十年高考2002高考英语 2006年高考完型填空(共16篇)_第1页
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十年高考2002高考英语 2006年高考完型填空(共16篇)_第3页
十年高考2002高考英语 2006年高考完型填空(共16篇)_第4页
十年高考2002高考英语 2006年高考完型填空(共16篇)_第5页
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1、2002 200616】 C 和 I a( ) , I .I a I a I apuzzled()a I I after, , I .I . I a 调剂) I Ia CD .与 与 引 而 a a A 用心爱心专心- 1 - D B A A。 C D C A用心爱心专心- 2 - Ba取D 或 C a C D。 A B。 用心爱心专心- 3 -D C B C B B A用心爱心专心- 4 -。 D C和 a 网) a .Theyd aa a a , a a . ) D Ba 用心爱心专心- 5 - A C + + A C A B D , A C D 用心爱心专心- 6 - , + + C D

2、 A A 有 50 B 51 B C D B 用心爱心专心- 7 -55 A C和 a I a I .a I, Ia .I family. g a .IIII I I I II .I a a I 用心爱心专心- 8 - D D 用 C和 AD3A D用心爱心专心- 9 -a B a CC 或C” A B我 A” 用心爱心专心- 10 -B C或D B B“ ” D” A C 用心爱心专心- 11 - .a() . a a “ a a !a aa ? . a a , C C .A aD a .B seriousdifficultregular用心爱心专心- 12 -.D ; 。.A 而 .D .

3、A “; .B .C .D 【解析】 。.B 用心爱心专心- 13 - 。.C . B .D B ; .C .A .A ; 用心爱心专心- 14 -.D 。 C 和 II d)a a alife.I d e ”I a . ? sa I I I, I” . s t ” . ” s”a.I sasI aa BII D C B用心爱心专心- 15 - A 的 C A C C A B B C D B A 用心爱心专心- 16 - D A A CI 。 A D DC C B A B B A 用心爱心专心- 17 -D A共) a , ( ) 心) T , A aa , a ).a . , 用心爱心专心-

4、 18 - 总评:完形填空讲述的是第三世界的儿童和发达国家儿童的问题。通过 对比,来阐述问题。文章篇章结构很清楚,内容具有时代气息。通过上下文的理解来判断答案还是主体,词的辨析和固定配搭还是重点,先易后难的解题方法还是值得提倡,因为完形填空一般有四道左右的区分度大的拉分题。技巧点拨: 考生可以借助一下几个关键词快速把握好文章的大意和脉络:childhood-survival-spirit-relation-role-space andtime -indoors/outside-not at allC【备考建议】B D B A与【备考建议】A C用心爱心专心- 19 -DA见DCC D见CB 与

5、父母一样整天上学会迟到D和C 与 不必D用心爱心专心- 20 -见AA 【备考建议】 和 a ) I 6 , a a .Aa , 回 C用心爱心专心- 21 - A ” ” A C D A C B B 意 。 D D A 用心爱心专心- 22 - before 和 C B D , A B D C B DA C a, However,用心爱心专心- 23 -. . , a a D a . gi ,us ,a C , , , B AA B。 D 用心爱心专心- 24 - D 于 B A A。 C C BBA和。 A 是, C用心爱心专心- 25 - a D , ” a A 。 C, 知, , ,

6、和。 B D, , , DAC和D。 A , 说, C用心爱心专心- 26 - C和 . a, . . a, . a II I . . . a a aa D, girl”。BC C A。 B/a/ 用心爱心专心- 27 -A。 B ADC。 DBCDC。 A D C A B D用心爱心专心- 28 - DB D 。 D 。A 态 引 。B ” II I。 C II I 用心爱心专心- 29 - ADB。 C 。 B。 A 。 C。 C.用心爱心专心- 30 - 和B节 题分和 ha , . sky. , (蹄声). . a . . A a . II a a a B C , , , , , ,

7、;B C A用心爱心专心- 31 -。 B。使 C A D 是 A a B DAB C A A用心爱心专心- 32 - C D C B / sb( A A 。 B A) C。 D D 和B 用心爱心专心- 33 - A D C和In the city of Fujisawa, lives a woman named Atsuko Saeki. When shearrived, she 36 of going to the United States. Most of what sheknew about American37 was from the textbooks she had rea

8、d. “I had a38 in mind: Daddy watching TV in the living room. Mummytheir teenage daughter off to the cinema with her boyfriend.”39 cakes andAtsuko 40 to attend college in California. When she arrived, she found it was not her 41 world. “People were struggling with problemsand often seemed 42 ,”she sa

9、id. “I felt very alone.”One of the hardest 43 was physical education. “We played volleyball,”she said. “The other students were 44 it, but I wasnt.”One afternoon, the instructor asked Atsuko to45 the ball to herteammates so they could knock it 46 the net. No problem for mostpeople. But is terrified

10、Atsuko. She was afraid of losing face 47 she failed.A young man on her team 48 what she was going through.“He walkedup to me and 49 , Come on, can do that.”“You will never understand how those words of50made mefeelFour wordsYou can do that. I felt like crying with happiness.”She made it through the

11、class. Perhaps she thanked the young man; she is51 .notSix years have passed. Atsuko is back in Japan , working as a salesclerk. “Ihave52 forgotten the words,” she said. “When things are not going sowell, I think of them.”She is sure the young man had no idea how much his kindness53 to “He probably

12、doesnt even remember it.”she said, That may be the lesson.Whenever you say something to a personcruel or kindyou have no ides howlong the words will54 .Shes all the way over in Japan, but still she hearsthose four 55 words; You can do that.用心爱心专心- 34 - C , B TVoffAAC a C A 煎 蒸 煮 。B B found D B Ia A ID用心爱心专心- 35 - C it”A B , I ” D 踢 传 击 BC C 而 B I )it A D 。 D B用心爱心专心- 36 -BD D ABC I 和 C D A B a CA B A D用心爱心专心- 37 -I , aa a .I I .I I ! II I , I I I) I .aI ,I I III a I . C。 B。A D a A 。用心爱心专心- 38 -。 B C 。 D A C A a DA


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