyre lazy.,Is that elephant in danger?,You cant cut down these trees.,1. 我们

25、挽救五十多只猫。 We saved _ fifty _. 2. 狗是我所喜欢的动物之一。 Dogs are _ of my favorite _. 3. 长城是中国的象征。 The Great Wall is a _ of _.,symbol China,over cats,one animals,4. 一头大象能走很远的路且不会迷路。 An elephant can walk _ a long _ and _ _ _. 5. 扬子鳄处于极度危险之中。 Yangtze crocodiles _ _ _ _.,for way,never gets lost,are in great danger

26、,1. Mr. Lin jumped into the river to _ the boy. 2. The British _ is in red, white and blue. 3. The letter “V” is a _ of victory(胜利). 4. Dont _ wild animals. Theyre our friends.,kill,save,symbol,flag,flag, kill, place, save, cut down, over, forget, symbol,选词填空。,5. They have to _ the apple tree. 6. Dont _ to take your schoolbags home. OK, Mr. Brown. 7. _ six hundred students goes to school by bike. 8. A park is a good _ for fun.,cut down,fo


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