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1、Unit4 Wildlife Protection,Reading,Give the names of the following animals as quickly as possible.,Competition,bear,wolf,frog,horse,giraffe,lion,zebra,elephant,eagle,dolphin,penguin,butterfly,rhino,milu deer,antelope,polar bear,panda,tiger,monkey,What do you think of these animals?,They are rare, pre

2、cious. They are national treasures. But ,What happened to them?,They are dying out!,They are endangered!,Talking,Why are they endangered?,“Where are my parents?”,People killed the endangered animals simply to satisfy their desire to eat.,People killed animals for their fur, which can be made into be

3、autiful and expensive fur coat.,“Mum, I am hungry. Where is our next meal ?”,Food Shortage ! People destroyed the nature and their habitats.,How Daisy learned to help wildlife,?,Whats this passage about?,carpet,a flying,go on a magical journey,Daisy,Where,What did she find?,How,Tibet,Zimbabwe,Rain f

4、orest,Kill antelopes for _,They were _,dying out,sad,happy,amazed,wool,As a result,No _, no _ and no _,_used to hunt them.,Farmers,Now farmers _ them.,like,rain forest,animals,drugs,Daisy: Hello, antelope. Antelope: Hello, friend. D: Why do you look _? A: We are being _. D: Who do that? Why? A: The

5、bad men. Because the _ beneath our _ can be used to make _ for people like you. D: Oh, my God. Im so sorry. A: As a _, we are now an _ species. D: Im really very sorry I didnt know that. I wonder what _ to help you. Flying carpet please take me to a place where theres some _.,Elephant: Where are you

6、 from? Have you come to _? D: (laugh) Yeah. Do you live _? E: Dont _. We _ be an endangered species. D: Really? Why? E: Farmers _. They said _ and money _. D: Why do you live happily now? E: The _ help us. They_ tourists _ if they _. D: The farmers must be very _. E: Of course. And our numbers _. D:

7、 Its really _. It shows _. But Id like to help as the _ suggests.,D: Hello, what are you doing? Monkey: Im _ myself _ . D: How do you do that? M: When I find _, I _. It _. D: Oh its so useful. M: You _ the rainforest where _ and _. No _, no_, no _. D: Oh, I see. Ill tell _ and begin _. Monkey, would

8、 you come and help? M: OK. Lets go together.,Retelling,One day, Daisy_ up and found a flying _. It took her to _, where she _with an _ in Tibet.The antelope told her they were hunted because of their _which can be used to make _ like hers. As a _, they are _. Later, she _to Zimbabwe where she talked

9、 with an_ and got to know the farmers there no longer _ them. Thats because the _ decided to help and the farmers finally made a lot of _.At last she _ at the thick rain _ where a monkey told her “No rain forest, no _ and no _.”Although finally everything was _, she had_so much!,carpet,Tibet,antelop

10、e,fur,sweaters,endangered,flew,elephant,hunted,government,money,arrived,forest,animals,drugs,gone,learned,woke,talked,result,Decide whether each of the following statements is T or F.,1.Daisy saw many antelopes in Tibet. 2.Daisys sweater was made of sheep wool. 3.The elephant used to be well protect

11、ed . 4.There are no animals or no drugs in rain forests. 5.In Zimbabwe, tourists love to see the elephants. 6.The farmers in Zimbabwe get nothing from the elephants and rhinos now. 7.This is a real story in Daisys life.,T,F,F,F,F,F,F,More and more animals are killed by humans, as a student what shou

12、ld you do to protect the wild animals? And the government? Discuss the questions in groups.,Discussion,Protect the environment. Help animals return to nature.,Never buy endangered animals products and tell your friends not to do so too!,Never kill endangered animals.,Laws should be passed to prevent people from killing or hunting them. People are educated to be aware of the importance of wildlife protection.,Protecting wildlife is protecting ourselves!,Animal


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