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1、1st week-Sept.1-7,Welcome Back! 1. Brief Introduction 2. Chapter 1 3. Chapter 4. Film,films,To appreciate a film, it is not necessarily vital to study the history of films, however, it would be of great assistance if you have certain knowledge about films. -Movies, a Crash Course,Purposes,1. To gain

2、 a rough idea of what had happened in the long history of films and what is happening now. 2. To know more about some of the representative film-makers, actors and their masterpieces. 3. To enjoy some of the masterpieces, nice films and their wonderful music. 4. Hopefully, try to use everything lear

3、ned in the course to get a better idea of film itself.,How to do?,1. the history and some related information 2. film + music 3. discussion + paper-writing,Final exam,1. background informationtest paper 2. paper-writing - an article about certain film,About the textbook!,Chapter 1 Birth of Films,1.

4、The Origin of Films 2. Lumiere 3. Georges Mlis 4. Two Tendencies in Europe.,1. Pre-history development-theory of “light and shadow”,1.1. 5 BC, China, Mo-tse, -the earliest and most scientific contribution to it. “光至景亡,若在,尽古息 ” -墨经Exposition of Canon 1. 2. shadow plays, Han Dynasty-Tang and Song Dyna

5、stythe very first try and the most practical contribution it. It was introduced into Europe in 13 AD. 1.3. Kaleidoscope 1816, a Scottish Physician,2. Scientific and physical bases,2.1 Visual Staying Phenomenon (VSP 视觉滞留)/duration of vision 1829,Belgian physical scientist, Joseph Plateau约瑟夫普拉托, disco

6、ver the theory of VSP, and it says the duration will be about 0.1 to 0.4 second. meanwhile, in the physical books and labs in Europe, the theory of Faraday (法拉第轮)(Michael Faraday , English, another physical scientist) and the ThauCmatrope (幻盘) had been applied to the visual study. 1830s, the appeara

7、nce of visual toy camera, like “诡盘” (Phnakistiscope,在镜子里观看的一种锯齿形的圆盘) Austrians, put slides(幻灯) and motion disks(活动视盘) together to make the motion slides. the early motion pictures. 1960s, VSP is “psychological recognition” 心理认同.,2.2 Photography 1839, Daguerre, Louis Jacques Mande (路易雅克芒戴达盖尔 French a

8、rtist), invented camera and his way/ theory of photography. 1872, photographer, Eadweard Muybridge (爱德华幕布里奇), chronophotophraphing 连续拍摄 with the help of the camera. ( and in 1878, the patent right of “using the way and device to shoot the motion objects ”( “拍摄活动物体方法及装置”的专利权) 1882,Marelli马莱 (French),

9、 invented camera-gun, chronophotophraphing by using of films(软片). Thomas Edison and his assistant William Dickson, solved certain technical problems. Invented vidicon 摄像机,2.3 Screening 1888,Renault雷诺 (French), invented Thatre Optique(光学影戏机)begin to show motion pictures on the screen 1894, Edison Lab

10、, invented Kinetograph(电影视镜), but only one can enjoy the film. 1895, striking progress Sep. 1895, Thomas Armat (托马斯阿马特),showed motion pictures in America; Nov. 1895,迈克思斯克拉达诺夫斯基, showed films in Germany. Dec. 28 th, 1895, Lumiere卢米埃尔, showed a films publicly in Paris. -indicated the completion of scr

11、eening and also the birth of films.,II. Lumiere,1. Why Lumiere did so great achievement? Why not Edison, who had contributed a lot to the development of films? Shortcomings of Edison: (1) his creation still confined himself in the way a photo studio照相馆 did. (2) the contents of the films were very si

12、mple Achievements of Lumiere: (1) they moved towards something more open and far-reaching. (2) the contents: more complicated. They tried hard to duplicate what was happening in the real life.,who is the father of film,If you asked American artists, they would say Thomas Edison If French, they would

13、 say Lumiere.,2. Themes/contents (1) working scene (2) family life and its sentiment (3) politics, culture and news (4) natural scenery and outdoor scene,3. different way of expression and narrative patterns 叙事形式 newsreel 新闻片 documentary comedy chaser 追逐片 travelogue 旅行片,Long shot 长镜头 sometimes refer

14、red to as a full shot or a wide shot, typically shows the entire object or human figure and is usually intended to place it in some relation to its surroundings; however, it is not as far away as an extreme long shot would be. It has been suggested that long-shot ranges usually correspond to approxi

15、mately what would be the distance between the front row of the audience and the stage in live theatre. It is now common to refer to a long shot as a “wide shot” because it often requires the use of a wide-angle lens广角镜头. When a long shot is used to set up a location and its participants in film and

16、video, it is called an establishing shot定场镜头.,4. Evaluation They had defined the real field of films adequately. For them, novels and dramas were for the soul of human while films showed the dynamic of life, nature and changes within them. Everything motional was within the camera lens of films, whi

17、ch were open to the whole world.,III. Georges Mlis,1. Mlis himself one of Lumieres audience as an adult, he bought a theater to show magic魔术剧. he bought cine-projector 放映机 he began shooting and imitating Lumiere 1896, he developed the technology of “stop motion(停机再拍)” he utilized every techniques in

18、to films he founded star and producer company, and built a studio with glass ceiling which was the very first in the film history and also the one every one was imitating. 玻璃顶摄影棚 he was the first to shoot films with gorgeous costume and grand scene, which formed his idea of “screen = stage”,2. His 4

19、 narrative styles magic film 魔术片 rehearsed newsreel 排演的新闻片-the early film to show the function of recurrence of the history legendary 神话故事片(fairy tales)- full-length play 多幕剧 “Cinderella”: 12 scenes science fiction and adventure 科幻探险片 “A Trip to the Moon” 月球旅行记,Comparison between Lumiere and Mlis,Lu

20、miere (1) The purpose is not utilizing arts but to recurrence of the life” (2) Try to catch the curiosity of audience while watching (3) It is of true-life and documentary (4) Re-currencism再现主义: real-life-first (5) Forerunner of documentary (纪录片),Mlis (1) film creates arts and screen=stage, which ca

21、n become alive. (2) fantasy 沉溺于幻想 (3) romantic (4) expressionism表现主义: technology-first, try to change the real life (5) forerunner of story films (电影故事片),IV. Two Tendencies in Europe,1. Brighton school 布赖顿学派(England) Brighton:A borough of southeast England on the English Channel south of London. The

22、 earliest school of films in the whole world (1). Several photographers, by virtue of Edisons Kinetograph and their experience of shooting still things, began to practice films. (2). Claim: to create real life in the out-of-doors.(3). Slogan: I will put the world in front of you!我把世界摆在你的眼前,1.2. Repr

23、esentatives G A Smith 乔治阿尔培特斯密士, photographer using close-ups What is close-up? A photograph or a film or television shot in which the subject is tightly framed and shown at a relatively large scale. using close-ups and long shots alternatively to break the traditional arrangement of space using mon

24、tage(蒙太奇) creativelythe very first usage of this technique in the history of films What is montage? Montage is a technique in film editing, a segment which uses rapid editing, special effects and music to present compressed narrative information, James Williamson 詹姆士威廉逊 shows the first sign of reali

25、sm in England. using montage to show two different scenes alternatively, which is regarded as typically feature of chaser and also blazes a way in western.(西部片), A. Collins 埃斯美柯林斯 further developed chaser with the favor of comedy. Cecil M. Hepworth希塞尔海普华斯 1905, “Rescued by Rover ” 义犬救主记,-the representative film of this school.,1.4. Ferdinand Zecca (French)费迪南齐卡 Imitate Brighton school, follow the realism in the films in England and develop it in France. Achievements: set free French films from Melies mode,1.3. significance -t


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