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1、陈 烨,田心怡,郑梦瑶,胡静雅,商翻二班,Board Games,Outline Definition Different Types Introduction of some games Question,Definition,It has a nice nickname Unplugged (不插电) game,One kind of indicator or by some specific object drawing board (usually designed as a game) is placed, removed, or moved to the game,Through

2、board games can train people thinking, memory, association, judgment. Desktop games are people face to face to play the game through the game you can learn how to get along with others, communication, focusing on the challenges and analysis of intelligence level of computing power. Moreover, the dif

3、ference between table games players age requirement is not suitable for a family member with the game so as to promote feelings of family members. Improve thinking and logical reasoning ability of participants through the game, so players realize that the theory and application of various discipline

4、s in order to achieve objectives set out in the strategy and overall plan.,Chess,Card,Puzzle,Different Types,Jenga 层层叠,Steps to play 1、Three blocks in a layer 2、Staggered (交错的) to build a tall wood tower 3、Take turns throwing dice extraction which color or a layer (also can extract freely ) 4、The ex

5、traction block should be placed on the tower top 5、Who make the tower collapse (倒塌) is the loser,真心话大冒险层层叠,大型层层叠,Jenga can not only hand eye coordination (手眼协调能力)and will power exercise, but also can develop a balanced force(平衡力), at the same time,it can also improve the patience and self-control, c

6、an exercise the muscles of the hands and flexible application. The most important is to be able to add nearly game player friendship.,Introduction 1、5 种水果 , 56张纸牌 , 每张纸牌上有15个水果,a bell 2、At the beginning, distribute cards to every players, then open a card ,if there are five same fruits in all open c

7、ards, the players will try to be the first to rill the bell, and he will all open cards. (If the player rang the wrong bell, he should give every player a card .) 3、At last, in the rest two people, whos cards are more is the winner.,1、Expand your memory storage space: the type and quantity of fruit

8、cards need to keep in mind, this can effectively reduce the time of reaction and thinking. 2、Improve reaction speed: If the game player is familiar with cards, then when he see different kinds of fruit card ,can have a very fast response, it will also help in victory. 3、 Strengthen mental arithmetic

9、 training (心算训练): this game is not simply rely on the reaction, calculation ability is also a key, familiar with the rules, improve the ability of mental arithmetic, can be more accurate than others shot. 4、 Misleading: Yes, in the course of the game, you can be misleading, because everybody tight r

10、eaction nerve (紧绷着反应神经), your misleading action will induce others to make the wrong judgment.,Skills,2020/7/22,2020/7/22,Who is Undercover 谁是卧底,Rules 1、Seven people . 2、Give the same word written on the paper to six people, give another related word to the rest one people. 3、 Each wheel can say onl

11、y one sentence to describe yourself get word (cant say the words), and not let undercover found, but also to the compatriots in the dark (给同胞暗示). Each wheel description is completed, 7 people voted for suspected the man undercover, the person with the most number of votes out, as many as two words, pending (it is retained). 4、 If undercover la


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