1、解题技巧1,阅读理解,树人中学 冉茂军,How To Get The Main Idea?,如何做主旨大意题?,抓主旨大意有两条思路,阅读理解 是英语能力培养的重点项目,是考试的一个重要题型,分值高、题量大。阅读理解考查的根本是检验学生对有关信息的加工能力。 阅读理解能力的重要标志是阅读速度和理解力的正确率。 因此,阅读理解的功夫应下在平时。多分析题型,多了解考点,真正做到有的放矢,提高命中率。,主旨大意型,事实细节型,词 义 猜 测 型,命 题 类,推 理 判 断 型,抓主旨大意 任何一篇文章都是围绕某一个中心思想逐步展开的,也就是说每篇文章都有主旨要义。阅读中,抓住了主题句就抓住了文章的灵
2、魂 主旨大意题主要考查作者的写作目的,把握主旨大意对解答完型填空,七选五,语法填空也有帮助,因此,抓全文大意非常重要。 要快速抓住主题大意就得采用略读法,略读就是重点看首尾段和每句的首尾段,迅速找出主题句。,1:考主题 1)Which of the following best expresses the main idea/theme? 2)The text mainly tell us_ 2:选标题 1)Whats the best title for this passage? 2) The text (passage) could be entitled _. 3:判断目的 1)Wha
3、t is purpose of author writing the text? 2)What does the writer intend to tell us?,主旨大意题的常见的提问形式:,整样找出主题句 方法1:文体判断法 文体判断法即了解所读文章文体类型:议论文,科普说明文,科普实验或调研结果报道,新闻报道,记叙文,并发现其主题句常出现的位置规律。,判文体,找主题句 1:议论文的主题句通常在文首,有的在文尾,也可首位呼应。 2:新闻报道类的主题句常在句首。 3:科普实验或调研结果的报道和科普类说明文,文章主旨就是科研的结果,主题句常在文首。 4:纯记叙文通常没有主题句,需作者自己领悟
4、,从中归纳提炼,但有时在文尾会发表感慨,议论,主旨就在文尾,要注意在文首的感慨和议论 5:有的议论文和科普说明文,作者先描述一种现象或讲一个故事,为表达某人观点做铺垫,然后用this/that is等承上启下的句子来阐述文章的观点,然后展开,这时主题句在中间了。,语句提醒法 -抓主旨的4个小窍法 (1)有but,however,in fact 等语义转折的地方,其后通常是作者要表达的观点,即主题句。 (2)作者表述观点后通常会有for example 来佐证,即举例前是作者的观点 (3)若是问句开头的文章,答句很可能是文章的主题句 (4)在每个段落中反复出现的词语,很可能是体现文章主旨的关键词
5、,抓住了他们就抓住了文章的主旨。,主旨大意题,干扰项 可能是文中某个具体事实或细节。,干扰项 可能是从文中某些 (不完全的) 事 实或细节片面推出的错误结论。,干扰项 可能属非文章事实的主观臆断。,(正确答案) : 据文章全面理解 而归纳概括出来的;不能太笼统、言过其实或以偏概全。,阅读理解基础训练,Basic Training,-主旨大意题,Passage 1 开门见山, 提出主题, 随之用细节来解释, 支撑或发展主题句所表达的主题思想. 最常见的演绎法写作方式. Worldwide, at least one- third of all food produced is wasted ev
6、ery year. with an extra two billion mouths to feed by 2050 global food waste is an escalating issue that is difficult to ignore. We throw away or waste 1.3 billion tons at a cost of i trillion,according to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. (FAO) In Industrialized Nations,a
7、lmost half of the food spoiled-roughly 300 million tons yearly-is still fit for consumption. This is more than the total food production of sub-Saharan Africa,and enough to feed the estimated 870 million people currently hungry in the world today. People in rich regions,such as in Europe and North A
8、merica,consume roughly 900kg of food every year, and per capita waste is around 115kg a year, compared to sub-Saharan Africa and South-east Asia, where they only throw away up to 11kg a year, according to the FAO. What does the author mainly want to tell us in the passage? 1:the importance of playin
9、g our part in the global food crisis. 2:a worldwide increasing serious issue- the food waste. 3:the measure that the whole world is talking are to reduce the food waste. 4: the global peoples awareness in reducing the food waste.,练习题,细节题,解释,Passage 1 通常前面介绍不同人的观点, 为作者的观点做铺垫,, 而后又作进一步的解释, 支撑或发展.主题句在文
10、中。 Some people think that success is only for those with talent or those who grow up in the right family, and others believe that success mostly comes down to luck. I m not going to say luck,talent ,and circumstances dont come into play because they do. Some people are born into the right family whi
11、le others born with great intelligence, and thats just the reality of how life is . However, to succeed in life, one first needs to set a goal and then gradually make it more practical. And , in addition to that, in order to get really good at something, one neeeds to spending at least10,000 hours s
12、tudying and practicing. This will require even more time,time that that most people wont put in. What is the main theme of the passage? A: having a goal is vital to success. B: being good is different from being great. C: one can not succeed without time and practice D: luck,talent and family helps
13、to achieve success.,练习题,细节题,解释,Passage 1 注意作者的表达意图与感慨 Since the moment Darnell Wynn was diagnosed with ovarian(卵巢的)cancer, she has refused to let the disease keep her from her passion - running. This weekend she and a group of supporters gathered together and ran the Partner Re 5K rout to raise awar
14、eness of ovarian cancer. She is two-year survivor. When she first received the surgery, one of her main concers was when she could be able to run again. She was sent home to heal before returning for chemotherapy(化疗)。“ I came home , and never thought about cancer”. “the symptoms are often masked and
15、 a lot of women dont know that if they have a close family member who had breast cancer, theft are at the risk of ovarian cancer,” she said.” i had two sisters who had breast cancer. Every year i went for pap smears.a pap smear only shows up cervical cancer(宫颈癌),it doesnt show ovarian cancer. We thi
16、nk we are doing all the right tests. women should know if they have a history of breast cancer, they should have a regular internal ultrasound as well,in addition to a pap smear. What is the purpose of the passage? A: ovarian cancer is always being ignored. B: women should raise their awareness of o
17、varian cancer. C: women should be tested in September D:ovarian cancer is threatening your life.,练习题,细节题,解释,Passage 1 问句开头的文章,要注意作者的回答与阐述 4.Do you want to live with a strong sense of peacefulness, happiness, goodness, and self-respect? The collection of happiness actions broadly categorized as “hono
18、r” help you create this life of good feelings. Heres an example to show how honorable actions create happiness. Say a store clerk fails to charge us for an item.If we keep silent, and profit from the clerks mistake, we would drive home with a sense of sneaky excitement later we might tell our family
19、 or friends about our good fortune .On the other hand, if we tell the clerk about the uncharged item, the clerk would be grateful and thank us for our honesty. We would leave the store with a quiet sense of honor that we might never share with another soul. Which of the following can be the best tit
20、le of this passage. A.How to Live Truthfully B.Importance of Peacefulness C.Ways of Gaining selfrespect D.Happiness through Honorable Actions,练习题,细节题,解释,Passage 1 Only three local students won Chinese Blog(博客)Competition. And 15 of the 18 awards went to students from China. 170 students task: to get
21、 a fully-designed blog up and running, complete with many postings based on a theme of choiceall written in Chinese. Themes ranged from local opinionssuch as the usage of Singlish, education and whether Singapore can be a cultural centreto food blogs. The entries were judged on Language proficiency(
22、熟练程度)and the quality of writing, as well as the design and level of exchanging ideas with readers. Academics(学者) from the National University of Singapore and the SIM University IT experts, and a journalist from Chinese newspaper Lianhe Zaobao in Singapore made up the judges. One of the three local students winning the first prize in the Best Language Award was blogger Christina Gao 19, from the Saint Andrews Junior College
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