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1、,Management Principles and Organizational Control,Introduction to this course .,This is a general management course designed for managerial executives with potential to hold responsibilities over company profit and loss. The objective of this course is to introduce legal devices and measurement tool

2、s in organization to: identify responsibility of each individual, to avoid the abuse of power, conflict of interest, loss of control, or any other form of irregularity that will result in damage to the interest of the shareholders, or effect the moral of the employee; cover the practice management c

3、an depend on to discover any irregularity, assess the damage, identify the responsible party, and to take prompt corrective action to minimize damage. Provide frame work for loyal employee to participate and devotee themselves in business decision without hesitation. This course will be introduced t

4、hrough a total of 32 hours of class-room type lecturing, slides presentation, and discussion.,The contents of this course contains the general ideas used by many senior executives to assure the optimal control of the business .,This course is divided into three sections: I. System and organization I

5、I. Planning cycle III. Employee motivation,Contents,I. System and organization A. Organization B. Management by system C. Auditing II. Planning cycle A. Introduction (What) B. Organization C. Purpose (Why) D. Structure (How) E. Responsibility (Who) F. Planning period and cycle (When) G. Measurement

6、III.Employee Motivation A. Compensation package B. Human resource development C. Work environment D. Objectives,I. System and organization A. Organization 1. Company ownership and types 2. Business objectives and scope 3. First shareholders meeting 4. Articles of Association 5. Company By-laws 6. Sh

7、are issuing 7. Shareholders meeting 8. Board of Directors 9. Chief Executive Officer (CEO) / President / General Manager (GM) 10. Organization trends,Section I. System and organization covers the following topics .,Section I. System and organization covers the following topics .,I.System and organiz

8、ation (continued) B. Management by system 1. Authority and responsibility 2. Organization Chart 3. Job description sheet 4. Authority and approval manual 5. Reporting system 6. Company policies and procedures 7. Performance Management system 8. Management information system 9. Information Control sy

9、stem 10. Committees,I.System and organization (continued) C. Auditing 1. Financial auditing 2. System auditing 3. Quality auditing 4. EPA related issues 3. Legal and obligation auditing,Section I. System and organization covers the following topics .,Company or organizations ownership may take on se

10、veral forms ,Government - Treasury, Ministries Government Departments - Provincial or special shareholding departments / organizations Private individuals Partners Public Holding company Any combination of the above,I. System and organization - A. Organization - 1. Company ownership and types,The co

11、mpany or organization type may also vary ,Unlimited company Limited company Partnership Shareholding company Foreign owned company,I. System and organization - A. Organization - 1. Company ownership and types,Unlimited company ,Two or more owners (or specified by law) Unlimited responsibility Manage

12、ment by owners,I. System and organization - A. Organization - 1. Company ownership and types,Limited company.,5 to 21 shareholders as specified by law Shareholders responsibility is limited to the investment Normally privately held and managed by shareholders or entrusted managers,I. System and orga

13、nization - A. Organization - 1. Company ownership and types,Partnership company.,One or more shareholders with unlimited responsibility One or more shareholders with limited responsibility Normally managed by responsible party,I. System and organization - A. Organization - 1. Company ownership and t

14、ypes,Shareholding company .,Shares owned by seven or more shareholders Shares can be traded, bought, and sold Shareholders responsibility limited to the amount invested Managed by a board of directors Subject to Government supervision,I. System and organization - A. Organization - 1. Company ownersh

15、ip and types,Foreign company .,Ownership by foreign entity, company, or citizen Subject to local Government law Subject to trade and tax agreement between the two Governments,I. System and organization - A. Organization - 1. Company ownership and types,The business objectives usually states the inte

16、rest of the investors .,Financial Maximum return of capital employed Long and short term profit Others Market share Leadership in technology Manpower development Within Government policies High ethical standards Employment obligation Environmental protection Social obligation Effective communication

17、 Weather changes in the environment,I. System and organization - A. Organization - 2. Business objectives and scope,The business scope identifies the business limits .,Identify and focus business Emphasize strengths Restrict dilution of resources Restrict authority of the board and management Limit

18、risk Eliminate conflict of interest,I. System and organization - A. Organization - 2. Business objectives and scope,Shareholders meeting are held by the owners of the shares of the company to .,Define and approve Articles of Association (Incorporation) By-laws (if any) Appoint directors Appoint supe

19、rvisor Acts as the highest authority of a company,I. System and organization - A. Organization - 3. First shareholders meeting,Every company has Articles of Association (Incorporation),Most important document of a company Part of initial incorporation papers Supplemented by the by-laws if needed Spe

20、cify critical information as requested by law and needed by the shareholders,I. System and organization - A. Organization - 4. Articles of Association,The contents of the Articles of Association,Company name Location-Jurisdiction Duration Objectives Business scope Shares / Capital Par value Forming

21、of the Board Voting rights Majority votes Indemnity Pre-emptive rights,Interested parts Business needs shareholders approval Initial Directors By-laws Incorporator Annual meetings,I. System and organization - A. Organization - 4. Articles of Association,The Company By-laws define the .,Office addres

22、s Shareholders meetings Board of Directors Company Officers Share Certificate Dividends Supplement of information to the Articles of Incorporation,Fiscal year Debt ratio Accounts Reports Third party auditors Major business decisions Others,I. System and organization - A. Organization - 5. Company by

23、-laws,Share issuing,Par value Total number of shares approved Initial issuing Issuing of balance shares Registration / Recording Transfer Additional share issuing,Shareholders right of additional share issued Sale of shares Governments role Anti-trust law Voting Liquidation,I. System and organizatio

24、n - A. Organization - 6. Share issuing,Shareholders meeting are held regularly as specified by the By-laws,Annual meeting Location of meeting A Notice is sent to all Shareholders Voting of shares Transfer books and fixing records date Quorum of Shareholders Voting list Restrictions,I. System and org

25、anization - A. Organization - 7. Shareholders meeting,Board of Directors are specified by the By-laws,Number of elected Directors Terms of Directors Vacancies Quorum of Directors Annual meeting Place of meeting Election of the Chairman Voting rights Compensation Supervisor,I. System and organization

26、 - A. Organization - 8. Board of Directors,The Chairman of the Board is elected by the Board of Directors and .,Could be the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Calls and manages the Board meetings Casts final vote during any deadlock Acts on behalf of the Board to appoint the CEO and company President Re

27、sponsible for share issuing Answers for shareholders meeting Maintains relationship with shareholders,I. System and organization - A. Organization - 8. Board of Directors,The Board of Directors are responsible for.,Issuing of new shares Comments to the shareholders any change in the Articles of Asso

28、ciation Appointment of CEO and President Approves the compensation package for the CEO and the President Approval of the annual budget and capital budget Approval of year end results Declares dividend Approval of organizational chart as proposed by the President Establishes banking roles of the comp

29、any Approval of authority of CEO and President Appoints third party auditor Approval of major business decisions Approves major company policies Fiscal year,I. System and organization - A. Organization - 8. Board of Directors,The Board of Directors normally wish to approve or to be informed on impor

30、tant decisions involving,Modification or changes to the scope of the business Plans to merge or acquire another company Acquisition of real property Any business effecting the environment, labor, and union issues Changes in the debt ration or further loans Granting of guarantee or warranty Major dev

31、iation from approved business plan or budget Arising or potential legal issues Issues related to business ethical standards Conflict of interests Hiring or firing or senior or key officers Major unplanned changes in the organization structure,I. System and organization - A. Organization - 8. Board o

32、f Directors,The CEO, President, or General Manager is responsible for.,Achieve highest return on investment Safe guard shareholders investment while minimizing risks Organize and maintain a dynamic, committed, happy and balanced team to fulfill company goal Maximum utilization of all resources Effec

33、tive communication with the Board of Directors Weather changes Maintain high ethical standards Fulfill social obligations Ahead of industry in Technology and Human Resource development,I. System and organization - A. Organization - 9. CEO / President / General Manager,Organization trends vary by ind

34、ustry, country, and company age .,Centralized Decentralized Shared services Vertical slide concept Merging Breaking-up Hierarchical Flat organizations,I. System and organization - A. Organization - 10. Organization trends,Centralized Same nature of business No social / cultural barrier Effective con

35、trol Changing of environment Efficient Uniform policies and procedures Tighter control Tend to have more layers Always control until affiliates are ready,Decentralized Different business nature Different markets or customer groups Social / cultural barrier Geographic reasons Changing of location sit

36、uation Can be efficient Flat organization More flexible Possible only when Equal concept Communication system Well established reporting system,Comparison of centralized and decentralized organizations,I. System and organization - A. Organization - 10. Organization trends,Shared services organizatio

37、n,Business units remain separate entities in many locations or countries Support functions are shared and placed at single location Improved service to customers Typical shared service functions include Finance, Accounting, Procurement, Information Technology, and Human Resources Significant synergi

38、es may be obtained Reduced operating costs User pay system for charging costs to business units Must conform to local laws and regulations in multiple locations,I. System and organization - A. Organization - 10. Organization trends,Vertical slide concept,Product line responsibility From manufacturin

39、g, research, to marketing Sharing of service manpower and facilities Total profit and loss responsibility Performance by return of capital employed or cash generation rate A must when different product / business with different: Product life Competition Business environment Profit and return rates,I

40、. System and organization - A. Organization - 10. Organization trends,Merging of business,Result of new communication / office facilities New management concept Business fit Flatter organizations Better managers Reduce top level / overhead costs Minimize duplication of efforts Consolidation to incre

41、ase power Reduce competition However, it is Governed by the Government Anti-trust laws may apply May not be beneficiary to the end-users Chance of foul play Tends to increase shareholder stock value,I. System and organization - A. Organization - 10. Organization trends,Company breaking-up,Companies

42、may separate due to the following: Nature of business Different culture Competitive pressures Raw material change Market change Territory Political Improved efficiency Reduced overhead Reduce risk / liability Asset re-assignment Sourcing / sharing service To dilute ownership stock value Still may be

43、 under one ownership,I. System and organization - A. Organization - 10. Organization trends,Hierarchical versus flatter organizations,Hierarchical organization Multiple layers Many jobs / titles Centralized control Career focused Greater emphasis on managing labor costs,I. System and organization -

44、A. Organization - 10. Organization trends,Flat organization Fewer layers Fewer jobs / titles Tend to be decentralized External focused Greater emphasis on managing accountability Flexible Strategy driven,Section I - Part B covers the following topics .,I.System and organization (continued) B. Manage

45、ment by system 1. Authority and responsibility 2. Organization Chart 3. Job description sheet 4. Authority and approval manual 5. Reporting system 6. Company policies and procedures 7. Performance Management system 8. Management information system 9. Information Control system 10. Committees,A clear

46、 definition of authority and and responsibility of each job makes the system more effective .,Employee performs better with greater job satisfaction Efficiency in decision making Cost saving can be achieved Clearly identify cause of problem and find a faster solution One person receives only one ord

47、er from one supervisor Avoid jump of levels for instruction and reporting Easier to evaluate performance Reduce personal conflict,I. System and organization - B. Management by system - 1. Authority and responsibility,An organization chart graphically identifies the reporting structure .,Covers the w

48、hole company Defines divisions, departments, or any work unit Clearly identifies responsibility Administration / function / matrix reporting system One supervisor concept Avoid crossing of reporting lines Properly updated and approved at all times All parties must be fully and timely informed of any

49、 revisions,I. System and organization - B. Management by system - 2. Organization Chart,A job description sheet should be available for each position in the company .,The job description sheet identifies: Title Location Person reporting to People responsible for Purpose Job responsibilities and duti

50、es Decision making authority Performance measures Education requirements Experiences and other requirements Always up-dated and approved Related parties should be timely informed,I. System and organization - B. Management by system - 3. Job description sheet,Each function should have an authority an

51、d approval manual .,Specify the authority, responsibility, and approval procedures for: Sales Finance Assets Manufacturing Materials Human resources Technology Public relation Normally managed / communicated through a manual Clearly identify level of job / responsibility Clearly identify limits Prop

52、erly updated and approved at all times All parties are informed Provides consistency for companies operating in multiple locations,I. System and organization - B. Management by system - 4. Authority and approval manual,The sales function authority and approval manual may include .,Price lists Credit

53、 limits Payment terms Contract terms Credit approvals Discounts: Volume Early payment Promotional Special prices Free samples Advertising / Promotion / Literatures / Trade shows Allocation Business Expenses Travel,I. System and organization - B. Management by system - 4. Authority and approval manua

54、l,The price list section of the sales authority and approval manual may include specific details such as .,Value of goods or services Demand and supply Affected by factors Time Location Benefit Alteration Competition May or may not be affected by costs Fair trade practices Payment terms must be show

55、n Volume discounts related to operational costs Must be logical and fair Must be up-dated and published Must be approved by the proper authority,I. System and organization - B. Management by system - 4. Authority and approval manual,The credit limit and payment terms section of the sales approval an

56、d authority manual may include .,Payment terms as part of the costs A method to count payment days Credit limits Credit risks Customer credit evaluation such as: Financial strengths Other assets Risky exposure Other businesses Ownership Credit investigations Credit committee Conflict of interests Mu

57、st be properly approved,I. System and organization - B. Management by system - 4. Authority and approval manual,The financial functions authority and approval manual may include .,Bank account Loans Interests Depreciation Transfers Payment of Expenses Goods / Raw materials Duties Equipment Assets Se

58、rvices Taxes Cash advances Payroll,I. System and organization - B. Management by system - 4. Authority and approval manual,The assets authority and approval manual may include procedures on .,Fixed assets: Real estate, office building, plant, warehouse, manufacturing equipment, etc. Liquid assets: T

59、ank cars, automobiles, office equipment, furniture, etc. Procurement, disposal, leasing, renting, etc. Payment terms Utilities Maintenance schedule and contract Taxes Fees,I. System and organization - B. Management by system - 4. Authority and approval manual,The manufacturing authority and approval manual includes .,Specifications of product Specifications of raw materials Specifications of supplies Equipment Operation conditions / hours Selection of energy source Environmental and Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) issues Operati


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