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1、Unit 1Write a paragraph adout your father or mother.Sample 1 My Father, a Hard-Working ManMy father is forty-six years old, a very hard-working farmer. It seems as if he never feels tired and enjoys working very much. He seldom smiles. Perhaps its because he has a big family to support and the heavy

2、 burden is on his shoulders. He is also a man of few words.Father has never bought any toys or candies for my younger brother and me, but I know he loves us. He is strict with us. Actually he himself has set a good example for us. He once said:You should study hard so that you can serve the people b

3、etter in the future. Father does his best to meet our needs and always keeps his promise. My family was poor, but father promised that he would pay for the education of my brother and me even if he had to sell our house. We were deeply moved. Following fathers example, both my brother and I are very

4、 diligent. We appreciate what we have received from him and are determined to study hard to repay him. I love and admire my father. Sample 2 My Mother My mother, a middle-aged woman, has a kind beauty characteristic of oriental woman. Whats more, she has a golden heart and loves people around her. I

5、m a lucky girl and feel thankful for her love.When I was a child, my mother took me to the kinder garden everyday and talked with me on the way. I enjoyed her company and felt secure, especially when the weather was bad. when I was naughty and made mistakes, my mother never blamed me. Instead she of

6、ten told me some enjoyable stories and from these I was able to know what I should do and what I shouldnt.When I went to school, my mother cared about not only my daily needs but also my studies. When I did poorly in school, she often encouraged me to try my best the next time. She said she had conf

7、idence in me and told me never to lose heart. So I owe what I ve achieved in my study to my mother.I love my mother and will remember her kindness and advice forever. Ill try to be a person who has all the good virtues my mother possesses. Unit2Write a composition on the topic “how to Avoid Misunder

8、standing”based on your discussion in activity. How to Avoid MisunderstandingMisunderstandings are very common in our daily lives. Even though not all misunderstandings are very serious, they still cause problems and unnecessary trouble. Sometimes, they can even ruin good relationships or friendships

9、. This will undoubtedly bring misery.There are many ways to avoid misunderstandings. First, we should not use words that may have more than one meaning. We should express our ideas clearly and also pronounce words clearly, such as seventeen and seventy. Second, as listeners, when we are not quite cl

10、ear about what we have heard, we should not hesitate to ask for clarification, We shouldnt pretend to know or understand if we dont. Third, we should not always take it literally when we hear a statement. For example, if a woman says You never clean the house to her husband , he should not argue tha

11、t the day before yesterday he cleaned the house. Instead, he should take it as a single that either she is tired or she is bored with housework.Of course, there are many other ways to avoid misunderstandings. If we can avoid misunderstandings, we can have a better and happier life. Unit 3Some people

12、 say winning mains being rich, some people say winning mains being powerful, and some people say winning mains being happy. Please write a paragraph of about 120 words about YOUR understanding of winning.SampleSome people say that winning means being rich, some say winning means being powerful, and

13、others think winning means being happy. I think winning means doing what you should do and being good at it. Most of us can only live in this world for no more than 70 or 80 years. We shoulnt think too much about what we can get from this world. Instead, we should think about what we can leave in th

14、is world. The one who can make more contributions to the world is a real winner. For example, cleaning the streat is a humble job in many peoples eyes, but in my opinion, street cleaners can also be great winners. They make our city more beautiful. They give us a better environment and consequently

15、a better life. But, on the contrary, some people make money at the cost of the environment. Some are even worse: They cheat or kill others in order to gain power or earn money. Winners or losers? Its time to give it a second thought. Unit 4PsychologyinOurLifeSample 1Psychologyplaysanimportantroleino






21、ehindpeoplesactionsorbehavior.Itmeansthatpsychologyorourmentalstateplaysanimportantroleinmanyaspectsofourdailylife.Unit 5OneofMyMemorableDreams:ANightmareIgrewupinthecountryandlifewashardatthattime.Iusedtoshareabedwithmyyoungerbrother.Wewouldoftenfightforspace.Onenight,Ihadaterribledream.Inthedream,



24、ierwithasword.IwokeupandrealizedthatIhadjusthadanightmare.Butmyleftarmwashurting.Mybrothersleghadbeenpressingonmyarm.Unit 6 Write a article about your classmates eating habits using the results of Activity 6 in Part Three. Your composition should include both their similarities and differences. Samp

25、le 1Our Eating HabitThe survey shows that students usually spend little time eating. They eat three meals a day, with rice as their basic food (staple). Students from the North like pasta, for example, noodles, steamed bread, and dumplings. Most students like fresh fish, seafood and eggs. Most stude

26、nts eat their meals at the school cafeterias. They dont cook at home, and some havent even tried cooking. Their parents or grandparents do the cooking in their families.What is unusual is the fact that many students dont eat vegetables. They think fruit can provide all the necessary nutrients their

27、bodies need. With some students, milk is gradually taking the place of water and other drinks. Besides, in many families, it is now the father who does most of the cooking. The role of the mother seems to have changed a lot.Sample 2Our Eating HabitThe survey indicates that food likes and dislikes va

28、ry from one student to another. Some students are keen on meat of all kinds, while others prefer fruits and nuts. Students brought up near the sea prefer seafood, while those from West China enjoy beef and lamb. Most students spend 10 to 12 hours eating in a normal week. Generally speaking, most of

29、the students eat at the cafeterias, but some students from wealthy families often have meals in restaurants. They have never tried cooking at home.What is worth mentioning is that some girls are on a diet to keep a slim figure. They do not eat sweet food even though they like chocolate and dessert v

30、ery much. To some students, fast food is a big attraction. They love going to KFC or MacDonalds. In addition, cooking, which was traditionally undertaken by mothers, has been taken over by fathers nowadays.Unit 7 Write a acomposition on the topic “Dining Customs in China”. You can base it on the res

31、ult of your discussion. SampleDear Ms Williams, Im glad to know that you will be visiting China with your husband. China is a country where people are hospitable and generous, and respect foreign visitors. Im sure you will enjoy your stay there. You mentioned that wives were not usually invited to s

32、ocial activities. That used to be true, but things have changed. Now very often wives are also invited, especially to business dinners. So you wont stay in the hotel room all the time. Of course, there are occasions when you are not invited, like business talks, and when that happens, arrangements w

33、ill always be made by hospitable Chinese hosts for you to do sightseeing, shopping or things like that. As to protocol, I suggest that you do as the proverbial Romans do when in Rome. I think smiling is the best way to get along with people wherever they come from. Besides, dont talk too much, which

34、 might seem too overpowering. Learning to speak a little bit of Chinese and being able to use chopsticks will contribute to a good beginning with the Chinese you are going to deal with. Of course, there are many other things you need to pay attention to. Wish you a pleasant stay in China. Sincerely,

35、 Li PingUnit 8 Chose one of the topics to write a composition.Money in a Students LifeSample 1 In students life, there are tow main things. One is studying, and the other if daily life. In our studies, money is very important and necessary. We must pay the tuition fee to go to college. If we want to

36、 join in some activities, we have to pay some fees, for example, one yuan for an hour of computer use. We also need money to buy reference books. In daily life we spend money on food, clothes and other necessary articles. Sometimes we also spend money on tapes, films, tec. When we spend money well p

37、ause and think: “Is it necessary to spend money on it?” At university, we dont live with our parents, we have to budget our money by ourselves. We need to know in what cases we must spend it and in what cases we mustnt. There are some students among us who think that earning a lot of money is more i

38、mportant that studying. Thats a one-sided view. Knowledge is priceless. Money in students life is not the primary thing we care about. Sample 2 Money is important for everybody, so it is for us students. If we dont have money, we wouldnt be ale to study at the university in the first place Almost ev

39、erything depends on money. For us, we have to buy food, clothes, books, CDs, stamps, etc. We also have to pay for the different courses we are taking besides tuition, because some of the fees are not covered by the tuition. We have to budget our money; otherwise, well have no money left at the end o

40、f the month or the semester. Many parents give their children money once for a whole semester, not one a monthly basis, so budgeting is essential. Many students borrow money from their classmates, but are unable to pay it back. Some of the students work part-time in order to relieve the financial bu

41、rden or their families since their families are not wealthy. But I think this will affect their studies. So its better for us to save money so that we can study well. money and happinessSample 1 Money is very important in our lives. Many people think that when you have money you can be happy. That m

42、eans if a person is poor, he can never be happy. In my opinion, money is important for food, clothing, shelter and transportation. Without money, we could have done nothing. But that does not mean that only the rich are happy. Rich people are too busy earning money so that can not enjoy life. They a

43、re constantly worrying about losing their fortune. How can they be happy? On the contrary, if a person is penniless, he has to worry about money all the time, so he wont be happy either. The really happy person is one who has enough money so that he can do whatever he wants. He is not crazy for mone

44、y and is content with life. Sample 2 Money is very important. Without money we would have no house to live in, no clothes to wear, no food to feed ourselves. If one has no money, one has to work hard to earn money. All one thinks about is how to make money. That makes a person nervous and tired. Cer

45、tainly, it doesnt make you feel happy. But if we care too much about money, well become slaves of money. After all, money is not everything. Money cant buy friendship, respect, knowledge, etc. If a wealthy person is selfish and has no mercy on others, he will have no friends and will be lonely and w

46、ill never be happy about his life. Happiness means not only comfortable living conditions but also mental satisfaction. I think, only those who dont have to worry about money and can spend money on others easily are really happy people. Thomas Edison was one of them. Unit 9OnBargainsSample1Bargainsa






52、eallyneed.Ifwecandothat,bargainscanreallybeusefulforusandwecanreallysavemoney.SoIthinkbargainsaregoodandweneedthem.However,weshouldalwaysbecarefulwhenwearetemptedbyabargain.Itpaystobeanintelligentshopper.Unit 10Chose one of the topics listed below and write a composition in no less than 120 words. Y

53、ou can base your composition on the result of the activities. Remember to write nearly. How to Manage StressSample 1 As university students, we are lucky to have a chance to learn more things. And college life is beautiful. But college is not students paradise. We must face many difficulties which c

54、ome from not only our study, but also our daily lives. These difficulties bear down on us with the weight of Mount Tai. The stress is harmful to students health. We must manage it. Here is how: You can speak out or write down your stress. When you are depressed, you can tell one of our intimate friends all your troubles. Then he or she will give you a few words of comfort. You will feel better after that. Also you can write down all your troubles, and read them again and again. When you are bored with them, you will worry less about them. If you


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