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1、,Ellipsis,省略,什么叫省略?,为了使语言简洁或避免重复,省略句中的一个或几个句子成分,这种语法现象称为省略。, 简单句中的省略 并列句中的省略 状语从句中的省略 定语从句中省略 名词性从句中的省略 动词不定式的省略 介词的省略 使用so,not等时的省略,省 略 的 类 型,一、简单句的省略,1.省略主语。 i.e. (I) Beg your pardon . (It) Sounds like a good idea . 2.省略谓语或谓语的一部分。 i.e. (Is there) Anything I can do for you ? (Is) Anybody here ?,3.省

2、略主语和谓语,或谓语的一部分。 i.e. (Are you) Hungry ? (I want) orange juice, please. 4.省略宾语或表语。 i.e. -Where has Mr. Smith gone ? -Sorry ,I dont know (where he has gone) . -Who has an English dictionary? -I have . -I am an English teacher . -I am ,too .,二、在由and或but连接的并列句中, 为避免重复,常省略一些重复的词或词组。,1.省略共同的主语。 i.e. Tom p

3、icked up a book on the floor and (Tom) handed it to his teacher . 2.若主语不同而谓语助动词、情态动词相同,则省略后面的助动词或情态动词。 i.e. Jack must have been playing football and Mary (must have been) doing her homework .,3.若主语与谓语动词相同,则省略后面的主谓成分。 i.e. His advice made me happy ,but (his advice made) Jim angry . 4.若主语不同,但谓语及后续部分相同

4、,则省略谓语及后续部分。 i.e. I was born in winter in 1998 and Bob (was born in winter) in 1989 . 5.省略重复的介词、连词及后续部分。 i.e. He was late because he had overslept and (because he had) missed the train .,三、状语从句中的省略,1.在when ,while ,whenever ,till /until, if , unless, as soon as , as if/ though ,than, as, whether 等引导的

5、状语从句中,若谓语部分含有be动词,而主语又跟主句主语相同或从句主语为it时,则省略从句主语和be动词。 i.e. Wood gives much smoke while (wood is) burning . His opinion ,whether (it is) right or wrong ,would be considered . Ill buy a TV set if (it is) possible . If (it is) necessary, I will go . Dont speak until/till (you are) spoken to . Fewer peop

6、le came than (they were) expected . Please do the work as (you are) told to . I will not go to the meeting unless (I am) invited .,2.虚拟条件句常省略if,并将were,had,should提前构成部分倒装。 i.e. Should there be a flood (=if there should be a flood ), what should we do ? Had he taken my advice (=if he had taken my advi

7、ce ), he would be a college student now . Were she my daughter (=if she were my daughter), I wouldnt allow her to study abroad .,四、定语从句中的省略,1.在限制性定语从句中,作宾语的关系代词whom/who,which,that可省略 i.e. He is the man (whom/ who/ that) you can safely depend on . The book (which/that) you bought is good . 2.the way

8、作先行词在定语从句中作状语,可以用in which/that 引导,也可以省略不用。 i.e. I dont like the way (in which/that) you talk to your mother .,五、在名词性从句中的省略,1.在know,think,consider,suppose,find,believe,say,decide等动词后面所接的宾语从句中,连词that可以省略;若带有多个宾语从句,只有第一个that可以省略,其余的不省略。 i.e. He said (that) the text was very important and that we should

9、 learn it by heart .,2.由which,when,where,how和why引导的宾语从句,可省略从句的句子,只保留引导词。 i.e. She will come back ,but he doesnt know when (she will come back).,3. insist, order ,command , suggest,advise, propose, request,require,demand, desire后面的宾语从句或主语从句应用虚拟语气,即从句谓语动词用“should+动词原形”,should可以省略。 i.e. He ordered that

10、 the meeting (should) be held at once. He advised that I (should) not go abroad . It is suggested that we (should) go to see the film .,一个坚持 两个命令 三个建议 四个要求,4. 名词suggestion, proposal , advice, order ,demand, requirement, decision等后面的同位语从句和表语从句省略should。 He made a suggestion that they (should) hold an

11、English speech contest . Doctors give us some advice that we (should) pay more attention to our health . My suggestion is that we (should) walk home instead of taking a taxi. The requirement is that every student should donate one or two books .,同位语从句,表语从句,5.主语从句中的省略。 It is important/necessary/essen

12、tial/vital/ strange/surprising/natural that (should) do it is suggested/advised/requested/ required/ordered/proposed/decided that(should) do i.e. It is suggested that we (should) prevent water from being polluted.,六、动词不定式的省略,1.省略to后面的动词。 在同一个句子或联系紧密的对话中,为了避免重复,动词不定式符号to后面的动词或短语常常被省略。 这种情况常用于: 动词(短语)

13、refuse, like,love, would like,would love,wish,want,hope,expect,intend,try,forget,prefer,mean等之后; 在be going to , be about to, be supposed to, have to, used to之后; 以及形容词afraid,happy,glad,pleased,delighted,willing,ready等之后。,i.e. -Would you like to come tonight ? -Id love to (come tonight). -I am going s

14、hopping .will you go with me ? -Id like to (go with you), but I am busy now . -Do you think you can pass the driving test ? -I hope so /I expect to (pass the driving test). -Will you do me a favor ? -I am glad to. The child wanted to play in the street but his mother asked him not to (play in the st

15、reet). I broke the vase but I didnt mean to (break the vase) .,i.e. I am not a doctor now ,but I hope to be (a doctor) in the future . Mary hasnt finished typing the article ,but she ought to have (finished it). -Was Mr. black a soldier ? -He ought to have been (a soldier).,注:如果不定式to后面是be, have,have

16、 been动词,通常 要保留它们。,2. 省略不定式符号to。,并列不定式,第一个带to,后面的省略to。 i.e. My work is to look after the children and (to) teach them English . I want to go and (to) see him. 但是当并列两个不定式表示对比关系时,第二个to不能省略。 i.e. To be for the plan or to be against the plan doesnt matter . We live to give but not to get .,To不能省略,当不定式做表语

17、时,如果前面主语中出现实义动词do及do的各种形式,则to可省略。 i.e. What he wants to do is (to) go home . 动词have(使、让),make ,let, see, hear, notice, observe, watch, feel ,help, 短语listen to ,look at后面带不定式作宾补省略to。 i.e. I saw Jack cheat in the exam . No one can help him (to) solve the problem . He was made to work day and night . 介

18、词but,except(除了)前有do的具体形式时,后面的不定式省略to。 i.e. All he could do was nothing but wait and see . He has nothing to do except/but go home . 区别: He has no choice but to go home .,被动语态to不能省略,七、介词的省略,1.一些与动词、名词或形容词一起搭配的介词常常省略,只保留其后的动名词。 常见的结构有: Have difficulty/ trouble (in) doing sth. Be busy (in) doing sth. S

19、top/ prevent/ sb. (from) doing sth. Spend some time (in) doing sth. i.e. The heavy rain prevented him (from) arriving there on time . He spent four hours (in) going over his lessons.,2.表示时间的介词at,on和in用在next,last,this,these,yesterday,tomorrow,one,any,every,each,some等词之前,一般可以省略。 i.e. We go to school e

20、very day except Sundays . He will come back next year . We will have a meeting this week.,八、使用so,not等时的省略,在英语中,可以用so,not或其他方式来省略上文或问句中的一部分或整个句子。 i.e. -Can you finish your work today? -I think so ./I think not ./I dont think so -the boys are not doing a good job ,are they? -I guess not. -Do you think

21、 it is going to rain? -I am afraid not . (注意:hope,guess, believe ,expect, be afraid只能用not),Complete the sentence,1.过马路要小心汽车。 Look out for cars _ _ _ _. 2.正如计划的一样,他们按时出席了会议。 They attended the meeting on time _ _. 3.他比预料的晚回三天。 He came back three days later _ _. 4.“明天天气会放晴吗?”“我希望这样。” -will it clear up

22、tomorrow ? -I _ _. 5.虽然我们都精疲力竭,但我们并没有停下来。 _ _ _,we didnt stop .,exercise,when,crossing,the,street,as,planned,than,expected,hope,so,Though,worn,out,Multiple choice,1.when _help, one often says “Thank you .”or “Its kind of you .” A. offering B. to offer C. to be offered D. offered 2._fired, your healt

23、h care and other benefits will not be immediately cut off . A. Would you be B. Should you be C. Could you be D. Might you be,exercise,3.-Do you have anything to say for yourselves ? -Yes, theres one point _we must insist on . A. why B. where C. how D./ 4.You cant imagine what difficulty we had _home

24、 in the snowstorm . A. walked B. walk C. to walk D. walking,exercise,5.Would you like to go shopping with me tomorrow ?_,I will do some shopping alone . A. If not B. If so C. If you do D. If you cant 6.-I was wondering if we can go hiking this weekend . -_good . A. sound B. sounded C. sounds D. soun

25、ding,exercise,7.The suggestion has been made that the football game _. A. put off B. had been put off C. be put off D. to be put off 8.He said that he was young _he couldnt carry the heavy box . A. and B. and that C. that D. such that,一个句子中如果包含两个或两个以上的宾语从句,那么第一个宾语从句的引导词that可以省略,而其他的引导词不能省略,exercise,

26、9.-Whats the matter with marry ? -She wasnt invited to the hall ,but she still _. A. hopes to B. hopes so C. hopes it D. hopes that 10.One of the sides of the board should be painted yellow, and _. A. the other is white B. another is white C. the other white D. another white,exercise,11.I really dont think Tony will be upset, but Ill go and see him in case he _. A. is B. has been C. will be D. does 12.The school rules state that no child shall be allowed out of the school during the day ,_accompanied by an adult . A. once B. when C. if D. unless,1


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