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1、Grammar,情态动词would,(1) would是will的过去式,但此处不表示过去,意思是“愿意”,其后接动词原形;语气比较委婉。 变否定句时:在would后加not,would not缩写为wouldnt; 变一般疑问句时:将would直接提前。 eg: I would stay at home. 我愿意呆在家里。 He wouldnt go home. 他不愿意回家。,(2) would like意为“想要,愿意”,相当 于want,但比want语气委婉。一般有 以下三种结构形式: would like sth. 想要某物 I would like some tea. 我想要些茶。

2、 would like to do sth. 想要干某事 I would like to go with you. 我想和你一起去。, would like sb. to do sth. 想要某人干某事 I would like you to meet my parents. 我想要你见见我的父母。 would like中的would在句中常与前面 的主语缩写为d. eg: Id=I would youd=you would Hed=He would,你还记得want的用法吗?,want sth. want to do sth. want sb. to do sth.,补充:hope 的用法,

3、hope to do sth. 我们不能说hope sb. to do sth. 我们可以说:wish sb. to do sth. .,(3) Would you like to do sth? “你愿意干某事吗?” 这是日常生活中用来向对方有礼貌地提出 建议或邀请的句型。 如果是同意,一般说Yes, Id like/love to; 但是,如果是拒绝,我们也要说客气 些,比如可以先说 “sorry”,再说明原因。,eg: -Would you like to play games? 你愿意做游戏吗? -Yes, Id love to. 是的,我愿意。 -Sorry, I have to d

4、o my homework. 对不起,我必须做作业。,Would you like to? 一般可用来邀请对方做某事。 Lets 一般可以用于提出建议,也可 以用来表示邀请。如: -Lets stay at home and watch TV. 我们在家里看电视吧。 -OK./ All right./ A good idea. 好。/ 好吧。/ 好主意。,(4) Would you like sth?意为“你想要某 东西吗?”这也是日常生活中有礼貌 地、语气很委婉地征求对方要求时的 用语。其肯定回答是:Yes, please./All right./Ok.等;否定回答是:No, thanks.

5、 eg: -Would you like some rice? 你想要些米饭吗? -Yes, please.请来一些。 -No, thanks.不,谢谢。,Would you like to go to the playground?,1. _ to go to the football match? 2. _ go to a Taijiquan class. 3. _ stay at home. 4. _ to go to the cinema? Its Jackie Chans. 5. _ to watch TV? 6. _ play basketball.,Would you like,

6、Lets,Would you like,Would you like,Lets,Lets,Complete the invitations. Use Would you like or Lets. (Activity 2),需要我们必须掌握的,Would 是will的过去式。 Will和would后面都加动词原形 Would like +to do. Id love to (回答时to一定不能省略),四、连词成句。,1. like, you, to, visit, grandma, would 2. the, show, magic, when, is 3. is, piano, where,

7、 class, the 4. go, Lets, to, the, park 5. class, Taijiquan, at, the, Sun Hotel, is,Would you like to visit grandma?,When is the magic show?,Where is the piano class?,Lets go to the park.,The Taijiquan class is at Sun Hotel.,五、你能翻译这些句子吗?,1. 星期天你想去看足球赛吗? _ you _ _ _ a football match on Sunday? 2. 好主意。

8、 Thats _ _ _. 3. 我们和他们一起去吧! _ _ with them.,Would,like,to,watch,a,great,idea,Lets,go,4. 电影在上午上映。 The film is _ _ _ _. 5. 安在周六邀请一些朋友到她家里来。 Ann _ some friends _ her home _ _.,on,in,the,morning,invites,to,on,Saturday,Match the question words with the answers. (Activity 3),1. Its on Monday. 2. Its at the

9、 cinema. 3. Its at the afternoon.,4. Its in the evening. 5. Its on Saturday. 6. Its at the stadium.,When?,Where?,Exercise,1. There is a m_ show on Sunday evening. 2.They usually play basketball on the p_. 3. There is a good show in the t_. 4. I w_ like a cup of Chinese tea. 5. They sometimes watch a

10、 football m_ on TV. 6. F_ comes after Thursday.,agic,layground,heatre,一、根据句意和首字母提示完成单词。,ould,atch,riday,二、用所给单词的适当形式填空。,1. Thank you for your _ (invite). 2. There are two basketball _ (match) at school today. 3. Have you got a _ (swim) lesson today? Yes, I have. 4. Would you like _ (see) a film with

11、 me tonight?,invitation,matches,swimming,to see,5. Lets _ (open) the books. 6. We have to do _ (we) homework. 7. My friends want _ (go) to the cinema. 8. Betty _ (have) got a sister and a brother.,open,our,to go,has,1. The TV play is _ _ the morning. A. on, in B. an, on 2. -Would you like some bread

12、? - _ A. Yes, I do. B. No, thanks. 3. _ you like to go to the cinema? A. Would B. Could 4. Would you like _ to the cinema? A. come B. to come,三、单项选择。,5. We have an art lesson _ two oclock in the afternoon. A. in B. at 6. -When is the show? - _ A. On the afternoon B. In the evening 7. My friends invite me _ football. A. to play B. to play the 8. The _ of the book is ten Yuan each. A. place B. price,六、完成对话,每空一词。,A: Do you like _ football? B: Yes, I _. I often play _ my friends. Football is my _ sport. A: Would you _ to go to a football match? B: _ is it?,playing,do,with,favourite,like,Wh


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