



1、精选文档Alliteration 头韵 Assonance半谐音Consonance尾韵Rhyme 诗行的尾韵Onomatopoeia拟声1. Phonetic stylistic devices Examples:n Bye, Bye, Balanced Budget (Alliteration)n The rain is Spain stays mainly in the plain. (Assonance)n When I lent I was a friend, when I asked I was unkind. (Consonance)n Wit once bought is wo

2、rth twice taught. (Rhyme)n She banged the door after her. (Onomatopoeia)2. Lexical stylistic devices Simile明喻Metaphor暗喻Metonymy转喻Synecdoche 提喻Personification 拟人Hyperbole夸张Understatement低调陈述Euphemism委婉Irony反语Paradox隽语Oxymoron矛盾修饰Analogy类比Allegory 讽喻Antonomasia换称Apostrophe呼语Parody仿拟Allusion用典Pun 双关Syl

3、lepsis一语双序Zeugma拈连Transferred Epithet移就Examples:1) The old mans hand trembled like a leaf. (simile)2) He is as sly as a fox. (simile)3) Be careful of that thief; he is a slippery customer. (metaphor)4) The parks are the lungs of our city. (metaphor)5) He drank a cup. (metonymy) (代替杯中酒)6) He was stee

4、ped in Shakespeare. (metonymy) (代替他的作品)7) Two heads are better than one. (synecdoche) (部分代替整体)8) The trees and flowers around them danced heartily as if touched by merry mood. (personification)9) I sat for a while, frozen with horror. (hyperbole)10) I was not a little surprised at the news. (underst

5、atement)11) The teachers say my son is slow. (euphemism)12) He is a man who is most dependable when you are not in need. (irony)13) The Child is father of the Man. (paradox)14) More haste, less speed. (paradox)15) bitter-sweet memories (oxymoron)16) Its with our judgments as with our watches; none g

6、o just alike, yet each believes his own. (analogy)17) No rose without a thorn. (allegory)18) All that glisters is not gold. (allegory)19) Uncle Sam (美国) (Antonomasia )20) Romeo (情郎 ) (Antonomasia)21) England! awake! awake! awake! (Apostrophe)22) Quality breeds success. (仿Familiarity breeds contempt.

7、) (Parody) 23) “You want your pound of flesh, dont you?” (来自“The Merchant of Venice by Shakespeare”) (Allusion ) 24) a surprised silence (Transferred Epithet )25) We spent an anxious night. (Transferred Epithet )26) On Sunday they pray for you and on Monday they prey on you. (pun)27) But a cannon-ba

8、ll took off his legs,So he laid down his arms. (Pun )28) She went home in a flood of tears and a sedan-chair. (Syllepsis) (两个短语都能搭配)29) He lost the game and his temper. (Syllepsis ) (两个短语都能搭配)30) weeping eyes and hearts (Zeugma ) (只有一个是合理的搭配)31) The woman opened the door and her heart to the homeles

9、s boy. (Zeugma ) (只有一个是合理的搭配)3. Syntactical stylistic devicesReverse序换Anadiplosis蝉联Regression回环Epigram警句Repetition反复Anaphora首语反复Epiphora尾语反复Parallelism平行结构Antithesis平行对照Rhetorical Question设问Climax渐进Anti-climax突降Examples:n Like son, like father. (Reverse)来自Like father, like son.n With Bewick on my kn

10、ee, I was then happy: happy at least in my way. (Anadiplosis )n It is better to make friends fast than to make fast friends. (Regression )n It is a wise father that knows his own child. (Epigram )n We have but one aim and one single, irrevocable purpose. (Repetition)n Give me the splendid silent sun

11、 with all his beams dazzling,Give me juicy autumnal fruit ripe and red from the orchard.Give me a field where the unmowed grass grows,Give me an arbour, give me the trellised grape (Anaphora)n “Its their wealth and security that makes everything possible; makes you art possible, makes literature, science, even religion possible.” (Epiphora)n Their sun-burned faces were dark, and their sun-whipped eyes were light. (Parallelism)n Speech is silver; silence is golden. (Antithesis )n Can a man be too cruel to his mother


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