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1、1. in time (for sth /to do sth),eg. she will be back in time for dinner / to have dinner.,1) not late,2) after a long period of time,eg. your hard work will pay off in time.,你的付出迟早会得到回报。,及时,终于,迟早,1) he can be really bad-tempered _. 2) _ i used to go skiing every winter. 3) im busy _. would you pleas

2、e call me back in a few minutes? 4) dont all speak at once. one _. 5) the kids are leaving home _. 6) prepare what you plan to say at the meeting _.,at times,at one time,for the time being,at a time,in no time,ahead of time,2. atmosphere,1) the atmosphere, the mixture of gases that surrounds the ear

3、th,eg. man must stop polluting the earths atmosphere.,2) the feeling that an event or place gives you,eg. the two sides are holding talks in a friendly atmosphere.,大气(层),气氛,3. presence/n. 出席,存在,eg. his presence at the party made us honored.,present/adj. 出席的;目前的,eg. many people were present at the pa

4、rty.,people present at the party were from china.,the present situation is worrying.,翻译:his present boss who presented 5000 books to the poor children was present at the charity party.,4. harmful, harm,翻译:在阳光下读书对眼睛有害。,reading in the sun is harmful to your eyes.,reading in the sun does harm to your e

5、yes.,reading in the sun harms your eyes.,5. multiply,1) add a number to itself a particular number of times,乘,2 乘以3等于6,two and three multiply to make six.,two multiplied by three makes/is/equals six.,2) increase,增加,eg. our problems have multiplied since last year.,6. exist/vi.,1) be real or actual,存

6、在,eg. a life free from all worry doesnt exist.,2) continue living esp. with difficulty or with very little money; survive,生存,eg. man cant exist/ survive/ live without water and air.,scientists believe the universe came into existence about 15 billion years ago.,7. thus,eg. the universities expanded,

7、 thus allowing many more people the chance of higher education.,8. in ones turn 轮到某人,我已经扫完了地,该轮到tom擦玻璃了。,i have finished sweeping the floor, and tom, in his turn, should clean the window.,in turn,1) 依次,轮流,eg. the children called out their names in turn.,2) 相应,转而,继而,eg. increased production will in t

8、urn lead to increased profits.,增加生产会继而增加利润。,take turns to do sth.,轮流做.,eg. we take turns to do the housework.,9. prevent,prevent a (from) doing. =stop a (from) doing. =keep a from doing,阻止a做.,翻译:1. 我们应该防止环境受到污染。,we should prevent the environment (from) being polluted.,2. 应该采取措施防止火势蔓延。,measures shoul

9、d be taken to prevent the fire (from) spreading.,protect a from b,保护a不受b的伤害,翻译:每一位母亲都会保护她们的孩子 不受任何伤害。,every mother will protect their child from any possible harm.,选择: 1). let nothing _ you doing your duty. a. keep b. have c. protect d. prevent 2). what _ you to come to the party? -an unexpected acc

10、ident _ me going. a. prevented; forbade b. protected; forbade c. forbade; prevented d. stopped; kept 3). he put on his sunglasses to _ his eyes from the strong sunlight. a. prevent b. stop c. keep d. protect,d,c,d,4). we should prevent pollution _ a happy life. a. live b. living c. to live d. from l

11、iving,c,10. puzzle/n.,mystery,迷,难题,eg. a crossword puzzle,纵横字谜,translate: the deeper meaning of the poem remains a puzzle.,这首诗的深层含义仍然是个迷。,puzzle/v.,make sb feel confused,使迷惑, 为难,翻译:让我感到迷惑的是为什么他谁都没 告诉就离开了这个国家。,what puzzled me was why he left the country without telling anyone.,puzzling: (事)令人困惑的,puzz

12、led: (人)感到困惑的,填空:her _ look on her face suggested she didnt know how to deal with the _ situation.,puzzled,puzzling,短语:puzzle over/about,对.苦苦思索,puzzle out,设法想出;琢磨出.答案,ex. 1) he puzzled _ the question for quite a while. 2) he was trying to puzzle _ why he had been brought to the house.,over/about,out

13、,11. block out,1) stop light or noise from coming in,挡住(光,声音),2) forget sth. unpleasant,忘记不愉快的事,block off:,separate one place from another using a barrier,(用路障)封锁,block up:,make movement of flow difficult or impossible,塞住,封住(洞,孔),填空: 1) police _ the street after the explosion. 2) a great dust cloud

14、formed in the sky _ the sunlight. 3) my nose is _ because of a heavy cold. 4) over the years she had tried to _ that part of her life.,blocked off,blocking out,blocked up,block out,12. climate/n.,regular pattern of weather conditions of a particular region,气候,eg. britain has a temperate climate.,英国气

15、候温和。,translate: 1) she moved to a warmer climate.,有某种天气情况的地区,2) the present political climate,思潮,风气,倾向,13. crash/v.,fall or strike suddenly and noisily,碰撞,坠落,eg. he crashed his car into a wall.,the dishes crashed to the floor.,碗碟哗啦一声掉在地板上。,she crashed the door.,她把门砰地一声关上了。,crash/n.,碰撞,eg. a(n) car/a

16、ir crash,汽车撞车事故/ 飞机坠毁,14. pull/v. she needs _.,cheering up,cheer sb. on,为某人加油,鼓励,填空: 1) the spectators _ the runners _. 2) when i feel upset she often tells me funny stories to _ me _. 3) please forget it; _!,cheered,on,cheer,up,cheer up,16. float /v.,move slowly on water or in the air,漂浮,eg. a plas

17、tic bag was floating in the water.,there wasnt enough water to float the boat.,17. now that,because of the fact that,既然,翻译:既然你已经通过了测试,你可以自己 开车了。,now that you have passed the test, you can drive on your own.,18. get (have) the hang of,learn how to operate or do sth,熟悉,掌握,理解,eg. ive never used a compu

18、ter before. dont worry; youll soon get the hang of it.,19. break out/vi.,start suddenly,爆发,主语:,war, disease, fire, quarrel, fighting, crisis,翻译:战争爆发之前他们逃到了美国。,they escaped to america before the war broke out.,与break有关的短语:,break away (from),挣脱,逃离,break down,break into,break in,出故障;身体垮掉;分解,强行进入,插嘴,bre

19、ak off,break through,break up,break up with,中断,取得突破,破碎,结束,解散,分手,填空: 1) our car _ on the freeway so we had to turn to the cars passing by for help. 2) we had our car _ last week and lost our bag. 3) fighting _ between rival groups of fans.,broke down,broken into,broke out,4) when do you _ for christm

20、as? 5) she has just _ her boyfriend. 6) he _ in the middle of a sentence.,break up,broken up with,broke off,20. watch out,warn sb. about sth. dangerous; look out,小心,注意,翻译:小心!汽车来了!,watch out! the car is coming!,watch out for sb/sth,1) 密切注意,eg. the cashiers were asked to watch out for forged banknotes

21、.,出纳员接到要求,要注意伪钞。,2) 小心,eg. watch out for the stairsthey are steep.,watch for,look or wait attentively for,盼望或等待,watch over,guard or protect,照看,看守,填空:1) youd better wait and _ a better chance to make your request. 2) the murderer was _ by three policemen for fear that he would escape. 3) youll be che

22、ated if you dont _.,watch for,watched over,watch out,think about these questions and then discuss them with your partner.,in our solar system eight planets circle around the sun. what are they? can you match the names with the planets?,solar system 太阳系,sun,venus,mercury,mars,jupiter,saturn,earth,plu

23、to,neptune,uranus,mercury(水星),venus(金星),mars(火星),jupiter(木星),uranus(天王星),neptune(海王星),earth(地球),saturn(土星),reading how life began on the earth,1.parts: part 1(1-3) the development of _ part 2 (4-5) the development of _.,2. choose the best answer: 1) from paragaph 1 we can know that stars are created

24、 from _. a. air b. atoms c. rocks d. ice 2) what does the word “they” refer to in the 10th line? a. planets b. stars c. gases d. fire and rock,the earth,life,b,d,3) which is the right order of the development of life? a. small clever animalsshellfishdinosaurs mammals b. shellfishdinosaurssmall cleve

25、r animals mammals c. shellfishdinosaursmammals small clever animals d. dinosaursshellfishmammals small clever animals,c,4) why were mammals different from other life forms? a. because they gave birth to young baby animals and produced milk to feed them b. because they produced young generally by lay

26、ing eggs. c. because they were able to live on land as well as in the water d. because they live on grass.,a,5) from the last paragraph we can infer that the author is _. a. confident b. sad c. concerned d. angry,c,3. answer the questions: 1) it is possible for life to develop because of the presenc

27、e of water.why?,because the continued presence of water allowed the earth to dissolve harmful gases and acids into the occeans and seas.,2) why did the plants grow before the animals came?,because plants provided oxygen for animals to breathe.,4. fill in the blanks:,the universe began with a “_”. at

28、 first, the earth was just a cloud of _. later the dust settled into a solid _. then it exploded with fire and rock,producing carbon, nitrogen, vapour and other gases, which made the earths _. when it cooled down, _ appeared.,big bang,dust,globe,atmosphere,water,small plants began to appear on the s

29、urface of water, which encouraged the development of _. next with green plants growing on land, _ began to live on land. later reptiles appeared. after that _ developed, and then mammals. finally _ appeared and spread all over the earth.,shellfish and fish,insects and amphibians,dinosaurs,small clev

30、er animals,language points:,1. direction/n.,1) 方向,in.direction,朝.方向,eg. they hit a truck coming in the opposite direction.,他们撞上一辆迎面开来的卡车。,in all directions,朝四面八方,2) 指导,under ones direction,在.的指导下,3) directions: instructions,用法说明,2. what 引导主语从句,1) 使大家吃惊的是他没来开会。,what make everyone surprised was that h

31、e didnt attend the meeting.,2) 他所做的增加了我们的困难。,what he did added to our difficulty.,3) _ we cant get seems better than _ we have. a. what; what b. what; that c. that; that d. that; what,a,4) _ made the school proud was _ more than 90% of the students had been admitted to key universities. a. what; bec

32、ause b. what; that c. that; what d. that; because,b,3. be to do,sth. will definitely happen or it must happen,注定;必须,eg. they said goodbye, knowing that they were never to meet again.,he said to his daughter, “ you are to be home by 10 oclock.,4. translate it remains to be seen whether this idea can

33、be put into practice.,这一想法能否付诸实践还有待于观察。,5. cool down,1) become cool,冷却,2) become calm,冷静,eg. i think you should wait until she has cooled down.,6. encourage,give support, confidence or hope to sb/sth.,鼓励,促进,eg. high prices for corn and wheat will encourage farming.,7. late, later, latest, lately,lat

34、e/adj.,迟的,晚的,later/adj.,更迟,更晚的,adv.,后来,latest/adj.,最新的,his latest novel,lately/adv.,最近,recently,eg. i havent heard from him lately.,8. remain,1) 系动词,+名词/形容词/分词作表语,保持,仍是,eg. the labour shortage remains a problem in society.,劳动力短缺仍是个社会问题。,he remained silent.,remain standing/ sitting/ seated,2) vi,剩下,翻

35、译:火灾过后,他的房子没剩下什么。,after the fire, nothing remained of his house.,3) remain to be done,留待以后去看,做, 说等,remain to be seen/ done/ said.,翻译:它对我们是有害还是有益还得等着瞧。,it remains to be seen whether it will do us good or harm.,4) remaining,剩下的,翻译:剩下的10台电脑是我的。,the remaining ten computers belong to me.,5) remains/ n,剩余

36、物;遗址,eg. she drank the remains of the coffee.,the remains of the ancient temple are worth seeing.,9. spread,(spread, spread),1) become distributed 散布,2) become widely known,传播, 蔓延,eg. the disease is spreading fast.,spread the news,3) 展开,铺开,eg. the bird spread its wings.,spread a cloth/ map/ carpet,1

37、0. to do 作定语,表将来,填空:what are you going to talk about at the meeting _ tomorrow? (hold),to be held,11. depend on,1) be decided by sth.,取决于,eg. how much is produced depends on how hard we work.,产量的大小取决于我们努力的程度。,2) eg. you can never depend on his arriving on time.,(be sure that sth will happen 确信,指望),3

38、) eg. he is the sort of person you can depend on.,(believe 信赖),4) eg. i havent got a car, so i have to depend on the buses.,(need 需要),that / it depends,视情况而定,using language a visit to the moon,1. when we are going up, we felt _. a. we were pressed against our seats b. we were lighter than we are on

39、the earth c. as if we were flying d. the rocket was shaking strongly,a,2. when i was on the moon i felt i was _ than i am on the earth. a. slower b. heavier c. cleverer d. lighter,d,3. why cant the spaceship fall back to the earth? a. because the moons gravity pulls it up. b. because it is too far a

40、way from the earth. c. because the earth has no gravity. d. because the spaceship is not very heavy.,b,4. when i tried to step forward on the moon, my step was_. a. as far as it was on the earth b. shorter than it was on the earth c. further than it was on the earth,c,5. if a baby is growing on the

41、moon, when he grows up, he will grow _ than he is on the earth. a. taller b. shorter c. fatter d. thinner,a,language points:,eg. the manager has explained to the customers why the goods are late.,explain oneself,eg. these days youve been late every day. please explain yourself.,1. explain sth to sb/

42、 explain to sb sth(从句),eg. force of gravity,地心吸力;重力,2. force/n.,1) (科技用语) 力,2) strength, power, influence 力量,eg. he overcame his bad habits by force of will.,(意志力),3) violent physical action 暴力,武力,eg. the soldiers took the prisoners away by force.,force/ v.,force sb to do sth/ into doing sth,强迫某人做某事

43、,翻译:总统被迫辞职。,the president was fored to resign/ into resigning.,force ones way through a crowd,挤过人群,3. as.as.,和.一样,1) as+adj./ adv. 原级+as,翻译:他和他的父亲一样高。,he is as tall as his father.,2) as+adj. + 冠词+n. +as,翻译:她和她的朋友一样都是出色的演员。,she is as excellent an actress as her friend.,否定句as/so.as.,1) my brother is _

44、 my sister but he doesnt study _ she. a. as more clever as; as better as b. as clever as; so well as c. so clever as; as well as d. as cleverer as; as well as 2) tom is _ any other boy but he studies _ than all the others. a. as a good boy as; harder b. as good a boy as; more harder c. as a good boy

45、 as; much harder d. as good a boy as; much harder,b,d,4. 倍数表达法,1) a+ be +倍数+ as.as +b,a是b的几倍,(倍数:twice, three times. , half, one third, 50%.),翻译:这间屋子是那间屋子的三倍大。,this room is three times as big as that one.,2) a+be+倍数+比较级+than+b,a比b多几倍,eg. this room is twice bigger than that one.,3) a+be+倍数+the+n.+of+

46、b,a是b的几倍,n: size, length, width, height,eg. this room is three times the size of that one.,选择: 1). ten years ago the population of our village was_ that of theirs. a. as twice large as b. twice as large as c. twice as much as d. as twice much as 2) this year they have procuced _ they did last year.

47、a. more than three times grain b. three times grain more than c. three times more grain than d. more grain than three times,b,c,3) your computer is _. a. four times bigger than me b. three times as bigger as mine c. three times the size of me d. three times the size of mine,d,5) amazed 过去分词作状语,表示主语的

48、 状态。类似的过去分词还有:lost, seated, dressed, faced with, accustomed to doing.,eg. _ in thought, he almost ran into a tree.,lost,_ in white, she stood out in the big crowd.,dressed,_ the problem, he was puzzled.,faced with,unit 5 words and expressions,1. rather than,instead of,不愿,而不是,(连接两个并列成分),eg. i will ha

49、ve a drink rather than coffee.,he could beg in the street rather than get money in such a dishonest way.,he was writing a letter rather than reading a newspaper.,i would prefer to go there in september rather than in july.,i prefer to stay at home rather than go out.,he, rather than his classmates,

50、likes playing football.,2. baggage,u,luggage,3. eastward/ adv.& adj.,go eastward: go in an eastward direction,4. surround/v.,be all round 包围,围绕,be surrounded by/ with.,翻译:该城被军队包围。,eg. the town was surrounded by/with troops.,填空:1) _ by mountains and the pacific ocean, vancouver is canadas most beauti

51、ful city.,surrounded,2) she was sitting on the floor _ by a lot of food.,surrounded,surrounding/adj. 周围的,eg. he was attracted by the surrounding scenery in the mountain.,surroundings/n.,environment 环境,eg. she hopes that her child will be brought up in healthy surroundings.,5. measure/v.,1) 有.面积/长/宽/

52、高,eg. the room measures 10 metres long and 5 metres wide.,这间屋子长10米宽5米。,2) 测量,eg. the device measures the level of radiation in the atmosphere.,这种仪器用来测量大气层中的辐射级。,3) 判定,估量(importance, value, effect),eg. it is difficult to measure the success of the experiment at this stage.,在现阶段还难以估量这次实验的成败。,measure/n.,1) 计量单位,weights and measures,度量衡,2) 措施,方法,翻译:应该采取措施防止火势蔓延。,eg. measures should be taken to prevent the fire (from) spreading.,采取措施做某事,take measures to do sth,6. aboard/adv.&prep.,在船,飞机,火车或 汽车上,eg. its time to go ab


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