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1、A Sad Love Story,Unit 1 Festivals around the world,Pre-reading:,Do you know the history of Valentines Day?,.,公元三世纪时,古罗马有一位暴君叫克劳多斯(Claudius)。离暴君的宫殿不远,有一座非常漂亮的神庙。修士瓦沦丁(Valentine)就住在这里。罗马人非常崇敬他,男女老幼,不论贫富贵贱,总会群集在他的周围,在祭坛的熊熊圣火前,聆听瓦沦丁的祈祷。古罗马的战事一直连绵不断,暴君克劳多斯征召了大批公民前往战场,人们怨声载道。男人们不愿意离开家庭,小伙子们不忍与情人分开。克劳多斯暴跳如


3、。,Valentines Day,In February 14th People send roses and cards or chocolates to the people they love.,Do you know our Chinese Valentines Day?,the Double Seventh Day,Chinese Valentines Day,the seventh day of the seventh lunar month,乞 巧 节,weaving,herd,ell in love,Heaven,ollow,ouple,seventh,eventh unar,

4、bridge,ovely,Read Para.3 and fill in the table.,牛郎白天放牛,牛郎织女喜结良缘,牛郎织女终于 在鹊桥上相会了,王母娘娘把他们分开,Li Fang,Hu Jin,A Sad Love Story,Read the story and answer the following questions.,1.How did Li Fang know the manager wanted to shut the coffee shop? 2.What is the reason why Li Fang and Hu Jin did not meet on t

5、ime? 3.Why do people want the weather to be fine on Qiqiao Festival?,Answer the following questions. 1.How did Li Fang know the manager wanted to shut the coffee ship? The manager wiped the tables and then sat down and turned on the TV. 2.What is the reason why Li Fang and Hu Jin did not meet on tim

6、e? Because Li Fang waited in the coffee shop and Hu Jin waited in the tea shop. 3. Why do people want the weather to be fine on Qiqiao Festival? People wanted the weather to be fine so they can meet the one they love.,Listen to the story and decide whether they are true or false.,The girl Li Fang lo

7、ved and waited for her boy friend who didnt turn up.( ) Because the goddesss most lovely granddaughter got married to a human secretly, she got very angry.( ) Zhinv was made to return to Heaven without her husband. They were allowed to meet once a year on the seventh day of the tenth lunar month.( )

8、 Hu Jin had been waiting for Li Fang for a long time with a gift for him.( ),F,T,F,T,Story-retelling,heart-broken,not turn up,look forward,with his roses and chocolates,Be laughed at?,Fool?,not keep her word,Throw away his roses and chocolates,not to hold his breath for her to apologize,drown his sa

9、dness in coffee,= wait without much help,=drink (usually alcohol) in order to forget,tea shop,Why are you so late? Ive been waiting for you for a long time.,ve been waiting for,coffee shop,At last,tea shop,coffee shop,What do you think of the story? Why?,a sad love story,A sad love story,1. Li Fang was sad that Hu Jin didnt turn up.,2. The story of Qiqiaojie made him sad.,3. Sadly, he threw away his love gifts.,4. He was sad to have thrown away h


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