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1、Unit 8,When is your birthday?,第一课时,A: _ can I do for you? B: I _ a bag for sports. A: We have bags _ all colors. They are on _ now. B: Oh, thats great. A: _ _ do you want? B: Green. A: Let _ have a look. What _ this one? B: Its too big. Do you have a _ one? A: Yes. How about this green one? B: It is

2、 very nice. Ill _ it. _ _ is it? A: Twenty dollars. B: _ is the money. A: Thank you. B: Youre _ .,What,want,in,sale,What color,me,about,small,take,How much,Here,welcome,anuary,J,/njuri/,the first month,Jan.,/ mn/,1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12,ebruary,F,春节,/februri/,Feb.,the second month,M,arch,/ma: /,M

3、ar.,the third month,Womens Day,April,/eiprl/,the fourth month,Apr.,May,劳动节,/mei/,the fifth month,May.,Childrens Day,June,/u:n/,the sixth month,Jun.,uly,/ulai/,the seventh month,Jul.,J,Partys Day,ugust,/:gst/,the eighth month,A,Aug.,Teachers Day,eptember,S,教师节,/septemb/,the ninth month,Sep.,National

4、Day,ctober,O,国庆节,/ktub/,the tenth month,Oct.,Thanksgiving Day,November Nov,感恩节,/nuvemb/,the eleventh month,Christmas Day,ecember,圣诞节,D,/dsemb/,the twelfth month,Dec.,1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12,first,second,third,fourth,fifth,sixth,seventh,eighth,ninth,tenth,eleventh,twelfth,The first month is Januar

5、y.,PK Games游戏,你反应够快吗?,你们真棒,January,February,March,July,May,October,September,December,June,November,Which is the first month ? Which is the last month ? Which months are in the middle of the year ?,Its January.,Its December.,June and July are in the middle.,Which is the second month ? Which is the t

6、enth month ?,one two three four five six seven eight nine ten,first second third fourth fifth sixth seventh eighth ninth tenth,1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th,eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty,eleventh twelfth thirteenth fourteenth fifteenth

7、sixteenth seventeenth eighteenth nineteenth twentieth,11th 12th13th14th15th16th17th18th19th20th,基数词,基数词,序数词,序数词,基变序,有规律,词尾加上th。123 ,特殊记,词尾字母t,d,d。8去t,9去e,f来把ve替。,twenty-one twenty-two twenty-three thirty forty fifty sixty seventy eighty ninety hundred,twenty-first twenty-second twenty-third thirtiet

8、h fortieth fiftieth sixtieth seventieth eightieth ninetieth hundredth,21st 22nd 23rd 30th 40th 50th 60th 70th 80th 90th 100th,整十:y 变为ie,再加th 莫迟疑。若遇尾数几十几,只变个位就可以。,基数词 序数词,特别注意,Can you read these numbers?,2nd,11th,5th,30th,21st,24th,12th,23rd,9th,18th,22nd,13th,19th,26th,17th,15th,31st,10th,23rd,缩写规律,日期: 月份 + 序数词,Can you say out the dates?,-My birthday is . -Its .,When is your birthday?,Todays topic,根据卡片内容补全对话。,Name: Tom Brown Date of birth: May 23rd Age:14 Favorite Sport: Baseball,A: Is this _ your friend? B: Yes, _is. A: Whats _ name? B: Its _. A: _ is his birthday? B: Its _ _. A:


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