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1、,高三英语第一轮复习,Book1 Unit4,话题写作:灾难事件,灾难性事件, 主要指fire(火灾), flood(水灾), drought(干旱), landslide(山崩), earthquake(地震), tsunami(海啸), typhoon(台风),hurricane(飓风)tornado(龙卷风), volcano(火山), snowstorm(暴风雪)等。,写作词汇复习,破坏;毁坏 vt. 灾难,灾祸 n. 掩埋;隐藏 v. 在废墟中 认为 被困在 掘出;发现 许多;大量的 因而震惊 给带来损失,destroy disaster bury in ruins consider

2、 as be trapped in dig out a (great )number of be shocked at cause great damage/losses to,(destroyed),(buried),Homework : 假如你是21st Century的学生记者。请你根据以下内容写一篇关于汶川地震的报道。题目为A terrible earthquake 。 写作内容 发生时间:2008年5月12日 发生地点:汶川 灾难程度:被认为是中国在唐山大地震之后最可怕的灾难 后果:超过40万人伤亡,成千上万人被困或埋在废墟中 损失:给人们带来了巨大的损失,破坏了许多学校和其他建筑

3、目前情况:人们非常震惊。地震之后,救援工作立刻被组织起来,大量的人被挖了出来并及时送往医院。 写作要求 1. 必须使用5个句子表达全部所给的内容; 2. 将5个句子组成连贯的短文;,2008年5月12日,一场可怕的地震袭击了汶川。 ( hit /happen ) 2.汶川地震被认为是中国在唐山大地震之后最可怕的灾难。 (consider as) 3.地震给人们带来了巨大的损失,破坏了许多学校和其他建筑。 (cause great damage , destroy) 4. 地震中超过40万人伤亡,成千上万人被困或埋在废墟中。 ( be injured ,be killed, be trapped

4、 in, be buried) 5. 人们对这一消息感到非常震惊。 (be shocked at) 6.地震之后,救援工作立刻被组织起来,大量的人被挖了出来并及时送往医院。 (organize, dig out , send sb. to hospital),2008年5月12日,一场可怕的地震袭击了汶川。 Wenchuan. On May12,2008 a terrible earthquake in Wenchuan. 2.汶川地震被认为是中国在唐山大地震之后最可怕的灾难。 The Wenchuan earthquake _the most terrible disaster in Chi

5、na after the Tangshan earthquake. 3.地震给人们带来了巨大的损失,破坏了许多学校和其他建筑。 The earthquake _the people . The earthquake_lots of schools and other buildings.,hit /struck happened broke out occurred,caused great damage /losses to,destroyed,was considered as,The earthquake caused great damage to the people and des

6、troyed lots of schools and other buildings.,The earthquake not only caused great damage to the people but also destroyed lots of schools and other buildings.,was regarded as,4. 地震中超过40万人伤亡,成千上万人被困或埋在废墟中。 More than 400 thousand people _. Tens of thousands of people _under the ruins. 5. 人们对这一消息感到非常震惊。

7、 Everyone _the news. The news _everyone. 6.地震之后,救援工作立刻被组织起来,大量的人被挖了出来并及时送往医院。 After the earthquake, rescue work _right away/at once /immediately. A great/large number of people _and _ to hospital in time .,were killed or injured,were trapped or buried,was shocked at,shocked,was organized,were dug ou

8、t,sent,More than 400 thousand people were killed or injured and tens of thousands of people were trapped or buried under the ruins.,After the earthquake, rescue work was organized right away, _a great number of people were dug out and sent to hospital in time.,so,1. On May12, 2008 a terrible earthqu

9、ake hit Wenchuan. 2. The Wenchuan earthquake was considered as the most terrible disaster in China after the Tangshan earthquake. 3. The earthquake not only caused great damage to the people but also destroyed lots of schools and other buildings. 4. More than 400 thousand people were killed or injur

10、ed and tens of thousands of people were trapped or buried under the ruins. 5. Everyone was shocked at the news. 6. After the earthquake, rescue work was organized right away, so a great number of people were dug out and sent to hospital in time.,On May12, 2008, a terrible earthquake hit Wenchuan, _w

11、as considered as the most severe disaster in China after the Tangshan earthquake.,which,A terrible earthquake On May 12, 2008 a terrible earthquake hit Wenchuan, which was considered as the most severe disaster in China after the Tangshan earthquake. It not only caused great damage to the people but

12、 also destroyed lots of schools and other buildings. _, more than 400 thousand people were killed or injured and thousands of people were trapped or buried under the ruins. Everyone was shocked at the news. _, rescue work was organized right away after the earthquake, so a great number of people wer

13、e dug out and sent to hospital in time.,Fortunately,Whats worse,About disaster 1.文章时态多为_语态多为_ 2.写作要点: 事件: 发生: 财产损失: 人员伤亡: 处理:,新闻报道类,过去时态,earthquake,happen, break out, occur, hit, strike,cause/suffer great losses, destroy, damage, in ruins , cut off ,fall down,get killed/injured, missing, lose ones l

14、ife,organize rescue work ,rescuefrom send sb. to hospital, call an ambulance, call for doctors, donate money to,earthquake, flood ,drought, snow storm, air crash, traffic accident, a big fire,not only but also, whats worse, fortunately,被动语态,Homework : 假如你是21st Century的学生记者。请你根据以下内容写一篇关于雪灾的报道。题目为A Se

15、vere Snow Storm。 写作内容 发生时间:2008年1月开始,持续了差不多一个月 发生地点:华南大部分地区 灾难程度:50年里最严重的一次灾难 后果:大约60人死亡,8人失踪; 这场灾难造成房屋倒塌, 交通问题和电力供应短缺 经济损失:超过5百亿元 目前情况:救援工作正在进行,与此同时,大家正在积极 为灾区捐钱。 写作要求 1. 必须使用5个句子表达全部所给的内容; 2. 将5个句子组成连贯的短文;,参考词汇:持续 last, 电力供应 electricity supply, 短缺 the shortage of, 5百亿元 50 billion yuan, 灾区 disaster

16、 areas,A Severe Snow Storm A severe snow storm hit most parts of Southern China in January, 2008, lasting for nearly a month. The disaster, which was the worst in the past fifty years, killed about 60 people and left eight others missing. Moreover, the unexpected outbreak of the disaster not only de

17、stroyed hundreds of buildings, but also led to the traffic problems and the shortage of electricity supply. The storm has caused a loss of more than 50 billion yuan. At present, the rescue work is going on while people are actively donating money to the disaster areas.,三、超级仿写 今年的日本大地震引起社会各界极大关注, 以下是

18、一些基本情况:,写作内容 请根据以上内容给学校广播站写一篇英语简讯, 内容包括: 1.地震发生的时间, 震中地点; 2.地震的影响和各界对此次地震的反应; 3.你的态度。,A big earthquake hit Japan 130 kilometers off the northeast coast of Honshu Island at 1:00 pm on March 11, 2011.The strong tsunami along with it had caused more than 4000 deaths and 8000 people missing by March 16.After the quake, a lot of countries have promised to provid


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