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1、鄂尔多斯专版,第 18 课时 Modules 10-12 (九上),PART ONE,第一篇 教材梳理篇,central,height,sheep,hate/dislike,generally,reuse,feeling,recently,pollution,hopeless,singer,difficulty,kept,bet,winner,bet,flies,less,least,kept,woolen,magical,enemies,according to,keep sb./sth.away,brush sth.off sth.,at the time,be in with a cha

2、nce,deal/do with,even though,protect sth.against sth.,read out,keep a diary,congratulations to sb.,cut off,changeinto,throw away,take steps,belong to,tons of,be surprised at,be famous for,try ones best,be pleased with,have (got) to do sth.,if possible,compared with,sailing boat,hate doing sth.,you b

3、et,the thing is,here we go,any other,that,is,who won,like,more than,Compared with,talking about,Though,hopeless,【点拨】 height的形容词为high。注意:be+数词+metres+in+height/length/width=be+数词+ metres+high/long/wide One of the buildings in Ordos will be 550 metres in height.鄂尔多斯将有一座550米高的大楼。, height n.高度;身高,【典例】 根

4、据中文提示补全句子(每空一词) 你能告诉我珠穆朗玛峰 (Qomolangma) 有多高吗? Can you tell me ?,【拓展】 提问某物的高度时可以用“Whats the height of sth.?”或“How high is sth.?”。,the height of Qomolangma/how high Qomolangma is, belong to 属于,【点拨】 belong to是动词短语, 不用于进行时和被动语态。常用结构: (1)(sth.) belong(s) to sb.(某物)属于某人 (2)belong to 是的一部分;属于 This book bel

5、ongs to me. 这本书属于我。 All the goods here belong to the school. 这儿所有的物品都属于学校。,【典例】改为同义句 That car is his. That car .,belongs to him, addv.添加,【点拨】 addto意为“把加到中”。 Add the cheese to the sauce.把奶酪加到调味汁里。,【拓展】 add to意为“增加, 增添”;add up to意为“加起来总和为”。 The bad weather added to our difficulty.恶劣的天气增加了我们的困难。 All th

6、ese figures add up to 2,000.所有的这些数字加起来总和为2000。,【典例】根据中文提示补全句子(每空一词) 这茶对我来说太浓了, 给我加点儿水。 some water the tea.Its too strong for me.,Add,to, congratulations n.复数祝贺,【拓展】 congratulations后常接sb.;而celebrate后常接sth.。,【典例】根据中文提示补全句子(每空一词) 祝贺你赢得舞蹈比赛。 you the dancing competition.,Congratulations to,on winning,【点拨

7、】 congratulation为名词, 常用复数形式。congratulations to sb.on sth.意为“因某事向某人表示祝贺”。 Ive passed the driving test.我通过了驾照考试。 Congratulations!祝贺你!, present v.授予;呈递,【点拨】 present sth.to sb.=present sb.with sth.意为“给某人颁发某物;把某物交给某人”。 I presented a book to my penfriend.=I presented my penfriend with a book. 我把一本书送给了我的笔友

8、。,【拓展】 (1)present作形容词, 意为“出席的;现在的”。at present意为“目前”。 (2)present作名词, 意为“礼物”。,【典例】根据中文提示补全句子(每空一词) 让我们欢迎校长为获胜者颁奖。 Lets our headmaster the prizes to the winners.,to present,welcome, thanks to/thanks for,【典例】 用thanks to或thanks for填空 (1) free education, more and more poor children in the mountains can re

9、turn to school. (2) helping me with English.Ive made such progress.,Thanks to,Thanks for, Australia has more beaches than any other country. 澳大利亚拥有的海滩比其他任何国家的都多,【点拨】 该句是比较级句式, 却表达最高级含义。 试比较: (1)“比较级+than+any other+可数名词单数”常用于同一范围内的比较, 所以需用other将其本身排除在范围之外;该结构可与“比较级+than+the other+可数名词复数”相互转换。 Tom is

10、taller than any other student (the other students) in his class. 汤姆比他班上其他任何学生都高。 (2)“比较级+than+any+可数名词单数”常用于不同范围内的比较。 China is larger than any other country in Asia.中国比亚洲其他任何一个国家都大。(同一范围) China is larger than any country in Africa.中国比非洲任何一个国家都大。(不同范围),【典例】改为同义句 Qomolangma is the highest mountain in

11、the world. Qomolangma is in the world.,higher than any other mountain, It doesnt matter.没关系。,【点拨】 “It doesnt matter.” 是常用的情景交际用语, 通常用来回应别人的道歉。试比较“道歉”与“感谢”的答语:, What does Tony think of Damings suggestion? 托尼觉得大明的建议如何?,【点拨】句型“What do/does sb.think of?”用于询问某人对某人/事的看法。 类似的句型还有“How do/does sb.like/How do

12、/does sb.feel about?”等。 What do you think of the movie Jurassic World 2? 你觉得侏罗纪世界2这部电影怎么样?,【典例】改为同义句 How do you like the film Youth? the film Youth?,What do you think of, Tonight I am more than happy to read out the winners of the photo competition. 今晚我非常开心地宣读摄影比赛获胜者名单。,【点拨】 (1)“more than+形容词/过去分词”表

13、示“十分, 非常”。 Im more than glad to see you again.我很高兴再次见到你。 (2)“more than+数词”表示“多于, 超过”。 (3)“more than+名词”表示“不仅仅是, 不只是”。 He is more than a scientist.他不仅仅是一位科学家。 (4)“more B than A”表示“与其说A不如说B”。 在该结构中,肯定“more”后面的内容,而否定“than”后面的内容。 He is more lucky than clever.与其说他聪明,不如说他幸运。,【典例】 (1)根据中文提示补全句子(每空一词) 我去北京不

14、仅仅是旅游观光。 My trip to Beijing is sightseeing. 她的表演十分精彩,简直就是完美无缺。 Her performance was good; its perfect. (2)英译汉 She is more a singer than an actress. _,more than,与其说她是个演员,不如说是个歌唱家。,more than,Its no use talking about things we cant do. 谈论我们不能做的事情是没有用的。,【点拨】 Its no use doing sth.是固定句式, 意为“做某事是没有用的”。在这个句式

15、中, it 是形式主语, 动词-ing形式是真正的主语。,【拓展】 类似的句型: (1)It is no good doing sth.做某事是没有好处的 (2)Its a waste of time/money doing sth.做某事是浪费时间/金钱的 (3)Its fun doing sth.做某事很有趣,【典例】用括号中所给词的适当形式填空 Its no use (cry) about your broken bike.Lets take a bus to school instead.,crying,At that time, people were not used to see

16、ing photos of the earth like this. 那时, 人们还不习惯看到地球这样的照片。,【点拨】 “sb.+be/get(s) used to (doing) sth.”是固定结构, 意为“某人习惯于(做)某事”, 其中to为介词, 后接名词、代词或动名词。 I am used to having four meals a day.我习惯一天吃四顿饭。,【拓展】,【典例】用括号中所给词的适当形式填空 Li Ming used to on the right in China, but he soon got used to on the left in England.

17、(drive),drive,driving,.用方框内所给单词的正确形式完成句子,1.Sam is about the same as his sister now. 2.Australia is a country which is world-famous for its . 3.The headmaster will present the prizes to the of the competition. 4.Thanks a lot for me up at the airport. Youre welcome. 5.Well be than glad to help you in

18、any way.,height,sheep,winners,more,picking,6.In order to reduce , every city is cleaning up its rivers and lakes. 7.Everybody likes the who sing with their hearts at concerts. 8.Its no use him to give up smoking.He has smoked for 30 years. 9. with the weather in the west, East China has more rainy d

19、ays. 10.The scissors for cutting the wool off the sheep.,pollution,singers,advising,Compared,are used,.根据中文提示补全句子(每空一词) 1. 病人应该按照说明吃药。 Patients should take medicine the instructions. 2. 我们应该尽我们所能来保护环境。 We should do what we can the environment. 3. 瘦人比胖人需要的水少。 People thin need water than the fat. 4. 汤

20、姆比班上其他任何一个学生都高很多。 Tom is in his class. 5. 澳大利亚是南半球最大的讲英语的国家。 Australia is English-speaking country in the part of the world.,according to,to protect,the largest,who/that are,less,much taller than any other student,southern,6.与往年相比, 我们收到了更多的照片。 other years, we received many more photos. 7. 这些垃圾对我们的环境有危害。 The rubbish our environment. 8. 虽然我们年纪小, 但是我们仍然能为保护环境做一些事情。 we are young, we can still to protect the envi


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