高考英语话题1 人际关系_第1页
高考英语话题1 人际关系_第2页
高考英语话题1 人际关系_第3页
高考英语话题1 人际关系_第4页
高考英语话题1 人际关系_第5页
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1、1. dislike n. 跟某人熟悉,11. make friends with sb.和某人交朋友 12. a strong personality很强的个性 13. form a friendship with sb.与某人建 立友谊 14. trust each other相互信任 15. share happiness and sorrows with sb. 与某人同甘共苦,16. be loyal to对忠诚 17. get /keep in touch with sb.取得/保持同某人的联系 18. look down upon 看不起;轻视 18. look after/ta

2、ke care of 照顾 20. keep ones promise/word守信用,相关句子,1.真正的友谊应该基于相互的理解,而不是相互的利益。而且,两个人必须也有相似的理想。 True friendship should be based on mutual understanding, not on mutual benefit. Moreover, both must also have similar ideals.,2. 朋友是那个你可以向他倾诉一切并且他懂得你所正经历的事情的人。 A friend is someone whom you could tell everythi

3、ng to, like your deepest feelings and thoughts and also the one who understands what you are going through?,3.很抱歉你在交友上遇到麻烦。然而,假如你听从我的建议,情况是很容易改变的。 Im sorry you are having trouble in making friends. However, the situation is easy to change if you take my advice.,4.如果你能帮忙解决这个问题,我将不胜感激。 I will apprecia

4、te it if you can give me a hand to solve this problem. 5.我曾一度对一些琐事感到很烦恼。 There was a time when I was upset about some small things.,6.他在想是否因为她的朋友对她很关心,所以她的心情才平复下来。 He wonders whether it is because her friends are so concerned about her that she has calmed herself down.,汉语大意:我一度对一些琐事感到很烦恼。我收拾好东西去了北京。

5、这是我第一次来到这里。有一天我在参观颐和园时碰巧遇上了李平。我觉得跟他相处很容易,同他在一起聊天是件快乐的事。我们很快成了好朋友。正是因为有了这样一个朋友,我才不再烦恼也不再感到孤独。直到那时,我才真正意识到朋友的重要。,语篇模块,There was a time when I was upset about some small things. I packed up my things and went to Beijing. It was the first time that I had been there. One day I happened to meet Li Ping when I was visiting the Summer Palace. I found it easy to get along with him.,It was a pleasure to be together with him chatting. Soon we became good friends. It was because I had such a friend that I wasnt upset an


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