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1、Quantity of goods,Quantity,In international business, the commonly used measurements are: The Metric System米制 The British System英制 The U.S. System美制 The International System of Units国际单位制,There are 6 kinds of quantitative methods in international business: Weight; Capacity; Numbers; Length; Area; Vo

2、lume.,The quantitative method of weight: Gross weight;毛重 Net weight;净重 Legal weight;法定重量 Net net weight;实物净重 Conditioned weight;公量 Theoretical weight.理论重量,毛重(Gross Weight) 毛重是指商品本身的重量加包装物的重量。这种计重办法一般适用于低值商品。 净重(Net Weight) 净重是指商品本身的重量,即除去包装物后的商品实际重量。净重是国际贸易中最常见的计重办法。不过,有些价值较低的农产品或其它商品,有时也采用“以毛作净”(Gr

3、oss for Net)的办法计重。,Net weight=gross weight-tare weight (皮重) 算皮重: 1. 实际皮重(actual tare) 2. 平均皮重(average tare) 3. 习惯皮重(customary tare) 4. 约定皮重(computed tare),法定重量(Legal Weight)和实物净重(Net Net Weight) 所谓法定重量是商品加上直接接触商品的包装物料,如销售包装等的重量,而除去这部分重量所表示出来的纯商品的重量,则称为实物净重。,E.g.出口的是鱼罐头 每罐抛去罐头盒的重量不算,鱼的实际重量就是实物净重 罐头盒和

4、鱼的重量加在一起就是净重. 毛重就是罐头盒加上鱼再加上罐头外包装箱的重量 法定重量只是罐头盒加上鱼的重量.,公量(Conditioned Weight) 有些商品,如棉花、羊毛、生丝等有比较强的吸湿性,所含的水分受客观环境的影响较大,其重量也就很不稳定。为了准确计算这类商品的重量,国际上通常采用按公量计算,其计算方法是以商品的干净重(即烘去商品水分后的重量)加上国际公定回潮率与干净重的乘积所得出的重量,即为公量. 公量=商品净重X(1+标准回潮率)/(1+实际回潮率)=干量+标准含水量,理论重量(Theoretical Weight) 对于一些按固定规格生产和买卖的商品,只要其重量一致,或每件

5、重量大体是相同的,一般即可从其件数推算出总量。,Units of measurement,Weight: Kilogram-kg, Ton-t, Quintal-q, (公担=100公斤) Pound-lb, Ounce-oz, Long ton-l/t (2240磅) 英制 Short ton-s/t (2000磅) 美制 .,Capacity: Liter-L Gallon-gal; Bushel-bu;蒲式耳(容量等于8加仑) ,Number: Piece-pc,只 Package-pkg,件 Pair-pr,双 Set,台/套/架 Dozen-doz,打 Ream-rm,令 Roll卷

6、 .,Length: Yard-yd;码 Meter-m; Foot-ft Centimeter-cm ,Area: Square yard-yd Square meter-m Square foot-ft Square inch-in .,Volume: Cubic yard-yd Cubic meter-m Cubic foot-ft Cubic inch-in .,weight,1 metric ton=1000 kilograms=1000,000grams British system 1 long ton=2240 pounds=2240X16=35840 ounces Ameri

7、can system 1 short ton=2000 pounds=2000X16=32000 ounces,1 metric ton=0.9842 long ton=1.1023 short ton 1 long ton=1.1016 metric ton=1.12 short ton 1 short ton=0.9072 metric ton=0.8929 long ton 1 pound=0.4536 kilogram,length,Metric system: kilometer; meter; centimeter, etc. British and American system

8、: mile; yard, foot; inch 1 mile=1760 yards=1760X3=5280 feet 1 meter=1.094 yards=3.281 feet=39.37 inches,Area 1 square meter=1.1956 square yards=10.7639 square feet Volume 1 cubic meter=1.308 cubic yards=35.315 cubic feet,capacity,1 liter=0.22 British gallon=0.264 American gallon 1 British gallon=4.5

9、46 liters=1.201 American gallons 1 American gallon=3.785 liters=0.822 British gallon 1 American barrel=31.5 American gallons=31.5X3.785=99.03 liters,1 British barrel=36 gallons=36X4.546=163.66 liters 1 hogshead(大桶)=63 American gallons=52.5 British gallons 1 bushel=36 liters,More or less clause,E.g.

10、The seller has the option of shipping 4% more or less on contracted quantity. 1000 metric tons, 5% more or less at sellers option.,Terminology,Payment terms 付款方式 LCL (less container load) 拼箱 FCL (full container load) 整箱,More or less clause 溢短装条款 Gross for Net 以毛作净,Commodity: Mens Woolen Jackets with

11、 polar fleece zip-out lining Quantity: 12,000 pieces Price: US $8.00 per pieces CIF Baltimore Shipment: during April to July On/about April 15 500 pieces by LCL By the end of May 2,900 pieces by FCL Before June 5 4,500 pieces by FCL Not later than June 30 2,900 pieces by FCL Not later than July 20 1

12、,200 pieces by LCL,Commodity: Mens Woolen Jackets with polar fleece zip-out lining 男士可拉拆摇粒绒内里料毛夹克 Quantity: 12,000 pieces Price: US $8.00 per pieces CIF Baltimore Shipment: during April to July On/about April 15 500 pieces by LCL By the end of May 2,900 pieces by FCL Before June 5 4,500 pieces by FC

13、L Not later than June 30 2,900 pieces by FCL Not later than July 20 1,200 pieces by LCL,Business conversation,Mr. Green wants to order some garment with Mr. Li. They are discussing the price and quantity. Li :每件 46美元 CIF Oslo Green: 比之前高8% Li: 原材料 出口退税 Green: 加量至12,000件,要求再减4% Li: 2%,G: 勉强接受。运期要求六月到

14、九月间分四批运完。 Li:生产完成不了,再协商。 达成协议。,邮件练习,9,000个长毛玩具,合同号EW-6290 7月10日到货,短交120个。 集装箱铅封和纸箱均完好。附货物数量清单。 已承诺客户在销售季节前全数交货,希望空运补足。,Dear Sirs, Re: P/C No. EW-6290 for 9,000 pieces Longhaired Toys We now inform you that the subject goods arrived here on July 10. Unfortunately, upon checking, we found 120 pieces short-delivered.,The seal of the container and the cartons themselves remained intact, we can only presume that the shortage must have occurred before shipment. Enclosed is a list of the quantity received, please check. As we had promised t


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