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1、.PAGE .当代商务英语听说教程3答案Unit1湍流,激流试订,试购整批交易宣传资料,印刷品财务一揽子计划综合工资black coffeeturbulance, too badelectronic mapAsian markettrial ordersubsidiarysales,supervisora couple of months, HJK projectJNLDNC packagepromotionala sales assistantgive you my busines cardany trouble finding usstaying atwith a viewback hom

2、eyour proposala firm replygo overappreciatea pleasurejeans and tennis shoesattentive and friendlyfirm and shortmake a pointhave a conversationthose casesmake an impressionlook relaxedpotential clientafter the introductionfuture conversationsrepetitionsound likeback pockettypical or other questionsex

3、tend your handloose handshake1609BDictationP10a processmissed opportunityIn factas a result not successfulreflect your ownyour goalsmore than decisive factor communication skills, including written and oral presentations, as well as an ability to work with others, are the main factors contributing t

4、o job success.P12 Conversation 2Task One:the matter of agencythe Managing Directortheir mutual benefitexchange views, all the helpa dinner partyTask Two:He hopes to be appointed as a sole agent of Mr. Jones company in China.He is the Managing Director of the company.For about two years.Because it wi

5、ll benefit both sides.Probably he will discuss the matter of agency with Mr. Lee over the dinner.Personal Digital AssistantUnit 2B. Functional listening P15Task Oneteabuilt-in camerahalf a containeranother appointmentcitys nightlifeTask Twoquite coldhumidaerobics classone weekraisedC. Language Check

6、Task One1. Likewise2. Good day for sports3. so many things4. seem quite dull5. come to dinner6. take a rain check7. suits me very well8. Thank you for the invitationTask Twoyour lovely apartmentthe pattern is so exquisiteI had a promotionI really enjoy this partyI should be off now.the food and drin

7、ksEnjoy yourselfTask ThreeHow arethings?seen you for agesa bit under the weatherhes a workaholica get-togetherI have a meeting hearing from you soonD. Presenting practice1. fifteen minutes2. flowers and chocolate3. in privatePeters really into keeping fit.Hes just not that into you4. seem quite dull

8、suitthe pattern is so exquisitein privateD. Presenting practiceexisting customersnetworks of contactsremember youyouve added themcustomers mindsinteresting or valuableword of mouthStay in touchnotice of a special eventcompetitorsfollow-upremember youcustomersPart 3 Listening PracticeA. Listening foc

9、us1. In a bookstoreTitle, book, worth buying2. In a restaurantFood, ready3.At the cinemaTicket, seatIn the doctors officeTreatments, resultssupermarkettoothpaste, bread, eggsin a bankexchange some franks, currency,US dollarsin a gardenTomatoes, ripe, pick up in a hotelbook, check, double room9. At a

10、 hairdressersA wash and set, blow dry10. in a zooMonkeys, zebras, pandasat a wedding partybride, honeymoodin a liftpress fourteenat a graduation ceremonydoctoral candidates, black robesin the librarykeep these books out, be fined, overdueAt the seaside/ beachGulls, wavesbridegroomwedding ceremonyfin

11、eoverduemountainous wavessuspectB. Dictationopen upin chargevarious channelsinternational exhibitionby emailto cooperatehis purposewhat kind ofIf what is stated in the letter meets the receivers interest or falls into the receivers business scopenew connectionsTask Twoat such a short noticeundercutt

12、ing their pricesas good asa repeat orderbest after-sales serviceConversation TwoWhere are you putting up at?Put up: live temporarilyAt the Hilton Hotel.Because he is ill.100 meric tons.40 tonsHe feels very lucky.D. Passagepersonality differencesthe right to differa matter of opinion, not rig

13、htcompromisepeer-to-peer:对等的foster:培育,培养,怀抱希望len:镜头collaboration:合作sales campaign:促销活动reception:招待会,接待处Unit 3 B. Functional listeningTask OneSpanish officea sales campaignPharmaceuticals Trade Fair27th and 28thexhibition, receptionTask Twocustomerconvention center, Grand Restaurantdetails,finalizeds

14、ymposiumfax, flight timesC. Language checkTask Oneput together a promotional triporganize a promotional tripsome details zbout the trade fair?help us arrange the exhibitionTask TwoCould I speak to Paul Smith?preliminary planningThere are two thingsbooked a limousinetaxi ride from the convention cent

15、erthe venue for the receptionD. Presenting practicethe person in chargecall backarrange an interviewE. Communication Skills1. arouses2. mention the solution3. cost-effective way4. concerned about5. meet this challenge6. home-based business7. corporate headquarters8. creates confusion9. repair people

16、10. slowly and clearly11. with energy12. leave the message13. confident and strongPart 3 Listening PracticeListening FocusNew words and expressionsThink twice 三思,考虑清楚Flare up at sb. 对某人突然发脾气Insult 侮辱Candlestick 烛台Tin 锡制的,渡锡的Soup bowlTask One1-5 BCACC 6-10 CDBAD11-15 CBCBATask Two1-5 CBABC6-10 CDCDA1

17、1-15 ADCDDDictationphone mannerson the phonecompanys imagecan simply sayTry to speakeven necessaryIts acceptableregardless ofhighly unlikelyIts not polite to keep someone waiting when youve placed the call.ConversationsTask One1-5 CBADDTask TwoConversation 1West Coast Trading Company12electrical, ho

18、usehold, hotela hundredfirst class bank referenceConversation 2Sales DepartmentWorld Linking Computerscomputer sound cardsthe pricesThis afternoon8 113238500Not impolitePassageTask One1-5 TTFFFTask Twoidentify yourself and your companystate the purpose of, at a convenient timebetter address your nee

19、dsconvey your greeting quite effectivelyyour department or section nameridiculouscustodialPart 4Because the seller forgot to send him directions of the product.No.All the persons of the company who were involved in the conversation should be blamed for their negligence. But the woman at the customer

20、 service who made the mistake at the first place should take the main responsibility. Unit 4B. Funtional listeningTask Onecompany organizationhigh-quality products30 people270.5 milion dollarsBuilding materialsTask Two15 minutesanswer the questionsfuture growthliquidscloth and paper towels Good afte

21、rnoon,everyone Im the HR manager some basic information about the company about fifteen minutes Ill use the PPT for my talk at the end of my presentation present our main productsour future development strategiescompanys historyThat wraps up lets move on toThats all aboutLet me expand on this pointu

22、sing the following exampleattention to this diagramyour opening and closingyour audience, your environmentmaking eye contactfirst impressionuse the introductionoutline the structuredivided up logicallykey pointsbe enthusiasticlook friendlysum up what you have presentedgood opportunitytry to predicta

23、ccept questions at any timemake it clearshowing interestask for commentsstepladderdrive-in hotdog standB. Dictation brief overviewslide presentationcustomer analysispotential customersin the neighborhoodannual revenueathletic associationsdirect mailstandard menuIn conclusion, I would like to say tha

24、t we are very confident of our prospects of success.C. ConversationsIt is the opening of a training workshop.International relationsFor over thirty years.International relations in the modern world.Two hours.D. Passagea clear goalobjectiveend outcomepoor presentationsa mustthe audienceempathyheartma

25、ttercountUnit 5B. Funtional ListeningTask One1. Sales Manager2. mobile phone3. market research4. European market5. both parents and childrenTask Twobackground, descriptionmain selling pointssoft drinksmore modernage and income groupC. Language CheckTask Onehow this operates in practiceone more point

26、 to add Going back to what I was sayingmentioned earliersells the bestAs a resulta great decrease in the priceTask TwoThat ends the main partsummarize the three main pointsTask Threevery interesting questionwhat exactly do you mean by that?Did I answer your question clearly?I check on thatI hope you

27、 have found this useful.D. Presenting practice 1. short words and sentences2. Because they are easier to understand and more powerful.3. roads name or numberE. Communication skillsinitial segmentcritical judgementstheir attentioneffective communicationduring a presentationyour attitudesemotion or in

28、formationThe lack confuse your audiencebinds togetheryour eyeseach listenerovercome nervousnesscommunication processvending machineoverwhelmedPart 3Rough seas began after the third day of what have been a very pleasant crossing.Indigeous worthlessFaint reconsiderSeeing is believing.Talkative talkabl

29、eNecktie on specialB. Dictationkeep in minda strategybuy into capturing their imaginationBe concisebusiness chartsdrive homeget acrosscall to actionyou may achieve your goal-to persuade your audience to buy your product with good grace.C. ConversationTask One1. a news conference an exhibition show2.

30、3. yarnfabric4. 5.executivesalesTask Twofabrichigh qualitywear and tearcarefully selectedtwisted and wovenlusterbecoming shiny beautiful patternwhiteSpecificationsTask TwoSome leading scientists in the country.The nations leading scientists.One of the customers had got a strange illness after using

31、the product.Because it is a rumor and is not relevant.For more than two years.Santa Claus and Christmas trees will be printed on the packing.D. Passagetoo much contentcardinal overloadwritten wordsa handouttranscribedcross outcall to actiona questiona strong closerUnit 6B. Functional listeningTask O

32、nerenovation of the laboratorydesign teama free discussionthe presidentnominationsTask Twosupply pipelineshave another meetinghighest performanceFar Easternmaking some progressclear objectives and a detailed agendain a constructive mannermeeting effectivenesscan relate toyour companygreatest coffee

33、stationuse quotationsprovide humorwonderfulmade your pointheard in the pastpick upinto your own wordsmanagement toolcome yout wayif you followPart 3Listening FocusTask One1-5 DBDCC 6-10 CDCDD 11-15 CABBCTaskTwo1-5 BDDBC 6-10 DCBCC B. Dictation1. at work2. meeting master3. a few guidelines4. at the t

34、op5. in place6. cancel the meeting7. Its a common problem that some people in a meeting dont really need to be there.8. common problem9. Only the person holding the object is allowed to talk.10. go off the topicConversationsConversation 1Task 11-5 cebadTask 2Conversation 2Task 11-5 CBDAATask 2TV ads

35、Andrews ideathe shopping mallbusiness is warPassageTask Onea. 2. b.c.d.Task TwoTo set fire to your tieTo interrupt the meetingTo announce a phone call from VIPUnit 7Part 1B. Functional ListeningTask One1. check in2. document check3. increase the training4. task force5. check-in staffTask Twomachine

36、toolsjoint venturelocal distributorstronger partnerLatin AmericaLanguage CheckTask OneI have found our morale is falling.The thing I want to look at with youWhy dont we increase so you mean we ought to pay our staff more?increase the bonus for our staffset a date for another meetingTask Twotake this

37、 project forwardI believe we should should be ready within this monthTask ThreeAs far as Im concernedI see no reason why we shouldnt do thatI go long with thatIm 100% behind you.Im sorry to interrupt you What do you mean by thatHaveI made myself understood?D. Presenting practice1. the time and venue

38、2. no less than two days before the meeting3. Agenda Item, Presenter and timeCommunication skillsproceed to offerincrease the possibilitywidely usedcreative thinkingbrief explanationspecific and focuseddifferent backgroundsthe rulesare encouragedlast longereach participanthold upsession leadermore d

39、iscussionrelated groupsPart 3Lostening FocusTask Oneelder, olderas good, asbigger than, smaller than, twice as big asas fluentlyfewer boys, more girlsbetter thansuperior tono better than earliestmore than usualTask Two1-5 BDCCD 6-10 DCBCDTask Threelarger than taller than, shorter than, the tallerThe

40、 harder, the greaterso/as difficult as, less difficultfewerleast, uninterestingelder/youngerthe most intelligentthe second longestmore and moreDictationpreparation workfirst of all, the agenda should be prepared before the meetingproperly informedrelevant toprinted and distributedtake minuteswas pre

41、sentMr. Smith said that all drivers must obey city car parking be paidkeep proper recordsConversationsConversation 1Task One1. b,d 2. c,e 3. aTask Two1. no 2. yes 3. no 4. not mentioned 5. noConversation 21-5 FTFFTTask Two1. Jack 2. Allan 3. Christie 4. Allan 5. BillPassage Task Onere

42、fer back toeffective listeningdiscuss some expected issuesappoint a subcommittee to further discuss the problemlate for other appointments, the chairperson is not effectiveTask TwomanagementprecedentAssignaudio- tapedon trackget sidetrackedminimize thean opportunitycontributementallyUnit 8 Part OneB

43、. Functional listeningTask One1. tactics2. win-win3. position4. lowest offer5. strength and weaknessesTask partner2. common ground3. proposal4. differences5. action planTask Threecontractsupport engineerUK-basedapproachC. Language CheckTask Onewelcome you tothank you for comingintroduc

44、e you tohave a good journeyvery happy to show youTask Twoa very full agendapreliminary agreementmake a presentationdrawn up an agendaTask Three ask any questionsread our proposalrepeat ourselvesyour responsewhat we proposeTask Fourour urgent workunderstand that pointwho would dealtelling me the diff

45、erencecould you tell usif you could finishPresenting practicea very expensive businessthey shout, threaten and demand to get their wayyou can cross it outCommunication skillsworking towardsbusinessdaily necessitiescan be classifiedtask-orientedwaste timeget down to businessvery specifictime is saved

46、can be ignoredthis approachpeople-orientedsome small talksfuture relationshipsthe actual discussionsocial conversationsPart 3Task One1-5 BBBAB 6-10 BBABB 11-15 AABAATask Two1-5 BCDCC 6-10 CBCABB. Dictation1. communicate clearly2. stress the benefits3. complex process4. and working in a second langua

47、ge can make it even more difficult.5. first language6. do your preparation7. go blank8. look up9. to become an effective negotiator and a more successful salesperson, you must understand the power of preparation.10. negotiation processC. ConversationsTask One1-4 BCADTask Tworequirements and specific

48、ations12 months countingtechnical trainingConversation 2Task OneTask Twoan email or telephoneLasting timemost people are creative thenPeople have to travel a long wayavoid meeting after lunchpeople often need a kick-start PassageTask One1. DS 2. T 3. DS 4. T 5. F 6. T 7. TTask Twowhat your opponent

49、wantsmake use of it in negotiationyour opponent is willing to negotiateyour counterparts need the deal, supplier for themUnit 9Part 1B. Functional listeningTask One1. support engineer2. four jobs3. find work4. project engineer5. a few minutesTask Twoshort- term contractproject leaderinterviewproject

50、 workpayment termsC. Language CheckTask Oneperhaps we could talk about the pricewe can make the payment in 30 daysoffer free installationthe terms of the original agreement need to be changedTask Twomusk make the order a large onebut this is a different situationthis is still a standard market pricelets leave it thereIs that accepta


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