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1、雅思英语阅读练习题和答案:12篇雅思英语阅读练习题和答案:12篇next year marks the EUS 50th anniversary of the treatyA.after A period of intro version and stunned self-disbelief,Continental europen governments will recover their enthusic ASM for pan-B.there are several reasons for Europe s recovering self-confidentce。for years Eu

2、ropean economies had been laging dismally behind America(to say nothin G of Asia),but in 2006 the large continental economiesC.the coming year also marks a particular point in a political cycle so regular that it almost seems to amount to a natural law .every four or five years,European countries ta

3、ke a large stride towards further integration by signing a new treaty 3360 The mastricht treatyand in 2005 they were supposed to ratify a European constitution,Laying the ground for yet more integrationuntil the calm rhythm was rudellbut the political impetup to sign so Mething every four or five ye

4、ars has only been interrupted,not immobield,by this setback。D.in 2007 The europen union marks The 50th anniversary of another treaty-The treaty of Rome,Its founding charter . government leaders have alave a routeine expression of europen good fellow sip . but it does not take a Machiavelli to spot t

5、hat once governor the declaration all that will be necessary will be to incorporate the 50th-anniversary dec Laration into a new treaty containing a number of institutional and ottionalE.according to the german government-which holdds the eu s agenda-setting pressidency during the first half of 2007

6、there will be a new drrthere would then be couple of years in which it will be discussed,approved by parliments and perhaps,Put to voters if that is deep med ununsEurope will be nicely back on schedule。its four-to-five-year cycle of integration will have missed only one beat。F.the resurrection of th

7、e European constitution will be made more likey in 2007 because of what is happensing in national capitals .the European union is Not really an autonomous organisation。if it functions,it is because the leaders of the big continental countries want it to,Reckoning that an active European policy will

8、help thelpG.That did not happen in 2005-06。defensive,cynical and self-destructive,the leaders of the three largest euro-zone countries-France,Italy and Germanythey saw no reason to pursue any sort of European policy and the eu,as a result,Barely functioned . but by the middle of 2007 all three will

9、haveH.the up shot is that the politics of the three large continental countries,Bureaucratic momentum and the economics of recovery will all be aligneesthat does not mean the momentum wi Ll be irresistable or even popular。the British government,for one,will almost cerainly not want to go with the fl

10、ow,Beginning yet another chapter in the long history of cchistorymore important,The voters will want a say。they rejected the constitution in 2005。it would be foolis to assume they will accept it after 2007 just as a result of an artful bit of tinkering。Questions 1-6do the following state mets reflec

11、t the claims of the writer in reading passage 1?write your answer in boxes 1-6 on your answer sheet。true if the statemenht reflets the claims of the writerfalse if the statement contrdicts the claims of the writernot given if it is possbile to say what the writer thinks about this1.after years intro

12、duction and mistrust,continental europen governors will resurrect their enthusiasm for more integration in 2007。2.the europen conitution was officily approved in 2005 in spite of the oppo siton of French and Dutch voters。3.the treaty of Rome,which is considered as the fundamental charter of the Euro

13、pean union,was signed in 1957。4.it is very unlink that European countries will sign the declaration at the 50th anniversary of the treaty of Rome。5.French government will hold the eu s pressidency and laydown the agenda during the first half of 2008 .6.for a long time in hiso try,there has been confrontation between Britain and the rest of European countries。Questi


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