第第29页共15页国开(中央电大)本科《商务英语4》形考任务(单元自测1至8)试题及答案范文418及答案范文国开中央电大本科商务英语4形考任务单元自测1至试题及答案电大网上形考必备资料说明课程代码04012。适用业及层次会计学.金融学.市场营销和物流管理本科。平台考试网址//。单元自测1 试题及答案题目顺序是随机的,使用查找功(CtrlF)进行搜索题目 How would you like to go .答案Id like to fly to Frankfurt for astay of two days题目
behalf of Vancouver CSIntl Trade Corp., I am pleased to invite you and yourcolleagues to visit us.答案On题目 expect to depart for Frankfurt on Sunday, September1st,any time after1300 pm.答案When do you plan to leave题 Sure, no problem. First, go see Cindyand tell her where youre going and when.答案Can you me in题目
Yes, business class.Will you fly business class题目Can you fill me I need some detailed ination.答案in题目Hey Kyle, guess what The boss is sending me to Europe a marketing seminar next month. been itching to go on a business trip for months.答案Great You must be happy.题目If you are intending just one Schengen country, you will need apply for the Schengen visa directly with the embassy consulate of thatparticular country.答案to visit题目Many of the banksand travel servicesin the westerncountries provideconvenience for thetravellers byissuing travellers .答案checksPlease an open return flight from Barcelona toFrankfurt.答案book题目The processing time per embassy.答案varies题目Travellers checks aregenerally
small face value.答案of题目Travellers, when
the checks, have to signthe checks in the presence of the bank or service clerks.答案buying题目We used to
cash advances.答案have题目You can download and print off the online.(10)。Can you fill me in ABC答案C.你能向我详细介绍一下吗Not all restaurants accept the card. ABC答案B.并非所有酒店都接受此卡。We used to have cash advances. ABC答案我们以前是预支现金。Let me know how you like living out of suitcase.ABC答案B.到时候告诉我你是怎么带着旅行包生活的。It is very profitable for the issuing offices finance the funds they collect by issuing travellerschecks. ABC对发行机构来说,发行旅行支票提供融资便利是有利可的。完形填空选择正确答案,补全文章(每题10分)。HOW TOSCHEDULE YOUR VISA APPOINTMENTPayment can bemadewith aUnionPay debit card or in cash. You can答案B. pay directly through the website, theCallCenter,or at a Citic bank ATM. If paying at a Citicyou can pay with a UnionPay答案bankbranch,C. debit card or with cash. If you prefer to pay incash, the appointment website will produce a bank slip答案A. based on the type of appointment for which youhave registeredthe deposit slip will indicate how you must pay. You must print this bank答案C. deposit slip , log off the appointment site,proceed to a local Citic bank branch, present the bankdeposit slip, pay the requested amount, obtain anoriginal bank receipt for the transaction, log backtheA. appointment site , and enter the bank receiptconfirmation number into the requested field.根据文章内容,判断正误(每题10分)。TRAVELLERSCHECKMany of the banks and travel services in westernprovide a convenience for travellers by issuingtravellers checks. Travellers, when buying the checks,have to sign the checks in the presence of the bank orservice clerks.Duringthetrip,travellerscancashthechecksfromtheagenciesofthebankorthetravelservicewhenevertheyneedaftertheircounter-signaturesarerecognized.Alotoftravellersliketobuythesechecksastheydonthavetotakealongmuchcashandworryaboutcounterfeitsignatures.Theagencieswillbackthemoneytheyhavepaidbysendingthecheckstotheissuingoffices.Travellerschecksaregenerallyofsmallfacevalue,suchastenortwentydollars,orfiveortenpounds,formiscellaneouspayments.Thereisnotime limit for their circulation period. It is veryprofitable for the issuing offices to finance the fundsthey collect by issuing travellers checks because theynot only receive a service charge from the check buyers,buttheyalsodontneedtopayanyinterestnomatterlongthechecksremainincirculationbeforeclearing.This is why banks and travel services are willing provide this convenience.It is convenient for the travellers to travelaround the world as many banks and travel services travellers checks.答案TThere are no signatures of travellers who bought the checks.答案FQuite a few travellers like to buy the checks.答TTravellers do not worry about the circulationperiod of the checks as there is no time limit for it.TBanks and travel services are reluctant to travellerschecks.F根据文章内容,完成选择题(每题10分)。SCHENGEN APPLICATION STEPSIdentify the country or countries youwill be travelling to. It is particularly important toknow which countries you are travelling to because itdetermines where and how you are going to send yourapplication. If you are intending to visit justoneSchengencountry,youwillneedtoapplyforthevisadirectlywiththeembassyorconsulateofthatparticularcountry.IfyouareintendingtovisittwoormoreSchengencountries,yourapplicationmustbesenttheembassyorconsulateofthecountrythatshallbeyourmaindestination.IfyouareintendingtovisitseveralSchengencountries,butdonothaveamaindestination,youshouldapplyforthevisaattheorconsulateofthefirstSchengencountryonyouritinerary.Filloutan application beforehand to obtain aSchengen visa.Youcan download and print off theonline.Prepareallthe requirements for your Schengenvisa application. Depending on the consulate or embassy,you are required to show the following documents A validnational passport Evidence showing the purpose of yourtrip e.g. hotel reservations Proof of medical insurance round-trip travelticketProofoffundsChecktheprocessingtimetoensureyougetyourSchengenvisaontime. The processing time varies per embassy, so it isimportant to take the processing time into account planning your trip.This passage is mainly about ABC.答案C. how to apply for a Schengen visaIf you are intending to visit two or more countries, you will need to send your application ABC.答案A. to the embassy or consulate of the country shall be your main destinationYou can download and print off the ABC.答案on the InterYou are required to show the following EXCEPT AB答案C. a birth certificateThe processing time is ABC per embassy.答案A. different单元自测2试题及答案题目顺序是随机的使用查找功能(CtrlF)进行搜索题目Hello, is that SailMoving pany
答案Yes, this is Jackspeaking. Thanks for calling. What can we do for you题How do you calculate the fee if we ask you to move theoffice furniture .答案The cost dependson the floor to move to, thedistancebetweentwoplacesandtheamountofthefurnituretomove题目Theclientsaidhehadtosendamonitorbackthreetimesbeforeproblemwassolved.Doyouhaveareasonforthis .答案Well, I wonder whether the recentlayoffs are affecting the quality of our customer service题目What does the customers plaint say 答案He says he hasnt gotten back the monitor for repairs题目What is thedistancebetweenthenewbuildingandyouroffice.答案Itisabout15kilometers题目
the situation may be, make surethat you dont leave your customer with an question.答案Whatever题目Customers often remain to a business that has excellent service if their prices are high.答案loyal题目Customers find store clerks sitting around
.答案watchingTV or playing cards题目If any of the articles aredamaged during move, you may make a
forpensation with our pany.答案claim题目If things have , the person youre talking to will want to the reasons.答案gone wrong题目Looking your customersin the eye shows that we are listening to them andhearing
.答案what they are saying题目Some ofthe customers plaints seem 题目Some stores even offer
.答案unacceptablelanes for with10 items or less to checkout quickly.express题目The American idea of customer service is
eachcustomer the center of attention.答案to make题目Thecustomer service representative will often allowcustomers to exchange the product they bought or it for a full 翻译(10)。
.答案refund翻译为句子选择正确的The American idea of custom service is to make customer the center of attention.A;B;C 答案美式客服理念认为每位客户都是关注的焦点。Many products e with a money-back guarantee.A;B;C许多产品都有退款承诺。Make sure to look your customers in the eye.A;B;C确保要直视顾客的眼睛。Always look for ways to go above and beyond expectations of your customers.A;B;C 答案A.一定要想方设法,超越顾客的期望。The worst thing is that you discovered at the moment there were missing parts in the order beforeshipment.A;B;C 答案A.最糟糕的事情是,在装船之前的最后时刻,你发现订单货物有遗漏。完形填空选择正确答案,补全文章(每题10分)。Customer service is the service or care that a consumerreceives before, during and after a purchase. Its one ofthe factors that e in to play when a consumer isdetermining buying value, theotheristhequalityofproductorservicethatisbeing答案D. offered .Consumers often must encounter anexperience to not only be a satisfied customer, but aloyal customer. Customer service is a part of thatexperience.Top notch service will create答案E. and a returning customer,whichiswhatweallmuststrivefor.Excellentcustomerserviceis答案A.vitaltobusinessestoday.Itsaponentthatisoftenmissing,unfortunately.HowdoyouprovidegreatcustomerserviceAlwaysmakeyourcustomera答案C. priority . Greet them in a friendly manner,whether that be via telephone, email or in person. Letthem know you are there to help and that you will takecare of them, notonlybeforethesalebutafterasAfterall,inathrivingbusinesscustomersarenot答案B. optional;its a requirement for businesses survive.选自// ... ustomer-Service阅读理解根据文章内容,把每一段和其所谈论的话题相匹配(每题分)。CUSTOMER SERVICEThe American idea of customer service is to makeeach customer the center of attention. And wherever go, good customer service means making customers feelspecial.答案B. the American idea of customer serviceWhen customers get to a store, they are treated honored guests. Customers dont usually find store clerkssitting around watching TV or playing cards. Instead, clerks greet them warmly and offer tohelpthemfindtheywant.Customersusuallydonthavetoaskhowmuchitemscost,sincepricesareclearlymarked.答案D. honored guestWhen customers are ready to checkout, they can to the nearest and shortest checkout lane. Good storesopen new checkout lanes when the line ups get too long.Some even offer express lanesforcustomerswith10orless.Aftertheypayfortheirpurchases,customersreceiveasmileandawarmthankyouandhaveanicefromtheclerk.E.checkoutserviceIn America, customer service continues long afterthe sale. Many products e with a money-back guarantee.Expensive items like cars, puters or stereos often have warranty that ensures trouble-free use for a periodofayearormore.AdvertisementsregularlyincludetheYoursatisfactionisguaranteed.Soifthereisawiththeproduct,customerscantakeitback.Thecustomerservicerepresentativewilloftenallowthemtoexchangetheitemorreturnitforafullrefund.答案A. satisfaction guaranteedCustomer service in America grows out of thebelief that the customer is always right. If a personreceives poor service from a store, he probably willavoid shopping there in the future. Ontheothercustomers often remain loyal to a business that hasexcellent service even if their prices are high.C. customer loyalty阅读理解根据文章内容,判断正误(每题10分)。THE FEEL GOODFACTOR IN CUSTOMER SERVICEA challenge in working incustomer service is to ensure that you have focused attention on the right key areas, measured by the rightKey Perance Indicator KPI. One ofthemostimportantaspectsofacustomerserviceKPIiswhatisoftenreferredtoastheFeelGoodFactor.Basicallythegoalisnotonlytohelpthecustomerhaveagoodexperience,buttoofferanexperiencethatexceedsexpectations.Several key points are listed as followsKnow whatproducts/service you are offering from back to front. Inother words, be an ination expert. It is okay to say Idont know, but it should always befollowedupbybutmefindoutorpossiblybutthispersonwillbeabletoassistyou.Whateverthesituationmaybe,makesureyoudontleaveyourcustomerwithanunansweredquestion.Mostofthemunicationthatyourelaytoothersisdonethroughbodylanguage.Ifyouhave
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