



1、本文格式为Word版,下载可任意编辑 国庆节英语10篇 无论是身处学校还是步入社会,大家对作文都不陌生吧,作文是人们把记忆中所存储的有关知识、经验和思想用书面形式表达出来的记叙方式。相信写作文是一个让大量人都头痛的问题,白话文为大家精心整理了国庆节英语作文精选10篇,希望能够给予您一些参考与帮助。 国庆节英语作文 篇二国庆的英语作文 篇三国庆节英语作文 篇八 On October 1st XXXX all Chinese people were excited because it was our nations 60th birthday ,To organize our school le

2、arn to sing patriotic songs, learn more about our older generation of revolutionary martyrs, the glorious history of struggle, accept patriotic education and training of our national pride.Walking in the street, I found that Our cities are becoming more and more beautiful.So, I see the vast land, th

3、e sons and daughters in between heaven and earth sing. Celebrating the birthday of the motherland 60 years of age, to the name of the Republic of children, to pay tribute to the motherland, in order to bless the motherThe 60th anniversary of National Day celebrations brought us tremendous shock。We m

4、ust study hard in order to repay the motherland of our culture! 国庆节英语作文 篇九 A GRAND flag-raising ceremony would be held at the square in front of the Citizens Center on the morning of Oct. 1 to celebrate Chinas National Day, a government source said. The national anthem will be played as the five-sta

5、r red national flag is raised at 7:30 a.m., marking the 55th anniversary of the founding of the Peoples Republic of China. “It will be the largest flag-raising ceremony in the history of Shenzhen, and it will be the first time citizens will be allowed to closely witness the scene, a government offic

6、ial said. “About 1,000 people from different walks of life in Shenzhen have been organized to attend the ceremony, he said. The ceremony will be performed by a national flag guard under the local armed police contingent. The team, which was set up in 20 xx, now has 86 members who have undergone stri

7、ct professional training. On the morning of National Day in Beijing, several thousand residents and travelers from other provinces are expected to witness a flag-raising ceremony in Tiananmen Square. Embraced widely by the Chinese as a means to express their love and respect for the motherland, flag

8、-raising ceremonies will also be held in many other places across China. 国庆节英语作文 篇十 今天是国庆节,是祖国妈妈的生日。所以,我们就要好好庆祝祖国妈妈的生日。 Today is national day. Its mothers birthday. So we should celebrate our mothers birthday. 晚上,我和爸爸妈妈一起去火宫殿去玩。一路上,我看见了许大量多的车子和人们。我们到了小吃一条街那里去吃小吃。我们吃了豆腐、虾子、羊肉串、鸡腿我们吃完小吃后,就去火宫殿去玩了。我一走到

9、火宫殿,就看见了好多人和好多东西。我看完后,就说:“真是开心的国庆节。说完,我们就开心地回家了。 In the evening, I went to the fire palace with my parents. Along the way, I saw many cars and people. We went to snack street to have snacks. We had tofu, shrimp, lamb kebabs, chicken legs After eating the snacks, we went to the fire palace to play. As soon as I we


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