1、,logistics,Overview of logistics,Our country is a big logistics country, but not the biggest country in the world The opendegree oflogistics marketis relatively high The development of logistics obviously unbalanced,The logistics industry growwidely Logisticsindustrylags behind therequirements of ec
2、onomic and social development,There are many kinds of logistics companies 按运输方式分为:做空运的物流公司,做海运船运的物流公司,做铁路的物流公司,做公路运输的物流公司等按业务主营范围可分为:运输公司,仓储公司,物流信息公司,搬运公司,配送公司等按业务的主体可分为:企业物流公司(供应方公司或者需求方公司),第三方物流公司,第四方物流公司等按物流的操作方式可分为:快递公司,货运代理公司,专线运输公司,配载信息部等按货物的类型,还可将物流公司分为:普通货物运输公司,危险品运输公司,冷冻货物运输公司等,Chinese logi
3、sticshastheidea andsystemlag,the efficiency of conforming resources islow, the level of information and technology are low, comes apart from electronic commerce and so on questions.,Present situation of logistics,At present,the cost ofChineselogistics account for about 20% of GDP,but the cost of Ame
4、ricanlogistics account for about 8.7% of GDP,The proportion ofthe third party logisticsin the logisticsmarket, Japan is 80%,the United Statesis 57%,our country is only 18%.(third party logistics refers to the provision of logistics servicessuppliers,demandersitems fromoutsideof the third partylogist
5、icssupplychainintegrationprocess),Measures,加强统一领导,建立必要的政府部门间协调机制 实施有利于物流企业发展的相关政策 大力发展第三方物流服务,培育社会化的物流市场 抓好物流标准化体系建设 充分发挥行业社团组织的作用 加强物流人才的培养,Logistics in our country is recovering stably The annual growth rate is expected to10%,The total social logistics is up to 145.7 trillion from January to Septe
6、mber this year,Many companies prepared for November 11th one mouth ago,天猫 花样翻新我静待大考 京东 自建物流我不爆仓 易迅当当1号店 关键时刻我比你快,Questions : 1.what is the definition of a supply chain?,A supply chain is a complex logistics in which raw materials are converted into finished products and then distributed to end users,2.What is the role of logistics in the supply chain?,Logistics is part of the supp
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