



1、2020 高职单招文化素质样题及答案文化素质(语文)样卷单项选择题(在每小题给出的四个备选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的,请将其选出。 未选、错选或多选均不得分。每小题3 分,共33 分)下列词语中加点字的读音完全相同的一组是( )恶心 厌恶 恶贯满盈模型 模样 模棱两可剥削 瘦削 削足适履荷花 荷载 荷枪实弹下列词语中,没有错别字的一项是( )厌恶蹲坐便当煥热疑惑 斩新 笨拙 油溺坚困慎重沉陌耐心迟疑退辟污秽灌概下列各句中,标点符号的使用合乎规范的一项是( )20 集电视连续剧黄梅戏宗师传奇正在黄梅县邢绣娘影视基地拍摄,你是打算双休日 去参观呢?还是等到暑假再去?然后他呆在那儿,头靠着墙壁,

2、话也不说,只向我们做了一个手势:放学了,一你们走 吧。”屈原的诗句路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求索。应作为我们不懈追求的箴言。近两年,我省经济发展迅猛,不说别的,你看街上的私家车如雨后春笋,一汽大众,长安 福特,东风雪铁龙,广州本田,还有一些说不上名儿的,各种品牌应有尽有。下列句子中,不是比喻句的一项是( )迎面送来的雪山寒气,立刻使你感到象秋天似的凉爽。树缝里也漏着一两点路灯光,没精打采的,是渴睡人的眼。浪花往上抛,形成千万朵盛开的白莲。苍蝇和蜘蛛都淹没在老松树黄色的泪珠里。依次填入下面括号中词语最恰当的一项是( ) 人生要学会选择。在心存忧惧的时候,你是自暴自弃、一蹶不振,还是、愈挫愈勇?在

3、怒不 可遏的时候,你是一触即跳、以牙还牙,还是、从容应对?在志得意满的时候,你是沾沾自 喜、忘乎所以,还是 、淡定超然?冷静运筹振作精神谦虚谨慎振作精神冷静运筹谦虚谨慎谦虚谨慎振作精神冷静运筹振作精神谦虚谨慎冷静运筹下列各句中加点的成语使用不正确的一项是( )A、在党和政府的关怀下,养老院的老人们饱食终日,过着幸福的日子。B、汽车在神农架山区奔驰,只见奇峰异岭扑面而来,令人目不暇接。C、本来还不错的一篇文章,让你们这样改来改去,反而改得不三不四了。D、第29届奥运会女排决赛,失利后的俄罗斯队的姑娘们黯然神伤。下列各句中,没有语病的一句是( )学校地震安全常识教育活动,可以增强同学们的安全自我保

4、护。一个人能否成为真正的读者,关键在于他青少年时期养成良好的读书习惯。新时代的教育应该培养学生善于观察,善于思考,善于创造的水平。在合作学习的过程中,养成主动交流的习惯,是取得进步的重要因素。填入下面横线处,表达效果最好的一项是( )中外古今的诗人,常喜欢将珍珠与眼泪相比。阿拉伯的诗人说,牡蛎在海滩上赏月,天使的 一滴眼泪,刚巧滴落在它心上, 。A、就像一颗晶莹的珍珠B、变成了一颗晶莹的珍珠C、就是一颗晶莹的珍珠D、俨然是一颗晶莹的珍珠诗句“同是天涯沦落人”的后一句是:( )A.相逢何必曾相识B.似曾相识燕归来C.西出阳关无故人D.天下谁人不识君文言文中“之”字可以用在否定句中起倒装作用。下列

5、语句中属于此用法的是( )A.古之学者必有师B.圣人之所以为圣人C.群聚而笑之D.惑之不解对“木直中绳,輮以为轮,其曲中规”中“规”字的解释恰当的一项是( )A.圆规B.规矩C.规范D.规则阅读理解题(每小题 3 分,共 12分) 阅读下面的文章, 并按要求完成下列12-15 题。苏州园林可绝不讲究对称,好像故意避免似的。这是为什么?我想用图画来比方,对称的建筑是图案画,不是美术画,而园林是美术画, 美术画要求自然之趣,是不讲究对称的。我国的建筑,从古代的宫殿到近代的一般住房,绝大部分是对称的,左边怎样,右边也 怎样。东边有一个亭子或者一道回廊,西边绝不会来一个同样的亭子或者一道同样的回廊。上

6、面一段文字正确的表达顺序应该是( )。A.(1)(3)(2)(4) B.(2)(1)(4)(3)C.(3) (1)(4)(2) D.(4)(2)(1)(3)这段文字所使用的说明方法是( )。A.分类B.举例C.列数字D.作比较文中“自然之趣”的“趣”指的是( )。A.趣味B.兴趣C.乐趣D.情趣这段文字主要说明了苏州园林建筑上的( )特点。A. 装饰 B. 布局 C. 工艺 D. 色彩写作题(共 45 分)题目:论诚信要求:1.写成议论文2.字数不少于500 字。文化素质(语文)样卷参考答案(一 )1.C 2.A 3.B 4.A 5.B 6.A 7.D 8.B 9.A 10.D 11.A12.

7、C 13.B 14.D 15.B略文化素质(数学)样卷 一、选择题(本大题共10小题,每小题4分,共40分) 在每小题给出的三个备选项中只有一项是符合题目要求的,请将其选出并填 写在答题卡相应题号的横线上。未选、错选或多选均不得分。文化素质(数学)样卷参考答案 一、选择题(本大题共10小题,每小题4 分,共40分 )1. C 2. A 3. B 4. C 5. B6. C 7. C 8. C 9. B 10. C二、填空题(本大题共8 小题,每小题5分,共40分)文化素质(英语)样卷 一、语音辨析题(每小题1分,共5 分) 先朗读各个小题中的每个单词,注意划线字母的读音,然后找出划线部分发音不

8、同的选项 ( ) 1. A. ask B. past C. was D. fast( ) 2. A. heart B. ear C. hear D. appear( ) 3. A. head B. ready C. dead D. heat( ) 4. A. snow B. allow C. however D. crowd( ) 5. A. card B. star C. warm D. party二、单项选择题(每小题1 分,共 10 分)( ) 6. Jerry knows nothing about the plan his friends told him.A. until B. a

9、fter C. since D. if( ) 7. Why dont you ask him help?A. for B. in C. with D. to( ) 8. Jack is sleeping. You should turn the music.A. on B. low C. down D. little( ) 9. If you well English, youll easily find a job.A. will do, at B. do, in C. will do, in D. do, at( ) 10. He invited some classmates to hi

10、s party, but came.A. a little B. little C. a few D. few( ) 11. - do you like best in your free time?- Playing football.A. What B. Where C. How D. When( ) 12. - Can she English or French?- I dont know.A. speak B. say C. talk D. tell( ) 13. I go to Shanghai by plane its too far.A. and B. because C. so

11、 D. if( ) 14. Shanghai is far Hong Kong.A. for B. with C. from D. to( ) 15. Mr. White teaches English.A. us B. we C. our D. ours三、阅读理解题(每小题1 分,共 10 分)Task 1On Christmas Evethe night before Christmas Day children are very happy. They put their stockings at the end of their beds before they go to bed.

12、 They want Father Christmas to give them some presents. Mr. Green tells his children that Father Christmas is a very kind man. He comes on Christmas Eve. He lands on top of each house and comes down the chimney into the fireplace and brings them a lot of presents. Christmas Day always begins before

13、breakfast. The children wake up very early. They cant wait to open the presents in their stockings. Then they wake up their parents and call: “Merry Christmas! Do you know what Christmas means? Christmas Day is the birthday of Jesus Christ. When Christ was born, many people gave him presents. So tod

14、ay, people still do the same thing to each other.根据 Task 1短文内容,选择最佳答案( ) 16. Christmas Eve is .A. the night before December 24 B. the night after December 25C. the night of December 25 D. the night of December 24 ( ) 17. Father Christmas often puts the presents.A. into childrens hats B. into childre

15、ns stockingsC. under childrens beds D. into childrens shoes( ) 18. Father Christmas comes into the house through the_.A. window B. front door C. chimney D. back door( ) 19. On the morning of Christmas Day, children wake up their parents very early and say.A. Good morning! B. Happy New Year!C. Best w

16、ishes for you! D. Merry Christmas!( ) 20. Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?A. Children want Father Christmas to give them some presents.Father Christmas comes on Christmas Eve.Christmas Day always begins after breakfast.Christmas Day is the birthday of Jesus Chr

17、ist.Task 2Its easier to go downhill(下山)than to climb uphill, so its easier to fall into bad habits than into good ones. Bad habits do not come suddenly. They come little by little without one being aware of their danger. Schoolboys first pick up little bad habits in school and on the street. When th

18、ey cannot write their homework, they copy(抄袭)from their schoolmates. If they see bigger boys smoking, they also want to learn to smoke. If they see their friends gambling(赌博),they want to gamble. When they get bigger, the habits become stronger and stronger. Then they can no longer give them up. Fro

19、m copying, they learn to steal; from gambling, they learn to cheat. At last, no one believes in them. How necessary it is that we stop the bad habits at the beginning! Or they should overcome us in the end!请根据Task 2短文内容判断下列句子是否正确,正确的在括号内填T,错误的在括号内填F。( ) 21. Bad habits come suddenly.( ) 22. Some boys fall into bad habits in school and on the street.( ) 23. The boys may steal from their parents.( ) 24. It is easy to fall into bad habits and e


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