成人口语2-See a doctor_第1页
成人口语2-See a doctor_第2页
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成人口语2-See a doctor_第4页




1、成人口语2 SEE A DOCTOR单词学习:See a doctor dkt 看医生Medicine meds()n; medsn n.药 Internal a.内部的 ntn()lPacket n.小包 pktPainkiller n.止痛药 penklTablet n.药片 tbltPale a.苍白的 pelJoint n.关节 dntHurt v.感到疼痛 htTerrible n.可怕的,糟糕的 terb()lHeadache n.头疼 hedekTemperature n.温度 temp()rt Probably adv.大概,或许,可能prbblBurning bn sensa

2、tion sense()n 灼烧感Throat n.喉咙 rtChest n.胸 testCough up v. 咳出 kfPhlegm flem n. 痰;粘液Smell smel v.闻Wheezing hwizi n.哮喘Wheezing sounds 哮喘声Breathe bri v.呼吸 Breath bre n.呼吸 take a breath 吸一口气Fever fiv n.& v.发烧 Have a fever 有热度,发烧了 Feverish fiv()r 发热的Pain pen n.疼痛 painful penfl a.疼痛的Sharp p 尖锐的 sharp pain 锐

3、痛Stick stk vt. 刺,戳;伸出;粘贴Needle nid()l n.针Sour sa a.酸的 Salty slt a.咸的 Sweet swit a.甜的 Bitter bt a.苦的Cavity kvt n.腔,洞 Hole hl n.洞Fill fl v.填充Sore s a.疼痛的 n.溃疡Sneeze sniz v. 打喷嚏Catch the fluflu 患流感= Catch a coldAdvise dvaz v.建议Prescription prskrp()n n.药方Dispensary dspens()r n.药房Conversation:A: Have you

4、 got the medicine yet?B: Yes, Ive been given so much, that I simply dont know what to do with it.A: Well, these are for internal use. You take a packet each time. Four times a day.B: What about these?A: Theyre painkillers. You take one tablet when feel a pain, but not more than once within four hour

5、s.B: I see. Thank you, doctor.A: Do you fell all right? You look pale.B: All my joints seem to hurt and I have a terrible headache.A: Have you taken your temperature?B: No, not yet, but I do feel a little feverish.A: How long have you been feeling this way?B: Only since this morning.A: Oh, probably

6、youve been working too hard.B: Maybe you are right.A: Doctor, whenever I cough I have a burning sensation in my throat and my chest hurts.B: Are you coughing up phlegm?A: Yes, and it smells terrible.B: I hear wheezing sounds, Do you have difficulty breathing?A: Yes, I do.B: How long have you had a f

7、ever?A: about a week.A: Well, what seems to be the problem?B: I feel pain here whenever I drink something cold.A: What kind of pain?B: Its a sharp pain like someone is sticking a needle in my tooth.A: Do you feel the same pain when you eat something sour?B: Uh, yes, youre right, doctor.A: Then you p

8、robably have a cavity that needs to be filled.B: I couldnt see any hole though.A: Its just a small one but youve had if for a long time.A: Ive got a sore throat and my chest hurts.B: How long have you been like this, Mr.Li?A: Two of three days.B: Do you have a headache?A:Yes, I do. And I think Ive g

9、ot a temperature, too.B: Do you sneeze?A: Yes, a lot.B: Let me take your temperature. Well, I think youve caught the flu.A: What do you advise, doctor?B: Take this prescription to the dispensary for the medicine. After taking it, go to bed right away. Theres nothing better for you than plenty of wat

10、er and sleep.练习:A:你配药了么?B:是的,我有很多,但是坦白说我不知道该怎么服用。A:好吧,这些是内服的。你每次吃一包。一天四次。B:那这些呢?A:那是止痛药。当你觉得痛的时候吃一片,但是四个小时内不要超过一次。B:我明白了,谢谢你,医生。A:你还好么?你看上去脸色苍白。B:我关节似乎疼并且我还疼痛。A:你量过体温么?B:不,还没有。但是我感觉我有点发烧。A:你这样感觉有多久了?B:只是今天早上开始的A:哦,可能你是因为工作太辛苦了。B:也许你是对的A:医生,不管什么时候我咳嗽我都能感觉喉咙有种灼烧感并且我的胸腔很痛B:你有咳出痰么?A:是的,而且闻上去很糟糕。B:我听到哮喘的声音,你经常呼吸困难么?A:是的B:你发烧有多久了?A:大概一周了A:呃,有什么问题?B:不管什么时候我喝冷的东西我都觉得痛。A:什么样的痛?B:是锐痛就好像有人在我的牙齿中间插了根针。A:当你吃酸的东西时你也是不是有同样的感受?B:啊,是的,你是对的,医生。A:那么你很有可能是有个洞口需要被填补。B:但是我看不见任何洞。A:那只是个小洞不过你


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