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1、1,英语诗歌鉴赏evaluation and appreciation of English poetry,2,“the literature that is written in some kind of verse form .a readers definition,“the best words in the best order .-Samuel Taylor Coleridge, not the assertion that something is true,But the making of that truth more fully real to us .-t.s. Eli

2、ot,3,literature that is not prose,1 .a musical effect created by rhythm and sounds 2 .a precise and fresh imagery 3。multiple levels of interpretation by the connotation of closer words an D by allusions,4,the musical effect of poetry,poetry has its roots in song。epics、ballads、travelling bards、minstr

3、eels、Musical effects are mainly created by rhythm、foot - a group of syllables,5,伐木丁丁,鸟鸣嘈杂。四言诗,千里木,再一层。五言诗,春风蓝色的江南海岸。第7卷,6节,单音报(单音报)五音报(双音报)迪阿梅特(六音报)特拉梅特(三音报)希塔梅特(七音报)特塔梅特(七音报)特特拉梅特(四音报)平,平,平。,9、平面相互关联“音乐和有趣的思想相结合”,“只有调整声音才会和谐”(平、上、加),高、低疾病徐抑制音汉语四音特征,10、音平光、杨平重音,上声后,移远iambic tetra meter 4阶段抑制格点L doub

4、le double toil and troubles fire burn and caulden bubble-shake speare its troch AIC tettrameter。(步骤4两格),13,Llike a child from the womb like a ghost from the tomb I arise and inbuilt it again。-Shelly-anapestic tetra meter And trimeter,L id a dream to-night,as I feel asleep-anapestic And iambic di met

5、er,14,15,The cur few tolls The knell of parting day,The low ing herd wind slow ing oer The lea,The plow man homeward plods his weary way,16,There was a young la dy of ni ger who smiled as she rode on a ti ger they returned from the ride,17,With the la dy in side and the smile on,18,My hearts in the

6、highland。Robert burns,my hearts in the highland s,my heart is not here,my hearts in the highland s A-chasing the dear,A-chasing thhear、19、farewell to the highland、farewell to the north、the birth place of valor、the country of worth、wherever I wonder、xionga,22,a book of verse under neath the bough,a j

7、ug of wine,A loaf of breakd - and thou,beside me singing in the willderness,From Omar khe yyman-by Edward fittzgerald rubai收藏,23、酒佐干粮,树荫歌诗章,君喉歌,沙漠,即天堂。Guo Moruo(翻译),24,Types of Rhyme,1.1。尾韵-rhyme establish at the end of verse line . 2 . internal rhyme(中间韵)-rhyme contained within a line of verse。25,S

8、pring - Thomas Nash,Spring,the sweet spring,is The years pleasant king then blooms each thing,then maids dancecuckoo、jug-jug、pu-we、to-witta-woo!26,the palm and may make country houses gay lambs frisk and play,the sheerds pipe all day,and we hear ay bird tune this merry lay cuck out27,the fields brea

9、kthe sweet,the daises kits our feetYoung loves meet,old wives a-sunning sit;in every street these tunes our ears do great cuckoo,jug-jug,pu-we,to-witta-woo!弹簧!The sweet spring :28,The first stanza : spring-thing-sting king-ring-sing,The second stanza : may,30,3。slant rhyme-an in exact rhyme where th

10、e final consort sounds are the same but the vowel sounds are different,near rhyme,half-rhymeeye rhyme-the rhyming of two words which looks as if theyd rhyme,but do not,e.g. move - love,32,1)One syllable rhyyle,2) Double rhyme(扣押)-rhyme in which two consecutive syllables of the rhyme words match。the first syllable carries the stress。lightness,Elegance feminine,female rhyme e . g 3360 motion-ocean waken-forsaken audition-rendition,33,3Alliteration前缀韵-repetition of two or more initial cononants sounds i


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