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1、2022-2023学年高考英语模拟试卷注意事项:1答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。2回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑,如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其它答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上,写在本试卷上无效。3考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。第一部分 (共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)1Without my parents encouragement and support I definitely _ where I am today.AwasntBhadnt beenCwouldnt beDwouldnt

2、have been2To tell the truth, I didnt expect that there were so many people _ the idea.Asupported Bsupporting Cto support Dhaving supported3 Helen,are you going Io the airport to pick up Jack the day after tomorrow? _ tomorrow night.I would go.AWere he to come backBIf he was about to come backCHad he

3、 come backDIf he would come back4A lot of suggestions were put forward at the meeting, but _ was practical.Anothing BnoneCneither Dno one5A lot of food as well as some tents _to Yushu since the earthquake occurred.Ahas been transportedBhave been transportedCis being transportedDare transported6The r

4、eal reason why prices _ , and still are, too high is complex, and no short discussion can satisfactorily explain this problem.AwereBwill beChave beenDhad been7I say, Harry. What did you say to the laid-off worker just now?Nothing. I to myself.Ahad only talkedBam only talkingChave just talkedDwas jus

5、t talking8To his delight, Tom quickly earned the trust of his boss and then of his colleagues.AoneBonesCthatDthose9A man can fail many times, he is a real failure when he begins to blame someone else.Abut Bor Cand Dso10If you want to see Mr. Johnson on Friday morning, make sure he is _ ahead of time

6、.AapproachableBaccessibleCavailableDconvenient11The government has been under growing pressure to _ the causes of air pollution as smog frequently smothers the countrys large cities.AreleaseBscheduleCmaintainDaddress12This is not an economical way to get more water; _, it is very expensive.Aworse st

7、illBon the contraryCin shortDin addition13It was not until 3 days later that the boy came back to life and explained to the police what_ to him.Awas happeningBwas to happenChad happenedDhas happened14语音知识(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,找出其划线部分与所给单词的划线部分读音相同的选项。1. anything AmanyBmagazineCmanageDmatch2

8、. achievedApracticedBmarkedCoperatedDdamaged3. dealtA. deal BgreatCmeantDleader4. seize Aeither B. receive C. eight D. height5. youth Athus Bbreakthrough Cgather Dalthough15It is really cold and the ground is wet; it _ have rained last night.AmightBmustCcanDshould16What an amazing picture!The little

9、 boy _the soldiers, and I caught them in an unguarded moment.Awas salutingBsalutedChad salutedDwould salute17Although it in the desert most of the year, people still live thereAdoesnt rainBdidnt rainChasnt rainedDhadnt rained18It was the natural disaster, rather than human errors, that _ for the dea

10、th of so many innocent people.Aare blamedBwas to blameCwas blamedDwere to blame19The party last month really gave me a lot of fun. So can we have this month,Mr.James?AanyBoneCanotherDthe other20_ for the fire at Notre Dame de Paris, a church famous for its large collection of art treasures, I would

11、be there for a visit this summer vacation.AHad it not beenBShould it not beCWere it not beDIf had it not been第二部分 阅读理解(满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。21(6分) What were you like as a teenager? I was a nightmare. I was rude to my parents, always stayed out late, never did my homework, hung out

12、with the wrong people and made lots of bad decisions. Apparently, this is the age when teenagers are out of control and behave badly. Maybe,if youre a teenager now, you think this is unfair criticism or its not your fault. Well, you might be right!Experts have found that its a teenagers brain that i

13、s to blame. Between the ages of approximately 13 to 19a period known as adolescencethe brain is still developing in areas that control behavior. This has an influence on learning and multitasking(同时做多件事情), stress and memory, sleep, addiction, and decision-making. For parents, these consequences ofte

14、n manifest themselves in a variety of behaviors that they may have previously blamed on hormones or just moodiness(喜怒无常).This is quite a new discovery, according to Professor Sarah-Jayne Blakemore, who, speaking on the BBC radio program The Life Scientific, says, “when I was at university, the dogma

15、(教条) in the text books was that the vast majority of brain development goes on in the first few years of life and nothing much changes after mid-childhood. That dogma is completely false.”According to Professor Sarah-Jayne Blakemore, students not being able to get their homework done on time has som

16、ething to do with our prefrontal cortexthats the part of our brain right at the front, just behind the forehead. She says, “its involved in a whole range of very high-level cognitive(认知的) tasks such as decision making and planningwe know that this region is undergoing very large amounts of developme

17、nt during the adolescent years.” This is the part of the brain, mainly involved in planning, and, for a teenager, this hasnt developed yet. So getting organized to do their homework, for example, can come as a bit of a challenge.I wish Id known about this because instead of telling my teacher Id lef

18、t my homework on the bus or that the dog had eaten it. Now I could say, “Sorry sir, my brain isnt developed enough for the cognitive task of planning my homework.”1、What is the main idea of the text?AThe growing pains of teenagers.BThe dogma in the text hooks was false.CA new discovery about the tee

19、nagers brain.DThe students new challenge of doing their homework.2、According to the author, why is it a bit of challenge for students to do their homework?AThe students are moody.BHormones are to blame.CThere is too much homework.DThe brains of the students havent been developed.3、What does the unde

20、rlined word manifest mean?ADevelop.BShow.CAbandon.DExperience.4、What can we know from the text?AThe vast majority of brain doesnt develop after mid-childhood.BAll of the students are nightmares for parents during adolescence.CPrefrontal cortex is undergoing large amounts of development during childh

21、ood.DThe prefrontal cortex has something to do with many high-level cognitive tasks.22(8分)In the future those who are taking care of old people may get help from the house itself.Over the last few years, new technology, such as the Internet, Wi-Fi and flat TV screens, has changed our homes and the w

22、ay that we live. Now, another technology revolution is happening. A new project at the University of Hertfordshire wants to create a home that monitors people living in it who are elderly.The researchers have developed a wristband device(装置)which helps us to watch the elderly person who is wearing i

23、t. The device collects information to see if the person has fallen or has wandered away from where he or she should be.The assisted-living project is part of the universitys wider Interhome project, which is the development of a smart house. The house remembers the habits of the person who lives the

24、re and it uses very low amounts of energy. The Interhome team hope that offering this service will help take care of the elderly. They say, “Its very important that these technologies are there to help and support and not replace any of the existing services.”The Interhome is not just a research met

25、hod. Its also a way for students from different scientific backgrounds to learn and develop technology. The university uses the latest technology to help students get experience by developing new hardware and software themselves. The team includes design, engineering and computer science students wo

26、rking together.“We are working on a smart-home project in Watford with some companies at the moment,” says the project leader. “We are looking at how a smart home can provide even more services.” This could help millions of old people around the world have a better and safer life in the future.1、The

27、 wristband device benefits its users by .Achanging the living habits of the elderlyBmonitoring people who live in a smart homeCoffering information to the person wearing itDwatching over the elderly who may fall or get lost2、Whom does the University of Hertfordshire have in its research team?AStuden

28、ts who want to find a job eagerly.BStudents who prefer to work on their own.CStudents from different scientific backgrounds.DStudents with a lot of rich working experience.3、What is the project leaders attitude towards the future of the smart home project?AUncertain. BUninterested.COptimistic. DDisa

29、ppointed.4、What might be the main idea of the passage?AA wristband device has changed the way that we live.BA smart home helps students develop hardware and software.CAn Interhome project has been put into use to help the elderly.DAn Interhome project will help the old live a better and safer life.2

30、3(8分)Martha Gruber, a Tampa Bay Watch environmental scientist, has been honored with a Disney Conservation Hero Award from the Disney Worldwide Conservation Fund( DWCF)The award recognizes local citizens for their tireless efforts to save wildlife, protect habitats and educate communities. Recipient

31、s were nominated(提名) by nonprofit environmental organizations, and each honoree receives an award of $l,50o from DWCF.“Working with students in Tampa Bay is rewarding because I get to see firsthand the impact that our hard work has on the local habitat,” Gruber said. “Im proud to say that Tampa Bay

32、Watchs Bay Grasses in Classes(BGIC) program has given me the opportunity to assist in restoring close to 300 acres with over 19,000 students. Being a Disney Conservation Hero is truly an honor and I am proud to share this achievement with the other Tampa Bay Watch staff members that have contributed

33、 to these efforts.”Gruber has worked with Tampa Bay Watch since 2003, overseeing the Community Salt Marsh program and the BGIC program. She also has been in charge of many large-scale(大规模的)community plantings in her term. In her more than 11 years, Gruber has worked with more than 4,400 community vo

34、lunteers to restore approximately 148 acres of marsh(湿地) habitat.The BGIC program works with local middle and high schools to grow salt marsh grasses on their campuses and then involves them in the planting of their nursery raised grasses at a restoration site.In her time, Gruber has led the BGIC pr

35、ogram to contribute salt marsh grasses to help restore 91 acres of habitat around Tampa Bay. In addition to Marthas impressive restoration impact, she also has a deep impact on everyone with whom she works. She approaches each project with a passion and work ethic(职业道德) that is inspiring.Since 2004,

36、 Disney has honored more than 100 leaders around the world for their extraordinary conservation efforts.1、DWCF gives its awards to people who .Adevote themselves to educationBhave a good impact on studentsCpromote the knowledge of natureDachieve greatly in wildlife protection2、Why does Gruber think

37、her work worthwhile?AHer work connects students with nature.BWorking with children makes her happy.CHer colleagues support her work heartily.DShe can see their efforts make a difference.3、What does the underlined word “approaches” in Paragraph 6 probably mean?AAssists.BProvides.CDeals with.DComes up

38、 with.4、How are the students involved in the BGIC program?ABy attending classes.BBy planting salt marsh grasses.CBy contributing salt marsh grasses.DBy calling on the public to take action.24(8分)Halloween is perhaps the third most popular holiday for parties, coming after New Years and Christmas. Wi

39、th Halloween, we have the opportunity to dress up for the night and “be someone else”.Team MakerIf you are going to have games, you may require teams. One way to put together the teams randomly, thus encouraging guests who dont already know each other, is to have them draw pieces from a cauldron(大锅)

40、 or witchs hat. Beforehand, write enough words on pieces of paper to have one for every guest. On the pieces of paper write words like: Egyptian tomb, pyramid, magic wand, magic spell, black cat, etc. Everyone draws a piece of paper.Dress Up the DeadThis game is not for the shy and may result in som

41、e small rude performance. For the game, you will need a put-together skeleton. They can be found in the Halloween section of many stores. The skeleton can be of wood or plastic, so long as it can be taken apart easily and can be recombined together. The host “buries” the broken up skeleton under a p

42、ile of sawdust, loose dirt or hay in the yard. The first team, while being timed, must discover all the skeleton pieces then run to where theres a hook for hanging the skeleton. They must recombine the skeleton and then, donating parts of their own clothing, dress the skeleton in a shirt and pants.M

43、urder MysteryHost a murder mystery as a play. Select players, either by volunteers or by random drawing or even have guests vote. While the players read over their parts, the rest of the guests arrange the room. Set up a row of chairs facing the party audience. This will be the “stage” where the mur

44、der mystery players will sit and perform their roles. The host keeps the game (play) moving, usually by playing one of the detective characters.1、How can people form a team?ABy giving a performance. BBy making a witchs hat.CBy writing some words. DBy drawing a piece of paper.2、What persons are suita

45、ble for Dress Up the Dead?AThose who can tell stories.BThose who are not brave enough.CThose who dont mind small rudeness.DThose who are not good at making up.3、What is the function of chairs in Murder Mystery?AThey are prepared for the audience to sit.BThey are used to sit in and perform for the pl

46、ayers.CThey are prepared for the host to guide the players.DThey are used to attract the audiences attention.4、What is the best title for the text?AGames for Halloween PartyBHow to Prepare for the Halloween Party?CThe Reason Why Halloween Party Is PopularDWhat Is the Purpose of Halloween Party?25(10

47、分)Durian(榴莲) is probably the smelliest fruit in the world, letting out an unusual unpleasant smell which would make anyone bring up. However, nobody was aware of what gave this fruit its unique smell, so a team of researchers from Singapore decided to take a look at its genome (基因组) and find out,Dur

48、ian is well-known throughout Southeast Asia as the king of fruits, mostly because of its awful appearance and smell. However, the origin of this unpleasant smell was unknown, so researchers decided to map the genome of the fruit, and find the gene that controlled it. A group of genes, volatile sulfu

49、r compounds (含硫化合物), became very active in the fruit, and they were found responsible for resulting in the unpleasant smell.The fruit confuses everyone with a sulfuric smell, like rotten onions and ingredients. The smell lasts long, mostly because the fruit contains more volatile sulfur compounds. O

50、ther species usually benefit from two gene copies at most, but durian has four, leading to the striking smell.However, this smell might be an advantage for durian in the wild. Although we find it unpleasant, many animals might be attracted by it. If they eat the fruit, then they can easily spread it

51、s seeds everywhere, thus contributing to the distribution of the species.The mapping of the durian genome also showed some other information on the species. First of all, the fruit has an impressive number of genes, namely 46,000. Also, with the help of these genes, they saw how it evolved, and disc

52、overed it was related to the cacao tree. All the other discoveries have been published in the journal Nature Genetics.Despite the striking smell, many people actually enjoy eating the fruit. However, not all durian species are edible, and some of them may even cause damage to our health, Even so, th

53、e fruit is often imported, significantly contributing to the economy.1、What give durian its unique smell?AOnions nearby.BTwo gene copies.CRotten ingredients in it.DVolatile sulfur compounds.2、What does the underlined word “evolved” in Paragraph 5 probably mean?ADeveloped.BEscaped.CPredicted.DTolerat

54、ed.3、What can we infer from the text?ANo birds enjoy eating durian.BDurian can be planted all over the world.CSome of durian species can not be eaten.DDurian has no relationship with the cacao tree.4、Whats the best title for the text?AWhats Durian?BThe Influence of the SmellCThe Distribution of Duri

55、anDThe Mystery of the Unpleasant Smell of Durian第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节)第一节(每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项26(30分)It was a particularly stressful day for Judy. She was late getting home from the office and had to finish 1 dinner so that she could 2 to her night class. Judy was at t

56、he stove (厨灶) when she felt a pull on her 3 and could hear the voice of her little daughter, Jennifer, t4Mommy, Mommy, 4 .”“Not now, honey. Mommy is too 5 ,” replied Judy without taking her eyes off the stove. As Judy turned to go to the fridge, she almost tripped over Jennifer, and 6 said, “I dont

57、have 7 , Jennifer. Stay out of the kitchen.”Later that night, Judy returned home and was tidying up the 8 when she noticed a flower on the floor. Under the flower was a piece of paper, reading, “I 9 You, Mommy.” Judy sat there, 10 for about ten minutes. She realized that all Jennifer wanted to do wa

58、s to give her this little 11 of her love. But all she got were some angry words.Judy went 12 to Jennifers room. Even though her daughter was asleep and it was very late, Judy gently 13 Jennifer. Judy held up the flower, saying, “Thank you for the flower, honey. It is the most beautiful 14 Ive ever r

59、eceived.”Jennifers 15 eyes widened and she replied happily, “I picked it just for you and 16 the note all by myself. I love you, Mommy.” And with that Jennifer gave her mother a big 17 .So next time someone 18 you, before brushing him or her off, ask yourself if the thing you are doing can 19 just a

60、 little while longer. You may just realize that what you are doing will still be there tomorrow, but those precious 20 today will soon be gone forever.1、Ahaving Bpreparing Ctasting Dcarrying2、Astay on Bmake out Cget up Drush off3、Aleg Bhead Cshoulder Dhand4、Amove Bdecide Clook Dlisten5、Acold Bhungry


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