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1、写作教师用书 托福专业辅导教材 2011 版 北京前程百利辅导,TOEFL IBT,考试托福部专业课程,主讲:考试托福部,一、独立口语 Task 1 Task 2 二、综合口语 Task 3 Task 4 Task 5 Task 6,托福口语概况,在口语部分,考生需要就基于个人经历、校园环境和学术性材料提出的各种话题用英语表达自己的观点。答题时间共20分钟。 Task 1,2:独立口语任务,写生要依据自己的观点、见解或者经历来回答问题。 Task 3,4:读文章讨论或者讲座节选答题 Task 5,6:听对话或者节选的讲座片段答题 在整个口语考试中,考生可以记笔记,并在回答时作参考。,托福口语概

2、况,口语评分标准 独立口语:旨在检验学生能否阐明并连贯表达自己的观点、能否运用恰当的解释与细节描述充实并支持论点,一级语言表达时间偶清晰流畅、易于理解。 综合口语:旨在检验考生能否根据1到2段材料传达相关信息,能否连贯表达观点并通过恰当的解释和细节描写充实论点,以及语言表达是否清晰流畅、易于理解。 Delivery Language use Topic development,一、人物类 二、地点类 三、事物类 1、抽象事物 2、具体事物 四、事件类,独立口语,一、人物类,Sample answer1: Describe the qualities of a good leader: I th

3、ink a leader needs at least two important characteristics. First, a leader should be good at management. There are usually a great number of members under the charge of one leader, so a leader is supposed to organize everything well in order to make a company run smoothly. Secondly, a good leader sh

4、ould be good at making decisions. A good and correct decision can lead to the final success, whereas a wrong and delayed decision may bring about disasters to the company. Of course, this skill requires a lot of working experience.,Sample answer2: Describe the qualities of a good colleague: First, a

5、 colleague is supposed to be efficient in work. When given a task by the boss, all the team members should take their duties and cooperate well in order to finish it quickly. If one of the colleagues is slow and left behind, a project will be delayed. Secondly, I think a colleague should be ready to

6、 help others. When a new employee comes to the company, he knows little about the work, so it is his colleagues who are supposed to help him. But there are some staff members who wouldnt like to help others, for they are afraid that others will excel them afterwards.,二、地点类,Sample answer1: If your fo

7、reign friends are going to visit your country, where do you suggest them to go? If I had the chance, Id like to take the foreign visitors to the Forbidden City. First, the Forbidden City has a history of more than 600 years and is the place where the royal family used to live during the Qing and Min

8、g dynasty. The Forbidden City is so large that it has more than 900 rooms. Its magnificent architecture which includes many Chinese elements has become the symbol of Chinese culture. Second, thousands of visitors from different parts of the world come to see it every day. They all say it looks much

9、grander than it looks in movies. Whats more,there are a lot of antiques displaying in the Forbidden city attracting many visitors .,Sample answer2: Where would you like to live, Mountain, forest, beach, or desert? The place Id like to live is the forest. I prefer it for the following reasons. First

10、of all, the air in the forest is much fresher than that in the city. And I know doctors will suggest people to go there to breathe in more oxygen. I have a cousin, Jimmy, who used to have problems with his lungs and his doctor told him to go to the forest as much as he could. Now he is well again. A

11、lso, we can hike or even have picnics in the forest as long as we do not get lost. It must be such a nice experience to feel the breeze and watch the green trees sitting on the grass with your friends while you can enjoy your delicious food.,1、抽象事物,事物类,Describe the most important decision that youve

12、 made in your life. A particularly significant decision Ive made in my life was that I came to work and live in Beijing. I had just finished my contract on a very decent job and I suppose I wanted a new challenging and demanding job. So I decided to come to Beijing, the capital city filled with tale

13、nts and opportunities. Besides, I was always a bit passionate and I liked to do things on the spur of the moment. Arriving in a new city was exciting. Just walking out of the station with a suitcase and two bags and with a dream of doing something for the Olympic Games, I felt I had arrived and I fe

14、lt life was mine and I could make it to be exactly what I wanted. That summer, I realized again that life never ought to be boring, but on the contrary is full of adventure and challenge and is exciting, too.,2、具体事物,Describe a book that you think is interesting. Explain why this book is interesting

15、to you. Include details and examples in your explanation. Code of Vinci is undoubtedly a very interesting book which attracts a list of readers in the world. First, personally, I have to say that we can learn a lot about the western culture from this book, such as the religion, the Bible, the myster

16、ious churches, the museums in Paris, and some other mysteries. Additionally,the whole story in the book develops in a very logical and amazing way, full of mysteries and detective elements which keep my interest to know what happens next. It is really an attractive book.,综合口语Task 3 听力部分的笔记应注意以下事项: (

17、1) 对话通常为一男一女对阅读文章中的话题发表自己的看法。选择发表观点最直接最强烈的一方记录 (2) 看法强烈的一方对文章中的问题可能表示赞成,也可能表示反对,并给出支持自己观点的两个理由,考生要对此信息进行记录。,常用结构句式,1) 阅读部分复述时,第一句话要交代阅读内容的背景,一般以下列表达为主: The university is going to/has planned/has decided to., because.(原因一),also. (原因二) In the announcement/notice, the university is going to., the first

18、 reason is., the second reason is. (2) 阅读部分介绍完毕,可以直接说明学生的态度,并自然过渡到听力内容。 The woman/man totally agrees with the universitys announcement/decision/policy. The man/woman is against/supporting. He/she feels unhappy/less satisfied about. She/he thinks the. is unfair/inconvenient/unaffordable for the follo

19、wing reasons. (3) 听力部分,当转述对话人所给出的两个理由时,可以用以下表达: First, she/he thinks/says Also, she/he points out that.,真题练习,2009年2月28日,Narrator Now listen to two students as they discuss the opening letter. Man: Look! Thats great! Woman: What do you mean? Man: The school would make a good decision by following thr

20、ough on that students proposal. Woman: What is the proposal about? Man: Here you go: a letter in the newspaper states that the school should allocate funds to organize field trips for students. I believe this act will have a positive impact. Woman: Okay, please explain your idea a little bit further

21、.,Man: Well, the school will definitely be doing a good thing in providing funds for this. Especially in spring and summer, a lot of students enjoy taking nature walks. However, not all of them have transportation, making it difficult to take trips. Students living in the center of the city would fi

22、nd trips like that difficult to make. But with the transportation covered by the school, more students would be able to take a break from their studies and go on nature walks. Woman: You are right. Being out and about in nature is really refreshing, right? Man: Thats right. Spending all our time and

23、 energy on studying leads to exhaustion. Trips like these are good experiences for students, helping them to recharge their batteries and experience nature. When they come back, the students will be even more focused on their studies. Woman: Sure, definitely.,Sample Answer: A letter from a student s

24、uggested that the school should financially support a wilderness club for students because students need to get in touch with nature and take a break from their studies. The man likes the proposal for the following reasons. Many students who want to take nature walks do not have proper transportatio

25、n, making it too difficult for them to travel on field trips. But the free transport offered by the school will enable students to go on nature walks. After students are recharged from the trip, they will be able to concentrate more on their schoolwork.,综合口语task4 答题思路 回答这个问题的时候,考生需要试用来自听力和阅读材料的信息,并把

26、教授在讲座中提到的例子和阅读文章中提出笼统的概念相练习。考生不需要一一列举出细节,但是提供的信息也是能够让没有听过讲座的人理解的。,常用句式结构 In this set of materials, the reading passage describesand the listening material is on the same topic. According to the lecture, the professor discusses the point that The professor talks about the theory that . He/she gives o

27、ne/two examples to explain such a point The reading passage gives the definition of In the lecture, the professor goes on to demonstrate it by introducing some examples. The first is The second is From the reading material,we know thatTo demonstrate it,the speaker provides two examples/reasons/resea

28、rches. One example is thatAnother example is that .,真题练习,2009年10月18日 Opportunity cost Opportunity cost is an economic phenomenon describing the next-best choice available to someone who has picked between several mutually exclusive choices. The notion of opportunity cost plays a crucial part in ensu

29、ring that scarce resources are used efficiently. For example, there are many options in a scenario. When people with a fixed amount of money choose one of them and benefit from it, they must give up the benefits associated with other options. Narrator: M: welcome to my class. Youre in Macroeconomics

30、. Today, were going to learn about an important economic concept known as opportunity cost. Opportunity cost is the process of choosing one product or service over another. The item that you dont pick is the opportunity cost. It is assessed in not only monetary, but also material terms.,Even though

31、people might not realize it, they use opportunity cost every single day. Here is an example. Many years ago, the school had two options in developing school infrastructure. One choice was to build a new swimming pool, because the school lacked one and students had to go all the way to the public poo

32、l downtown. The second option was construction of a new library, because the existing one was too small. In the end, the school decided to build a swimming pool. While making this decision, the school considered both the cost and the opportunity cost of building the swimming pool. The opportunity co

33、st in this case was the benefits the school would have received from building a new library. For instance, many students may not prefer a swimming pool and would have wanted a good environment for learning or doing research. The school would have to forego their interests if it wanted to build a swi

34、mming pool.,Question: the professor takes one example to illustrate the phenomenon of “opportunity cost”. Explain how this example is related to the reading passage. Preparation time: 30 seconds Response time: 60 seconds Sample answer: The lecture talks about opportunity cost, which is an economic p

35、henomenon. It means the process and cost of choosing one thing over another. People use opportunity cost in their everyday lives, but most of them might not be aware of it. For example, a school once had two options over whether to build a new swimming pool or a new library. After having considered

36、the opportunity cost between the two options, the school decided to build a swimming pool. The cost in this case was the students benefiting from having more books and a good environment for learning or conducting research from a new library.,2009年2月28日 Competence In psychology, competence is a stan

37、dardized requirement for an individual to properly perform a specific job. It encompasses a combination of knowledge, skills and behavior utilized to improve performance. More generally, competence is the ability to perform a specific task, action or function successfully. Competence has two stages:

38、 the conscious and unconscious. Now listen to a lecture on this topic in an education psychology class. W: Both conscious competence and unconscious competence are names for the two stages of competence or learning, which is an explanation of how people learn something. It progresses from developing

39、 a skill in an area but having to concentrate on it, to the second stage, in which people are so good at the skill that it just comes naturally. Ill explain the terms further to help you understand a little better.,understand a little better. Conscious competence refers to an individuals understandi

40、ng or knowledge of doing something. However, demonstrating the skill or knowledge requires a great deal of conscious concentration. Heres an example: when you first start to learn typing on a computer keyboard, you have to work hard at hitting the right keys without being bothered by other things in

41、 order to get everything correct. Sometimes, you need to stop to talk with others. As a result, typing an article will take a long time, but you make few mistakes. However, when it comes to the stage of unconscious competence, an individual has mastered the skill so that it becomes second nature and

42、 can be performed easily, often without concentrating too deeply. Lets go back to the same example. You are typing an article, but this time you dont have to think about where the keys are一you just type them automatically. Your typing speed is getting faster and faster, and youre able to talk to you

43、r friends without concentrating on the keyboard. Of course, typing errors may more frequently occur.,The professor takes one example to illustrate the difference between the conscious and unconscious competence. explain how this example is related to the reading passage. Competence is the ability to

44、 perform a specific job well. It has two stages: the conscious and unconscious. Conscious competence is the first stage of learning which requires great concentration when demonstrating a skill. For example, when you start to learn typing, you have to concentrate on each key you hit. You dont want o

45、thers to bother you and sometimes you have to stop when you talk to others. As a result though, your typing has few mistakes. However, when it comes to the second stage of learning, people have already mastered the skill and no longer concentrate as deeply. For r example, you dont have to look at th

46、e keyboard when you are typing an article because the skill has become second nature. So you can type faster than before and talk to your friends at the same time. However, sometimes errors are more likely to occur.,思路分析 在听力时应该留意听的有三点: (1)男生或者女生遇到了什么样的问题,记下最简洁的关键词 (2)另外一个人提出的第一个意见和详细内容 (3)提出的第二个意见和详

47、细内容,综合口语Task 5,在准备时间里应该着重于选择倾向的一个建议,然后列出两个理由,常用结构句式 首先概括听力里的内容,即遇到了什么样的问题及两个建议 The man/woman has encountered a problem that. The problem of the man/woman is that. The first advice given is. while the second is. The man/woman posed 2 advices, the first one is., the second one is. There are 2 possible

48、 ways to solve the problem. 之后再提出个人的观点和理由 I prefer the first/second advice for the following reasons that. The first/second one is more reasonable that. The first/second one is better than the other, because. Although the first/second advice sounds reasonable, I believe that the other one is more su

49、itable.,2009年10月18日 Man Hi, Mary. Summer is coming. Do you have any plans? Woman Well, Im about to apply for a summer job at a newspaper office. I wish I could work for a newspaper after graduation. Man Wow, it sounds like you have a good plan for your future. Woman But the problem isI have to submi

50、t my application before the deadline, which is noon tomorrow. But the office is way too far from school, and I dont know if I can get there on time. Man Oh, I understand. You probably want to drive there and deliver your application. I am sure you can submit your file before the deadline.,Woman Ha,

51、no doubt! But I just realized I have a review session tomorrow morning on campus. How could I make both at the same time? Man Yeah, your schedule is tricky. Perhaps theres another way一you can send your application by express mail. The express service always has a way to deliver your application on t

52、ime. So, feel free to attend your class tomorrow morning. You wont really miss anything important. Woman Yeah, you know, Ive dreamed about this opportunity. After graduation, when Im looking for work, any employer will definitely value my part-time newspaper experience. Sending my application by exp

53、ress would be convenient and fast, but Im afraid that they would make a mistake by delivering the file late.,Preparation Time: 20 Seconds Response Time: 60 Seconds,Sample Answer: The woman is applying for a summer job at a newspaper office, and she has to submit the application before the deadline t

54、omorrow. But the office is far away from her school, and she is afraid that she wont get there on time. The other student gives her two solutions. First, the woman can drive to deliver her application on the spot or she can send the file by express mail. Personally speaking, I prefer the second solution. The woman has a review session in the early morning next day, so she cant drive to deliver her file to the newspaper office. Express service, on the other hand, is the best way to cope with the problem, becau


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