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1、英文摘要模板使用教程,清华大学英语论文写作专家杨永林研究发现,科学、自然等杂志的摘要写作都是可以总结成一个模板的。本课将一些自然科学杂志的摘要模板分享给大家。希望对那些对英语写作无从下手的同学有帮助。本课提供的模板和美赛论文摘要还是有差异的,希望大家应该好好去研究,找到共性,从这些模板中总结出自己的模板。,一个发生在我周围的事(内蒙古大学旭日干院士) 忽略英文摘要导致错失诺贝尔奖 丘吉尔用摘要处理日常事务 使用摘要去处理日常事务,摘要模板,让我们一起开始吧!,摘要模板,模板一: We examined the issue from a perspective. Different from p

2、revious research, this study emphasized the importance of in the study of . In what follows, we want to . There are parts in this paper. We start with a brief introduction of . Then we propose a theory to test . An additional discussion of is also provided. We end the study with the conclusion . We

3、found in our research that . Based on these findings, we can conclude that . Some useful implications from this study include that . Key words: ,摘要模板,We examined the issue from perspective. 解释:what is your study about? Sample: We examined the water shortage issue from Macroscopical(宏观的) perspective.

4、,摘要模板,Different from previous research, this study emphasized the importance of in the study of . 解释:How was your study different from others?What do you want to say about your own research in relation to other relevant studies of same kind?,摘要模板,Sample:Different from previous research, this study e

5、mphasized the importance of sea water desalination in the study of how to solve water shortage problem.,摘要模板,In what follows, we want to . 解释:What are your research motives or purpose for conducting this study?(本项研究目的为何) Sample:In what follows, we want to explore some possible reason for why the sea

6、 water desalination and the water storing is important to this study.,摘要模板,There are parts in this paper. We start with a brief introduction of . Then we propose a theory to test . An additional discussion of is also provided. We end the study with the conclusion . 解释:what does your research look li

7、ke? What are your research arrangements?(你文章的是怎么安排的?),摘要模板,Sample: There are three parts in this paper. We start with a brief introduction of the world water shortage problem and the importance of water desalination. Then we propose a markov chain/dynamic programming theory/method to test the water

8、strategy. An additional discussion of the water storing and water-savingagriculture strategies is also provided. We end the study with the conclusion that those methods are important to solve the water shortage problem.,摘要模板,We found in our research that . Based on these findings, we can conclude th

9、at . 解释:what are your findings or conculusions?(本项目有什么发现、所得结论如何),摘要模板,Sample: We found in our research that it is very important to analysis the water shortage problem in Macroscopical(宏观的) perspectives . Based on these findings, we can conclude that 结论1,and 结论2, and 结论3(大家自己总结一下).,摘要模板,Some useful

10、implications from this study include that . 解释:what else do you want to say about your study?(通过这项研究,作者的反思) Sample:Some useful implications from this study include that the water shortage problem is a emergency problem(瞎写的,大家自己去总结一下) .,摘要模板,Keywords:markov chain water storing,其它模板,模板二: We examined t

11、he issue from a perspective. The present experiment was designed to test the validity of . Our major objectives for this study included . This is a library study of *. It consists of chapters. A brief introduction is given in the first chapter of this paper. Chapter two concerns itself with . forms

12、the focus of chapter three. Chapter four ends the paper with the conclusion that . What we found in the present study indicates the controversy of the issue. And this leads us to a tentative conclusion that . Some suggestions we would like to give to any further study of the same issue are that 1) ,

13、 2) , and 3) . Key words:,其它模板,本文从*角度出发,研究了*方面的问题。 通过本项实验调查,我们试图验证*合理性的问题。 我们的主要研究目的包括*。 本文是关于*问题的综述性研究。全文共由*章组成。第一章是关于*问题研究的概述。第二章主要涉及*问题的讨论。我们在第三章里集中介绍了*。第*章是全篇的结尾之作,介绍了本项研究所得结论。结论部分的内容又可以进一步概括为:1)*; 2)*; 3)*。 以上讨论表明,*问题的研究是一项相当艰巨而复杂的工作,无法取得统一见解。据此,我们仅能做出以下初步结论:1)*;2)*;3)*。 本项研究结果表明,在日后的相关研究中,我们应该

14、注意以下几个方面的问题:1)*;2)*;3)*。 关键词: *,其它模板,模板三: The * issue was examined in this research. Different theories have been introduced in the field to explain the problem of *. And in our study, we used an alternative theoretical framework to *. What we discuss in the following is *. This is a library study o

15、f *. It consists of * sections. A brief introduction is given in the first section of this paper. Section two concerns itself with *. * forms the focus of section three. Section four ends the paper with the conclusion that *. We found in our research that *. Based on these findings, we can conclude that *. Admittedly, what we have discussed in this study is far from complete. And some improvements we want to make in our further research include that 1) *, 2) *, and 3) *. Key words: *,其它模板,翻译: 本文讨论的问题是*。 关于*问题的讨论,已有许多不同理论解释。本文试图采用一种新型理论框架对*问题进行研讨。 本文侧重于*方面的问题。


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