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1、Module 4,4.1 Advertising,Vocabulary: Types of advertising,mailshots TV commercials word of mouth brochures, Sample newspaper adverts banners spam,1. Pizza delivery firms often do _ in the local area. Its cheap but lots of people probably throw the leaflet away. 2. _ reach millions of people but they

2、 are so expensive. 3. I tend to listen to my friends recommendations more than anything else so _ is probably the most effective. 4. People use _ less and less because they can just go online if they want to find out whats available. 5. Its great when you get a free _ because you can really see what

3、 its like. 6. I suppose its good if youre looking for a job locally and _ are relatively cheap. 7. Im not sure about _. When I visit a website, I dont think I even notice them. 8. It used to irritate me but my new anti-virus software seems to block any _ from my inbox.,TV commercials,word of mouth,b

4、rochures,sample,newspaper adverts,banners,spam,mailshots,Work in pairs. Think of one more advantage or disadvantage for each type of advertising in exercise 1. Think about issues such as:,cost location number of people who see it how long they see it for,Types of advertising,Listening: Advertising o

5、n the web,1. Listen to someone who runs a web-business giving a presentation to a group of marketing managers on how to successfully advertise on the Internet. Which techniques does he mention?,- have competitions or give something for free,- use search engines to put your name at the top of the lis

6、tings,- get links on other sites,- through a site review,- get free advertising,- have a memorable domain name,- email campaigns (spam),- send out a monthly newsletter,2. Listen again and choose the best ending A, B or C for each sentence 1 5.,1. The speaker compares throwing adverts into the air to

7、 _. A. Internet advertising. B. wasting money on advertising. C. advertising with leaflets. 2. His first piece of advice is to _. A. make sure people find you on the search engine. B. make sure people visit the search engine. C. set up a search engine. 3. Spend plenty of time on _. A. promoting othe

8、rs on your site. B. creating links to increase traffic. C. recommending your product on other sites. 4. The speaker _. A. thinks email can be effective. B. is doubtful about using email. C. never sends marketing emails. 5. Its a good idea to _. A. give free samples away at the beginning. B. make the

9、 website free to visit. C. offer something free to encourage people to return.,Listening script,Speaker: Imagine you have a new product or a new service and you want the world to know about it. One way would be to write the advertisement onto ten or a hundred or a thousand pieces of paper and drop t

10、hem from the sky over your town or city. Someone on the ground might pick one up and read it. Maybe two or three people. On the other hand the wind might blow them away. Now imagine doing the same thing but this time throwing them into the air with adverts for every other product or service in the w

11、orld. You probably wouldnt do it, would you? Well, unfortunately, that;s what its like to advertise on the Internet. Trying to make your product, service or website known to the rest of the Internet community can be very, very frustrating. Not only making it known, but getting visitors to actually v

12、isit the site can seem impossible. But there are ways to overcome the impossible when advertising on the Internet, as long as you follow three rules. So, rule number one, the first thing is to remember that people use search engines. So whenever someone types in a keyword linked to your business, yo

13、ur site needs to appear in the top 50 or so listings in all of the major search engines. Any lower and no one will ever find you.,My second rule is that its a good idea to spend some useful time and effort on getting your links on other sites. This is an excellent, though very time-consuming way to

14、increase visitors. You can do this by sharing links with other companies, so they have a link on your site and you put one on theirs. Or perhaps through a site review which recommends your products. Also remember that the more links you have elsewhere, the more likely people are to find you through

15、a search engine. So those are my three starting points for anyone thinking of web advertising. Before we finish dont forget that a memorable domain name that people can easily type will help. Email campaigns can work and are an easy way to get traffic to the site though it doesnt last long. What mig

16、ht be better is to have a monthly newsletter, which people sign up for. Ive found this to be very effective and more positive than sending spam. Then there are contests with prizes or anything free maybe some software or cool graphics. Once youve got people visiting the site, keep statistics on how

17、many people visit per day and how often people return to the site. In other words, find out who they are. How old they are. Where they come from. What they like doing to their free time. You can get this kind of information by asking them to subscribe to your newsletter for example,Speaking: A short

18、 presentation,Work in pairs. Each of you has one minute to prepare a short presentation on one of the following topics. You can use the following expressions to give tips and advice:,Topic A: What is important to remember when deciding what type of advertising to use?,Topic B: What is important to r

19、emember about your target consumer when planning an advertising campaign?,The first thing is to Its a good idea to You can do this by Also remember that My third tip is (never) to Before we finish dont forget What might be better is to,Possible points,Student A: When deciding what type pf advertisin

20、g to use: - How much will it cost? - Will it reach your target market? - Is it short-term or long-term promotion? Student B: What is important to know about your target consumer? - Age and gender - Typical income - What do they read/watch in order to select an appropriate type of advertising?,Readin

21、g: Advertising standards,1. Do you know who controls advertising in your country ? Read about ASA.,The Advertising Standard Authority (ASA) works to keep adverting legal, decent, honest and truthful. The ASA resolves thousands of complaints each year. It judges advertisements, direct marketing and s

22、ales promotions against a set of codes and its rulings are made independently of both government and the advertising industry. .uk,2. Here are three cases the ASA has successfully dealt with. Read each case study and afterwards discuss the following:,1) Is the type of advertising me

23、ntioned common in your country? 2) Do your think the advertisers were completely wrong in each case study? 3) Have you had any similar experiences with advertising?,Case study 1: Mrs. Q bought a copy of the teenage girls magazine, Shout, for her twelve-year-old daughter. However, her daughter respon

24、ded to an advertisement for ringtones offering 2 Tones 75p Each in large red figures. Further down the page, in the small print, were details of the standard costs for tones, graphics and animations which amounted to 4.50. The daughter only saw 75p Each in bold and didnt realize the offer was a subs

25、cription service. She began receiving lots of ringtones and paying 1.50 each time. Mrs. Q was astonished and angry that a magazine aimed at children could contain such an advertisement. The ASA launched a formal investigation,Case Study 2: Almost 300 people contacted the ASA to complain about a TV c

26、ommercial for the soft drink Fanta Z. The advert showed people drinking the companys product Fanta Light and then spitting it out. The idea was that some people didnt like Fanta Light but they would like the new drink Fanta Z. The majority of the people who complained said the advert would cause bad

27、 behavior in children. The company said their target audience was sixteen- to 24- year-olds and not younger children. However, the ASA was concerned that young children would see the advert as fun and encourage them to spit. For this reason, it was agreed that the advert could only be shown after ni

28、ne oclock in the evening.,Case Study 3: Normally MS A only buys organic or natural yoghurt but she decided to buy Danones new range of Shape yoghurts when she saw the advertisement saying that Shape is simply a virtually fat-free yogurt packed with real fruit. And because there are no artificial swe

29、eteners, when Ms A got the yogurt home, she saw eleven additives on the ingredients list. She contacted the ASA via its online complaints form. Eight other people also complained about the claim that the product had nothing added to the fruit,3. Look at the comments below about the three case studie

30、s form the ASA. Which case does each comment refer to?,1) The company could argue that all the information was provided. 2) The customers neednt have bought it, if they didnt like the ingredients that were included. 3) She should have read the packaging more carefully. 4) The company must have known

31、 that children would copy the images. 5) People should always check the terms and conditions. 6) In this case, the company couldnt show the advert during the day. 7) The rules say advertisers mustnt take advantage of younger readers.,Grammar: Modals,1. Look back at the seven comments in the last exe

32、rcise. Underline the modal verb in each sentence and write it in this summary.,Possibility: can, _ Obligation: must, _, have to Advice: _ Criticism: _, ought to Deduction: _, cant be, cant / couldnt have been Lack of obligation: didnt have to, _, didnt need to No possibility: cant, _,could,neednt,sh

33、ould,must,should,couldnt,mustnt,2. Underline the correct verb in these sentences.,1) Many viewers think the ASA should / can stop advertisers increasing the volume on TV commercials because it really annoys them 2) A: Sorry, I forgot to bring you the information you asked for. B: Thats OK. You didnt

34、 need to / neednt have. I found it on the Internet. 3) They dont have to / mustnt use the same trademark as us. If they do, well sue. 4) Their lawyers should/ must have told them not to take it to court because we never heard from them again. 5) He couldnt get / couldnt have got through when he trie

35、d to call. 6) She didnt need to complain / neednt have complained because eight other people also did. 7) Consumers dont have to / mustnt buy the product. After all, nobody forces them! 8) They shouldnt / couldnt have tried to defend the case. It was obvious theyd lose.,4.2 Delegating,Delegating,Lis

36、tening,A bad delegator,A report,Reading,How to delegate,Speaking,Writing,New managers often find it difficult to delegate the tasks they used to do. But getting others to do what you did so well is a key to good management.,A. Tailor work to the individual B. Be positive C. Give incentives D. Define

37、 the expectations and objectives E. Delegate complete tasks F. Let go G. Avoid misunderstanding,Reading: How to delegate,Read tips 1 7 below on how to delegate. Write in the missing headings A G.,1_It should be challenging and make use of their specific skills-skills that you may not have. 2_This is

38、 much more satisfying for the person delegated to than bits and pieces. If people feel they have ownership of a whole manageable project, they will usually rise to the challenge. 3_Dont start by saying “I know youre really busy and dont have time for this, but” Explain why the job is important and w

39、hy you have chosen them. Also explain what the rewards are possibly financial or psychological. 4_Specify what results are needed, the deadline, and how often the employee should update you.,How to delegate,5_ After you have briefed the person, ask them to explain back to you what theyre going to do

40、 to ensure the instructions are clear. 6_Dont check up on them. Make yourself available to answer questions but allow them space to work on their own. 7_Give lots of praise, helpful feedback and constructive criticism. It boosts confidence and saves time next time.,Listening: A bad delegator,The man

41、ager clearly doesnt follow: 1. The manager says, “I dont want to give you anything too difficult .” so it isnt challenging. 3. He starts by saying, “I know youre really busy but” 5.He doesnt ask the employee to explain the instructions back to him. 6. He wont be available to answer questions. 7.He d

42、oesnt give any praise for the work the employee did on the schedules last time.,1. Listen to a manager talking to a member of his department . Which of tips 1-7 for delegating doesnt he follow?,Listening script,Manager: Hi, Harry. Sorry to bother you but Im so busy. Could you help me? I know youre b

43、usy too but I have a meeting with the managing director tomorrow and I dont have time to do the schedules for next week. I know you did them last time I was off sick so thought you could do them again. I dont want to give you anything too difficult, do I? So if I give you this Sorry, I havent had ti

44、me to sort through it but youll work it out. OK, great. Sorry, must go. If you have any questions err, ask Mary. I think she did the schedules last time I was on holiday so she can help too. Fine. Bye.,Speaking: Delegating,Buy some coffee from the shop across the street Organize all the filing in yo

45、ur office Attend a trade fair for you this weekend Tell another member of staff not to sent personal emails in company time Prepare a report on the effectiveness of the companys website.,Work in pairs. Take turns to delegate the following jobs to each other. Remember to follow all the tips mentioned

46、 above and use some of the following expressions.,Some expressions you can use to delegate,A. Ive asked you because B. Let me know how its going once a week, please C. Ill need a report on this with your findings and your recommendations. D. So, lets go through this one more time to check if its cle

47、ar E. Youve done a great job on this! F. Ive got a job here that will really interest you G. Id like you to be in charge of all of it. H. Feel free to call me if you have any questions. I. Can you give this priority because they need it as soon as possible. J. The deadline for this is next Thursday.,1. Read the information and the task below: You work in the marketing department of your company and your line manager has delegated to you the task of preparing a short report. You must report on the number of people visiting the company website in the last three


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