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1、助理人力资源管理师考试攻克英语方案,Margie Li ,考试内容,翻译(250个单词)30分(15*2分)* 选词填空(10套题) 20分(10*2分)* 单项选择(100道题库)20分(10*2分)* 阅读理解(10套题)30分(10*3分)*,淘汰率20%单词没背熟阅读看不懂英语基础较差缺考及其他原因,对策精准掌握250个单词灵活掌握10套题熟练掌握教材,必备资料,复旦三级英语补充材料 * 考试真题汇编 * 专业英语教材 *,40天复习计划战略部署,强化阶段:做选词填空和单项选择 (复习单词),2,冲刺阶段:做2套模拟题, 复习250个单词,4,1,找规律,2,分类别,3,循环背,Par

2、t I 250个单词,1. The process of helping redundant employees to find other work or start new careers is . A. replacement B. outplacement C. release D. downsizing B,Part II 单项选择,2. focus the evaluators attention on those behaviors that are key in making the difference between executing a job effectively

3、or ineffectively. A. The group order ranking B. Written essay C. The individual ranking D. Critical incidents D,3. The area from which employers obtain certain types of workers is known as the . A. labor market B. region C. recruiting area D. supply region Internal/external labor force/market A,4. T

4、he job specification describes job requirements relative to . A. skill and physical outputs B. skill and physical demands C. age and physical demands D. experience and physical description Job analysis;job specification;job evaluation; B,5. Questions contained in structured job interviews should be

5、based on . A. job analysis B. job design C. job specialization D. job utilization A,5. The process of determining the relative worth of jobs in order to determine pay rates for different jobs is known as . A. job determination B. job diagnosis C. job analysis D. job evaluation D,6. The final decisio

6、n to hire an applicant usually belongs to . A. the HR recruiter B. the HR manager C. line management D. co-workers C,7. Cultural environment includes all of the following except . A. education/human capital B. values/ideologies C. corporate structure D. religious beliefs C,8. The tendency for an eva

7、luator to let the assessment of an individual on one trait influence his or her evaluation of that person on other traits is known as . A. similarity error B. halo effect or error C. leniency error D. single criterion B,9. The performance evaluation approach which compares each employee with every o

8、ther employee and rates each as either the superior or the weaker member of the pair is known as . A. the paired comparison B. the individual ranking C. the group order ranking D. critical incidents A,10. The Hay profile method uses which three factors for evaluating jobs? . A. knowledge, skill, and

9、 responsibility B. mental ability, skill, and responsibility C. knowledge, mental ability, and responsibility D. knowledge, mental ability, and accountability D,11. Eliminating what are deemed to be unnecessary layers of management and supervision is known as . A. delayering B. downsizing C. right-s

10、izing D. benchmarking A,12、Which training method focuses upon learning at the affective level? A. sensitivity trainingB. apprenticeship trainingC. intercultural motivationD. multilingual training A,13. An interview in which an applicant is given a hypothetical incident and is asked how he or she would respond to it is a . A. computer interview B. panel interview C. situational interview D. nondirective interview C,单项选择题答案,1-5 BDCAB 6-10 BAABC 11-15 CDCBB 16-20 CCDCB 21-25 BAAAB 26-30 DDDCC 3


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