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1、中美海洋生物资源协调工作组 工作进展情况,Summary of Joint Activities Under the MOU of China-U.S. Living Marine ResourcesPanel Meeting 2012. 10 上海 Oct. , 2012, Shanghai,Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences,Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences,汇报提纲 Outline,项目进展情况 Progress Report 2011-2012,总体回顾 General Review,合作面临的问题Challen

2、ges,未来合作重点 Future Collaboration,第八次中美海洋生物资源协调小组会议于2011年6月13-17日在美国银泉市召开。 The U.S.-China Joint Coordination Panel for Living Marine Resources (LMR) held its eighth meeting from June 13-17th, 2011 in Silver Spring, USA,Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences,总体回顾 General Review,中美双方介绍了两国的海洋生物资源管理体系,讨论了短期和

3、长期的合作重点及优先合作领域,并就海洋生物资源协调工作组未来的工作机制以及经费来源进行了磋商。 Both sides gave overviews of the LMR management mechanism and discussed short-term and long-term cooperation priorities. The mechanism to sustain future collaboration under the panel and funding issues were also highlighted. Chairs: Prof. Liu Qing and

4、Dr. Ned Cyr 26 delegates from NOAA MOA of US and World Bank 6 delegates from CAFS, CAS, SOA of China,Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences,总体回顾 General Review,中方代表团成员分别作了题为“中国海洋生物资源管理概况”、“中国在全球气候变化对渔业资源影响领域的研究进展”、“桑沟湾多营养层次综合养殖模式”、“基于生态系统的亚热带海湾综合养殖技术研究”等10个报告。报告内容受到了美国同行的广泛关注和好评。美方同行介绍了国家海洋与大气局的组织框架、美国

5、水产养殖研究重点、气候变化对渔业的影响、海洋酸化的对鱼类生理学的影响、美国有害藻华的研究进展以及美国海洋保护物种项目等方面的情况。世界银行的项目官员介绍了“鱼类2030”项目。 Presentations from China include: Overview Presentation on Fisheries and Living Marine Resources Management in China, Climate Change and Its Impact on Fisheries: Research Progress in China, Integrated Multi-Trop

6、hic Aquaculture (IMTA) in Sanggou Bay, IMTA in Sub Tropical Bays. Presentations from US include: overview presentation on the National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and NOAA Fisheries Service, U.S. Aquaculture Research and Development , Climate and Vulnerability Assessments for Fisheri

7、es, Assessment and Monitoring of Ecological, Biodiversity, and Fisheries Impacts of Ocean Acidification, Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs) Research in the U.S. , U.S. Conservation Programs for Marine Protected Species , Fish to 2030.,Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences,总体回顾 General Review,经过讨论,双方同意通过推进两国间

8、在水产养殖、气候变化、海洋酸化、有害藻华、海洋牧场、濒危物种和栖息地保护等与海洋渔业相关领域的合作。同时选择最重要的、对两国都有利的项目作为第8期的海洋生物资源合作项目。 会议达成了2012年在中国举办“中美海洋生物资源协调工作组第9次会议”的意向。 Topics of mutual interest included: aquaculture, climate and ocean acidification, harmful algal blooms, sea ranching, endangered species and habitat monitoring, assessment an

9、d restoration. It was agreed that the next meeting of the LMR Panel be scheduled for fall 2012 in China. After the meeting, 8 activities/projects were proposed for 2012, Including Fishery Science and Technology Forum, Gray whale, Pacific Krill, Artificial Reefs and Shellfish habitats monitoring by b

10、oth sides,总体回顾 General Review,Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences,1. 中美栖息地监测,评估和鱼礁系统工程修复研讨会(U.S.-China Meeting on Living Marine Resources: Habitat Monitoring, Assessment and Restoration of Reef Systems Project ) 2011年11月1-3日在美国夏威夷的火奴鲁鲁召开,会议的目标是交流有关栖息地监测,评估和鱼礁(包括自然鱼礁和人工鱼礁)系统工程修复的信息和经验,确定合作研究的可能性。 The

11、 workshop was held in Honolulu, Hawaii, USA from November 1-3, 2011. The goals of this meeting were to exchange information and experience associated with monitoring, assessment, and restoration of reef systems (natural and artificial), and identify opportunities for collaborative research.,项目进展Prog

12、ress Report,Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences,2.中美海水滩涂贝类养殖环境类型划分及安全评价研讨交流会(China-US Mudflat Shellfish Cultivation Environment Classification and Environment Safety Assessment Workshop) 2012年4月1日,美国国家海洋渔业局水产养殖及资源增殖处处长Christopher Brown博士来我院参加了交流会。 Brown博士就美国贝类养殖情况做了专题报告,介绍了美国贝类养殖历史、贝类养殖环境污染物的监测技术和相关

13、研究现状。资源与环境研究中心樊恩源副主任、质量与标准研究中心刘欢副研究员分别介绍了我国滩涂贝类养殖场(ESA)的环境安全评估和贝类产品质量安全监管项目概况, 并就就贝类养殖管理中存在的问题和解决方法与Brown博士进行了深入讨论。 Dr. Christopher Brown came to CAFS on April 1, 2012 and introduced shellfish cultivation history and pollutant monitoring technology in US. Prof. Fan Enyuan and Dr. Liu Huan introduced

14、 ESA in mudflat shellfish cultivation farms and supervision of shellfish product quality safety in China.,项目进展Progress Report,Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences,3. 中美海龟项目研讨会 (China-US Sea Turtle Workshop) 4月9日,中美海龟项目研讨会在东海水产研究所成功举办。美国国家海洋渔业局国际科技协调官员KeithChanon一行6人、以及中方相关专家参加了研讨会。 The workshop was h

15、eld on April 9, 2012 in ESCFRI, China. Six participants from NOAA and related experts in China joined the workshop. 研讨会上,专家分别就中美海龟保护策略及管理情况、中美海龟相关科研进展及案例分析作了学术报告,并紧紧围绕中美海龟管理体系、研究建议和下一步合作意向三个方面进行了深入探讨和交流。 Topics included sea turtle conservation strategies and management issues, research progress and

16、case studies. Management mechanism, priorities and next steps were highlighted.,项目进展Progress Report,Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences,4. 南海所与NOAA太平洋岛屿渔业科学中心渔业资源评估项目组学术交流(Reef Fisheries Stock Assessment Program, South China Sea Fisheries Research Institute( SCSFRI) & Pacific Islands Fisheries Scien

17、ce Center (PIFSC) 2012年8月2日-9月4日,南海所秦传新副研究员前往夏威夷火奴鲁鲁的NOAA太平洋岛屿渔业科学中心渔业资源评估项目组(Dr. Gerard DiNardo)开展了为期34天的合作交流。 Dr. Chuanxin Qin,from SCSFRI carried out study and research for 34 days in PIFSC from Aug. 2 to Sep. 4. (1)初步掌握了R统计软件的原理与应用技术,针对广东省的历史统计数据和典型人工鱼礁的渔业资源具体数据进行初步的分析。 Primary analysis of Guang

18、dongs fishery data and artificial reef data were carried out.,项目进展Progress Report,Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences,(2)初步完成了广东省近海历史渔业资源统计数据的分析,对近年来我国和广东省所采取的管理措施的有效性进行了初步评价。 The fluctuation data of Guangdong province fishery were assessed. Chinas management strategies were evaluated. (3)选择特定的人工鱼礁区

19、开展了人工鱼礁对渔业资源的增殖作用评价,初步完成了数据的整理。 A typical artificial reef was selected to evaluate the efficacy of artificial Reefs. Data reduction of artificial reefs were completed. (4)根据数据整理初步结果,拟定了两篇论文作为这次合作的研究成果之一。 Finish two research papers. “Fisheries and Management in the Guangdong Province, China: Challeng

20、es and Recent Developments”and“Evaluating the Efficacy of Artificial Reefs in the Guangdong Province, China: A Case study Using Yangmeikeng Artificial Reef” (5)完成了农业部修缮购置项目SAS软件的申购工作。SAS software was purchased.,项目进展Progress Report,Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences,5. 南海所与NOAA太平洋岛屿渔业科学研究中心珊瑚生态系统研究组

21、进行学术交流(Scientist Exchange Project on ARMS: South China Sea Fisheries Research Institute( SCSFRI) & Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center (PIFSC) 2012年7月22日-8月23日,南海水产研究所唐振朝副研究员前往NOAA太平洋岛屿渔业科学研究中心珊瑚生态系统研究组进行了为期一个月的工作交流。 Dr.Tang Zhenzhao from SCSFRI was sent to CRED,PIFSC in Honolulu to exchange fo

22、r a month from July 23- Aug.22, 2012. 成效achievement: (1)系统学习并参与了自主式鱼礁监测系统(ARMS)的组装、投放、回收及样品分析的整个工作流程,包括参与回收了美方在夏威夷群岛附近投放的(ARMS);参与了ARMS的后处理工作;参与了夏威夷群岛附近6个站点的样品分析。 With the help of CRED colleagues, learned to assemble/deploy/recover ARMS and joined the whole procedure of sample analysis of ARMS recov

23、ered nearby Hawaii islands.,项目进展Progress Report,Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences,(2)与美方研究人员进行了关于在中国南海北部珊瑚礁区与人工鱼礁区投放ARMS可行性的讨论,并带回美方提供的ARMS装置样本1个。 Have discussed with CRED scientists on feasibility of ARMS deployment in coral reef site and artificial reef site in Northern South China Sea. Brought

24、back a sample ARMS. (3)初步制定了南海北部珊瑚礁区及人工鱼礁区ARMS试验性投放计划,初步设想选择珠江口、北部湾、粤东、粤西和三亚共5个典型海域进行ARMS的投放试验。正在对ARMS的设计进行相关改进。 We have made a plan to conduct experimental deployment of ARMS in coral reef site and artificial reef site in Northern South China Sea, the optional sites include Zhujiang Kou,Beibu Bay,Y

25、ue Xi,Yue Dong and Sanya. Now the modification of ARMS design is ongoing. (4)已与深圳渔业主管部门进行了沟通,初步达成了合作意向,计划联合在深圳海域珊瑚礁区与人工鱼礁区进行ARMS的试验性投放。 Have reached an initial collaborative intention with Fishery Bureau of Shen Zhen, planned to deploy ARMS in Shen Zhen coastal area.,Chinese Academy of Fishery Scien

26、ces,项目进展Progress Report,6. 中方赴NOAA太平洋岛屿渔业科学中心海龟考察交流项目(Sea Turtle Exchange Program: National Gangkou Sea Turtle Reserve & Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center (PIFSC) 2012年9月9日-9月13日,惠东港口海龟国家级自然保护区管理局张飞燕工程师赴NOAA太平洋岛屿渔业科学中心考察访问。在美期间,张飞燕先后对参与了海龟解剖实验、绿海龟捕捞实习,考察了海龟摄食区生态结构,并先后和NOAA专家Dr. George Balazs,

27、Dr. Jeffrey Seminoff和Dr. John Wang进行了两次学术交流会,就海龟保护政策及措施进行了探讨。 Dr. Zhang Feiyan from National Gangkou Sea Turtle Reserve went to PIFSC from Sep. 9-13, 2012. She participated in a sea turtle anatomy experiment, fishing, foraging ecology. She worked with Dr. George Balazs,Dr. Jeffrey Seminoff and Dr. J

28、ohn Wang 合作建议 Future Collaboration: (1)召开海龟健康评估研讨会Health Assessment Workshop (2)邀请美方来华交流Scientist exchange (US to China) (3)就绿海龟摄食生态及血液生理学展开合作研究Green turtle foraging ecology;Green turtle blood research (4)举办海龟资源调查技术培训班Turtle survey technical training,项目进展Progress Report,Chinese Academy of Fishery Sc

29、iences,7. 水产科技论坛(2012 Forum on Fishery Science and Technology) 邀请美方相关领域的7名知名专家参加了2012水产科技论坛。并建议:中美双方应就双方相关领域的学术研讨会建立起互动交流,考察互访机制。 CAFS invited 7 NOAA scientists to participate in the forum. CAFS suggest that there should be mutual exchanges in related fields and build bilateral exchange mechanism. 8

30、. 中美海洋生物资源协调工作组第9次会议暨中美人工鱼礁项目交流会(9th China-US Living Marine Resources Panel Joint Coordination Meeting) 10月19日-20日在上海举办“中美海洋生物资源协调工作组第9次会议暨中美人工鱼礁项目交流会”,将主要介绍双方在海洋生物资源及人工鱼礁方面相关研究进展以及管理经验,并就中美合作机制及潜在的合作项目进行探讨。 The panel meeting is held in Shanghai, Oct. 19-20. The meeting is going to review the status

31、 and progress of joint projects and identify mechanism and potential areas for collaboration.,项目进展Progress Report,Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences,经费受限,没有单独的经费支撑工作组的活动 Lack of independent funds to support projects under the Panel 合作项目零散、重点不突出。 Need to raise priority of joint activities and subseq

32、uent support 缺乏有效的协调机制。 Need for increased China-US coordination (e.g., identify funding opportunities through international organizations and other government agencies),Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences,中美LMR工作合作面临的问题Challenges,1. 海上溢油对LMR影响研究Emergency Plans for the Influence of Oil Spill Polluti

33、on Impact on LMR Ecological Environment 合作形式:参加美方的海上溢油对LMR影响的交流研讨会,就此领域的研究动态进行交流,探讨合作途径。 合作内容:(1)石油污染对渔业的影响的监测、检测和防控机制;(2)原油对主要海洋水生生物的影响机理研究;(3)受油污染的水产品的质量安全问题;(4)监测技术标准和规范研究(5)相关法律法规和技术标准制订等。 To have a workshop in the US on the influence of oil spills pollution on fishery ecological environment, an

34、d to discuss further cooperation opportunities.,未来合作重点方向Future Collaboration,Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences,2. 渔业资源增殖容量和增殖效果研究 Fishery Resources enhancement capacity and effects of releasing 合作形式:黄海水产研究所派1-2名研究人员赴美Morte海洋实验室学习,研究如何利用环境本底调查以及标志方法等开展放流效果评估。 YSFRI send one or two scientists to Mot

35、e marine lab to study resource enhancement methods including environment survey, background survey, the tagging technology, and the assessment model of stock enhancement.,未来合作重点方向 Future Collaboration,Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences,3. 近岸生物栖息地动态变化遥感监测研究Manifestation of variation and transitions

36、of costal habitat using remote sensing technology 研究方向:构建河口自然保护区渔业资源栖息地植被功能类群的分类体系河口保护区湿地滩涂地形起伏雷达测量及时间序列遥感研究渔业资源栖息地生态服务功能遥感研究河口自然保护区栖息地生态服务功能类型的年内和年际间动态变化监测 Construction the fishery resource habitat PFTs classification system over the Yellow River Delta wetland Marsh land micro-topography measuremen

37、t and time-series remote sensing research over the Yellow River Delta wetland Fishery resource habitat PFTs classification using time series remote sensing images PFTs seasonal spatio-temporal changes detection following water fluctuations over the Yellow River Delta wetland,未来合作重点方向 Future Collabor

38、ation,Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences,4. 太平洋磷虾的种群动态及对气候变化的响应Population Dynamics of krill Euphausia pacifica, and Its Response Mechanism to Global Climate Change 合作形式:合作研究 研究方向:东海水产研究所拟申请自然科学基金项目就东海磷虾丰度动态变化研究,追溯其丰度较低的原委;并与黄海磷虾高丰度的情况进行比较研究。 Means of cooperation: collaborative research ECSFRI plan

39、to apply for Nature Science Foundation fund to study the abundance dynamics of Euphausia pacifica in East China Sea and to trace the reasons for low abundance and to conduct a comparative study with Euphausia pacifica in Yellow Sea 5. 海洋牧场Sea ranching 合作方式:合作研究,学者互访 合作领域:海洋牧场建设与海洋资源的可持续利用,会上需进一步探讨具体

40、形式和内容 Means of cooperation: collaborative research, exchange visit- need more details Construction of marine ranching and sustainable utilization of marine resources,未来合作重点方向Future Collaboration,Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences,6. 中国沿海地区濒危灰鲸研究项目Critically endangered western gray whales in coastal waters of China 合作形式:合作研究,由国家海洋局第三海洋研究所祝茜研究院牵头负责。 合作内容:开展我国沿海的渔民问卷调查,从一定程度上了解灰鲸在我国沿海出现的时间、地点、搁浅等方面的信息。如果结果表明能够在我国的某些海域还能见到灰鲸,则进行出海调查研究。 To conduct


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