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1、Unit 3 Gender Differences,Women generally outlive men, and researchers are 1) the reasons why. 2) may play a role, researchers note in the journal Human Nature. But other factors also work 3) , and its possible for anyone male or female to work toward a longer, healthier life.,3. Complete the passag

2、e by filling in the blanks with target words in the box. You may not use any of the words more than once.,M,K,_,_ _,Unit 3 Part IV Exercise 1,E,_,First, take a look at the latest 4) of U.S. life 5) . In 2004, the most recent year for which such statistics are available, life expectancy from birth wa

3、s 77.9 years. In 2004, life expectancy for U.S. women was 5.2 years longer than men. Women dont just 6) men in the U.S. In April, researchers in England predicted that 2006 may be the year in which women outlive men all over the world, even in the worlds poorest countries.,A,_,Unit 3 Part IV Exercis

4、e 1,J,_,O,_,Heres the short version of the study, published in Human Nature: Male animals often have to compete for female attention witness the male peacocks showy tail and the male mooses battleready antlers; vying against other suitors can be risky. The University of Michigans Daniel Kruger, Ph.D

5、., and Randolph Nesse, M.D., wrote the paper. They argue that,Unit 3 Part IV Exercise 1,men are much more likely than women to 7) risky and sometimes violent behavior, 8) raising mens death rate. More men than women die in car accidents, other types of accidents, 9) , and suicides, the researchers n

6、ote. They add that in the U.S., the 10) gap in death rates peaks in young adulthood and is mainly due to behavior.,Unit 3 Part IV Exercise 1,G,_,D,_,C,_,I,_,4. Complete the following phrases / sentences according to the Chinese equivalent in the brackets. You may refer to the meaning of words in the

7、 box below.,Unit 3 Part IV Exercise 1,1) a few tears of (沮丧) 2) the (衰落)of his rivals,frustration,_,downfall,_,3) in a religious (等级制度) 4) make (线性的) measurements,linear,_,hierarchy,_,Unit 3 Part IV Exercise 1,5) a period of (连续的) technological development and innovation 6) confuse audiences by sill

8、y (细微处),sequential,_,subtleties,_,7) Metals certain qualities (共同的). 8) (重构)the history of civilization 9) Individual has a (生理的)requirement for each nutrient.,have in common,reconstruct,_,physiological,_,_ _,Unit 3 Part IV Exercise 1,10) a (有益的)career,rewarding,_,11) gives (优先的)treatment to VIP 12)

9、 (证实)our reasoning 13) an (详细的)knowledge of African religions 14) an (压倒一切的)majority,preferential,_,intimate,_,validate,_,overwhelming,_,15) A good novelist needs great powers of (构思力). 16) We were completely (数量超过)by the enemy.,conception,_,outnumbered,_,Unit 3 Part IV Exercise 1,17) Murder is inte

10、ntional (杀人). 18) SARS is a type of atypical (肺炎).,homicide,_,pneumonia,_,19) I am (主要地)interested in history. 20) Dont smoke during (怀孕). 21) Pneumonia can result in (死亡)if left untreated. 22) a (法人的)checking account,primarily,_,fatality,_,pregnancy,_,corporate,_,Unit 3 Part IV Exercise 1,23) Frenc

11、h has (性别)for all nouns. 24) a (片面的)description of the suspect 25) the (死亡率)wrought by an epidemic 26) Cholesterol is a major (坏人)in this epidemic.,gender,_,mortality,_,partial,_,villain,_,27) a young person who has undergone (青春期) 28) a male (配偶) 29) (信任)his honesty 30) Idle houses (恶化).,puberty,_,

12、confide in,_,spouse,_,deterioration,_,5. Match each word in the box with the group of words that regularly occur with it.,Unit 3 Part IV Exercise 1,1) _ the dispute The assembly_ that _ against going _ (not) to do something,resolve,_,2) The stronger _s the weaker. The criticism _s over the newspaper

13、. _ a factory economically _ the audience,dominate,_,Unit 3 Part IV Exercise 1,3) _ to the perpetuation of the species a _ regard a _ moment in his career a _ problem,crucial,_,4) a _ between imports and exports a _ in the fence bridge the _ _ year,gap,_,Unit 3 Part IV Exercise 1,5) _ the matter _ y

14、our study _ the wound soldier _ ones advice,attend to,_,6) _ happiness _ money _ a percentage _ physical situation,in terms of,_,Unit 3 Part IV Exercise 1,7) a _ of locusts epidemic of _ _ somebody with silly question _ ones life out,plague,_,8) _ experience the_ glove do_ job _ volumes of an encycl

15、opedia,odd,_,Unit 3 Part IV Exercise 1,9) be _ work be _ communicating be _ problem solving be _building relationships,adept at,_,10) _ your messenger _ my schooldays _ ones word have a complete _,recall,_,Unit 3 Part IV Exercise 1,11) _ the market condition _the recent history of two countries _ th

16、e current economic downturn _ the practical needs,in light of,_,Unit 3 Part IV Exercise 1,12) _ a fact _ applause _ the truth from a witness _ disbelief,elicit,_,13) on the first _ to the moon start a joint _ _ lives in exploring the desert _ money on speculative stock,venture,_,Unit 3 Part IV Exerc

17、ise 1,14) be _ minor ailment be _ anger a child _ mischief paper_ yellowing,prone to,_,15) _ the family _ friendly relationship _ the highway _ that the theory is wrong,maintain,_,7. Write a short paragraph of about 80100 words, with the words and expressions given below. You have 510 minutes to com

18、plete this activity.,Unit 3 Part IV Exercise 1,Throughout the modern world, cultures are different, diets are different, ways of life and causes of death are different, but one thing is the samewomen outlive men. Many reasons may partially account for such a longevity gap, such as behavior, hormones

19、, etc. Although women are less vulnerable to fatal diseases, they are more vulnerable to everyday sicknesses and pains. They are plagued by arthritis, corns, etc. Nowadays, men are behaving more like women. They are smoking less, drinking less and eating better. So the health gap is shrinking.,1) Po

20、or or disordered sleep can affect ones work, concentration, and ability to interact with others. No one would argue the fact.,2. Rewrite the sentences according to the following models.,Model 1: While men and women are physically different, the psychological differences between men and women are les

21、s obvious. While none of us would argue the fact that men and women are physically different, the psychological differences between men and women are less obvious.,Unit 3 Part IV Exercise 2,None of us would argue the fact that poor or disordered sleep can affect your work, concentration, and ability

22、 to interact with others.,_ _ _,2) The financial crisis has caused an enormous impact on peoples lives. No one would argue the fact.,Unit 3 Part IV Exercise 2,None of us would argue the fact that the financial crisis has caused an enormous impact on peoples life.,_ _,3) Taiwan is an inseparable part

23、 of Chinas sovereign territory. No one would argue the fact.,None of us would argue the fact that Taiwan is an inseparable part of Chinas sacred territory.,_ _,1) The nations economic structure has serious problems. There is evidence to suggest that.,Model 2: A great deal of the sensitivity that exi

24、sts within men and women has a physiological basis. There is evidence to suggest that. There is evidence to suggest that a great deal of the sensitivity that exists within men and women has a physiological basis.,Unit 3 Part IV Exercise 2,There is evidence to suggest that the nations economic struct

25、ure has serious problems.,_ _,2) Primitive life may have existed on Mars. There is evidence to suggest that.,Unit 3 Part IV Exercise 2,There is evidence to suggest that primitive life may have existed on Mars.,_ _,3) Sleep deprivation may have played a part in some major disasters, including the Exx

26、on Valdez oil spill. There is evidence to suggest that.,There is evidence to suggest that sleep deprivation may have played a part in some major disasters, including the Exxon Valdez oil spill.,_ _ _,1) Disappointment in anothers performance does not always indicate that the performer is at fault.,M

27、odel 3: Relationships between men and women may not always be difficult, however. Relationships between men and women are not necessarily difficult, however.,Unit 3 Part IV Exercise 2,Disappointment in anothers performance does not necessarily indicate that the performer is at fault.,_ _,2) Unsports

28、manlike conduct may not always be illegal, but is frowned upon by the majority of both players and spectators.,Unsportsmanlike conduct is not necessarily illegal, but is frowned upon by the majority of both players and spectators.,_ _,Unit 3 Part IV Exercise 2,3) In the imperial examinations held in

29、 ancient China, the second- place winner might not always have been inferior in knowledge and competence to the first-place winner.,In the imperial examinations held in ancient China, the second-place winner was not necessarily inferior in knowledge and competence to the first-place winner.,_ _ _,1)

30、 The nations population continues to rise (以每年1200万人的速度). 2) The more exercise you take, (你越不大可能感冒). 3) (如果我是你),I would have accepted such an offer given by the manager.,3. Complete the sentences by translating into English the Chinese given in brackets.,at a speed/rate of 12 million per year or at

31、an annual speed of 12 million,_ _,Unit 3 Part IV Exercise 2,the less likely you are to catch a cold,If I were you,_,_ _,4) While crossing the mountain area, all the men carried guns(以免被野生动 物袭击). 5) Since my childhood I have found that (没有什么比读书对我更有吸引力).,Unit 3 Part IV Exercise 2,lest they should be a

32、ttacked by wild animals,_,nothing is more attractive to me than reading / to me, nothing is more important than reading,_ _ _,Unit 3 Part IV Exercise 2,1) 男性不如女性善于处理压力,他们更易于内化压力,而非释 放出来。 (tend not to,more prone to, rather than),Men, who tend not to deal with their stress as well as women, may be more prone to internalizing stress rather than letting go.,_ _,4. Translate the following Chinese sentences into English.,2) 在社会上,每个人的出身不同,社会地位不同,工作不同, 价值观不同,但有一点每个人都相同尊严。(are different, are different, but one thing is the same, ),In the society, the b


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